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Thread: help about my new bulking cycle

  1. #1
    kareem is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013

    help about my new bulking cycle

    hello every one
    i want help about my new bulking cycle
    first Here is the cycle
    week 1 to 8 : testosterone propionate 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 1 to 4 : Danabol 60 mg (6 tablets) every day for 6 days per week ..take 2 tablets every 4 hours
    week 1 to 6 : trenbolone 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 5-10 : primobolane 1 ml 4 times per week
    week 5-9 : stanazol 1 m 3 times per week

    now i am in second week i want to ask about
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    P.s. AAS is dosed in mg not mls

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    P.s. AAS is dosed in mg not mls
    Yes, please give your mg dose. 1ml of what????? That tells us nothing.

    Seems too much for a 23 year old. I hope your USING an AI.

    Is this your first cycle?

    Not well designed IMO.

  4. #4
    Giggle's Avatar
    Giggle is offline Female Member
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    Hi Kareem and welcome.
    I'm curious why every compound has a different schedule?
    And primo only for the last two weeks?
    Quote Originally Posted by kareem View Post
    hello every one
    i want help about my new bulking cycle
    first Here is the cycle
    week 1 to 8 : testosterone propionate 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 1 to 4 : Danabol 60 mg (6 tablets) every day for 6 days per week ..take 2 tablets every 4 hours
    week 1 to 6 : trenbolone 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 5-10 : primobolane 1 ml 4 times per week
    week 5-9 : stanazol 1 m 3 times per week

    now i am in second week i want to ask about
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced

  5. #5
    kareem is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post

    P.s. AAS is dosed in mg not mls
    yes sorry it's 100mg/.5ml
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Yes, please give your mg dose. 1ml of what????? That tells us nothing.
    Seems too much for a 23 year old. I hope your USING an AI.
    sorry but what is AI
    Is this your first cycle?
    no it is my third cycle
    Not well designed IMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Giggle View Post
    Hi Kareem and welcome.
    I'm curious why every compound has a different schedule?
    And primo only for the last two weeks?
    a doctor here give me this cycle

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by kareem View Post
    a doctor here give me this cycle
    You mean a doctor in your home country. Not on this site?

    Bodyfat %
    Cycle history

    Please answer

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kareem
    hello every one
    i want help about my new bulking cycle
    first Here is the cycle
    week 1 to 8 : testosterone propionate 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 1 to 4 : Danabol 60 mg (6 tablets) every day for 6 days per week ..take 2 tablets every 4 hours
    week 1 to 6 : trenbolone 1 ml 3 times per week
    week 5-10 : primobolane 1 ml 4 times per week
    week 5-9 : stanazol 1 m 3 times per week

    now i am in second week i want to ask about
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced
    This whole plan concerns me on many levels.

    First, lets talk about this so called doctor that recommended this cycle. Was his name Dr. Dre or some other quirky street name? I find it nearly impossible to believe a licensed practitioner of medicine would prescribe such a reckless treatment and I can't imagine a condition where this would even be clinically indicated!!! Moreover, why would a physician prescribe such a treatment and not properly advise you on how/where to administer/inject the compounds!?! So, I'm left to assume this doctor is a complete negligent idiot or there really was no doctor involved.

    Second, you need to be more specific on the doses. Is every bottle dosed at 200mg/ml (100mg/0.5ml according to you)? If so, that's a lot of gear and I'm not sure I'd advise someone to take 600mg of winstrol weekly unless you are very experienced. 300mg/wk caused me significant joint and ligament issues. Most winstrol is water based and generally taken orally. Why bother with dbol when you are running tren and primo? Are the tren and primo short esters, if not, the planned cycle (aside from being a mess) would be too short.

    Third, what's an AI!?!?! If you are asking this, you shouldn't be using steroids yet. An aromatase inhibitor (AI) prevents the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen. Rising levels of estrogen can pose very serious clotting and cardiac issues as well as increase risks for prostate related diseases. Many of these risks can even be asymptomatic, meaning you may not have signs or symptoms of these potentially dangerous conditions occurring.

    Fourth, what is your planned PCT????

    You really aren't ready for this in my honest opinion.

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I wanna find a Doc that rx's Tren !

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I wanna find a Doc that rx's Tren!
    yeah right...
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  10. #10
    kareem is offline New Member
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    my tren bottle is 10cm 200mg/1cm
    please replay to me about this:
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kareem
    my tren bottle is 10cm 200mg/1cm
    please replay to me about this:
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced
    No, those doses are incorrect.

    Someone else will help. You simply ignored my other comments and questions, I'm not wasting any more time with you.

    Good luck.
    Back In Black likes this.

  12. #12
    kareem is offline New Member
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    sorry every one about my trenbolone dosage as this one i use:
    my dosage is .5ml: 3times per week
    please replay to me about this:
    1/which area is the best to inject them??
    2/can i mix testosterone propionate with trenbolone
    in one syringe??
    3/when i inject testosterone propionate and trenbolone
    in hips i get Swellings and some times Bleed a little blood is that normal??
    finally thanks in advanced
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails help about my new bulking cycle-finarex-200-500x500.jpg  
    Last edited by kareem; 11-25-2013 at 09:11 AM.

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    How about you reply first

    Bodyfat %
    Years training
    Cycle history

    And what doctor prescribed this?

    There are other questions you haven't answered either, you need to help us to help you.

    And remove that picture, no source posting allowed.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 11-25-2013 at 04:21 AM.

  14. #14
    kareem is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=Back In Black;6741951]How about you reply first

    Bodyfat %:10% 7KG
    Years training:3years Without continued as I stopped for a period of 8 months due to an injury in the lower back
    Continuous: 1year
    Cycle history:
    #1- 1/2012:3/2012
    week 1:8 testo cypoinat alpha 3 ampls/week
    week 1:4 danabol 10mg per day
    #2- 3/2013:6/2013
    week 1:8 testo ripped 3amps/week
    week 1:4 danabol 20mg/day
    week 4:12 primobolane 3amps/week
    and i stop work out and back again at 9/2013
    And what doctor prescribed this?
    doctor here in egypt
    after he make some blood Analysis
    now he in USA and i have no connection with him
    There are other questions you haven't answered either, you need to help us to help you.

    ask me about what u BTW i am in week 3 of this cycle

  15. #15
    juiceme11 is offline New Member
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    Dam 150 and you want to run that much ****ing gear. How about you save that money, and hire a coach to take care of your diet and training cause you clearly have no ****ing idea what your doing lol
    I'm sure if you cut the tren - primo - winstrol - test prop - dbol - **** that's 5 compounds really 150 lbs , anyway cut those compounds I'm sure you'll find money in there somewhere to get a coach.
    I'm sure with diet and just test you can make at least 180 maybe more
    get your shit together

  16. #16
    clarkey02's Avatar
    clarkey02 is offline Junior Member
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    This dude is either trolling or trying to off himself. What the hell kind of doctor would prescribe this lol?

  17. #17
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds like a doc that also does butt and breast implants out of public toilets using utensils he stole from a burger joint. Be careful man, this is not something you should be messing with. You are simply being used as a guinnea pig for some wierd experiment if this was actually suggested to you. Just be careful. This sounds like the worst plan since I read about a guy asking if he should shoot his gear right into his testicles. By the way, dont shoot that into your testicles!!!

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