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  1. #1
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    cycle critique - Test E, SD, hGH and slin

    Just posting my next cycle for comments/critique.

    216lbs, 10% bf
    5th cycle - First using hGH, slin and an oral.

    I've been running hGH for 8 weeks now - 5iu/day (4 weeks with insulin )
    Will stay on hGH for at least 26 weeks.

    Weeks 1-12: 500mg Test E/week (1000mg frontload)
    Weeks 2-5: 20mg Superdrol/day

    Also running insulin (NovaRapid). Up to 10iu 2-3x a day on a 4 weeks on 4 weeks off protocol.

    AI: Aromasin 12.5mg/day
    Liver support

    PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    May throw in some T3, yet to decide.

    I always frontload my Test, I have my reasons and don't want to turn this thread into a frontload debate. I know people will say I don't need to when using an oral. But i have so thats that.

    So far, starting the hGH i got the bloated hands after a week or so. This side subsided after about week 5.

    I used insulin and GH together before the starting the AAS to get a feel for it and to safely evaluate where I stand as far a blood glucose goes. All I can say for first timer using slin - incredible pumps.

    I started the test e 1.5 weeks ago, and started superdrol just a couple of days ago.

    So far so good, will keep updating as i progress.

    Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you don't like hcg ?

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    fifth cycle at 25! damn looks like you'll be cycling for the rest of your life!

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    fifth cycle at 25! damn looks like you'll be cycling for the rest of your life!
    It may be shortened, but he'll be big the whole time.

  5. #5
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    you don't like hcg?
    Ive used HCG once, kind of hard for me to get hold of. Ive come off longish cycles of test and tren , using Nolva and Clomid protocol with no problems at all with a rather quick recovery. Bloods always come back bang on aswell, never come back with low LH, FSH or test.

    I guess if it was more readily available to me I would use it.

  6. #6
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    fifth cycle at 25! damn looks like you'll be cycling for the rest of your life!
    Started at 23, I know its still quite young but hey thats what I did. I stay off for at least the same period I'm on, and 2 cycles were test only.

    As above, my recoveries so far have been problem free. All hormone levels back to normal (and not in the low end of the scale) after around 6-8 weeks max.

    I'm prepared to be on it for as long as I'm alive. Its a lifestyle choice and a big part of my life.

  7. #7
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post
    Ive used HCG once, kind of hard for me to get hold of. Ive come off longish cycles of test and tren , using Nolva and Clomid protocol with no problems at all with a rather quick recovery. Bloods always come back bang on aswell, never come back with low LH, FSH or test.

    I guess if it was more readily available to me I would use it.
    I think you forgot that your profile states 23, either way you are very young and that coming back without hcg will not last forever if there isn't damage done already. It's progressive...

  8. #8
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    It may be shortened, but he'll be big the whole time.
    My life will be shortened... is this what you are getting at? I don't really appreciate responses like this. I posted my stats and cycle for critique about THE CYCLE, not my lifestyle choices.

    I started young, yes. But not 16 or 18yo. Please post some stats, with references, showing me I am on my way to an early grave.

    I consider myself well educated. This is the first cycle I've done with as many compounds, and not every cycle will be as heavy, but I want to give new things a go.

    Not really the response Im after but thanks bud.

  9. #9
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would try my hardest to get a hold of hcg . i have a friend that started pretty young and he used clomid and nolva only for pct. Said it always worked well in the past, then after a cycle it no longer worked so he went back on and has not come off. He is mid 20's. Not comparing the two of you, but when you are younger, the mind and body tend to feel indestructible. just trying to prevent you from having damage you will not want.
    All the best!

  10. #10
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    I would try my hardest to get a hold of hcg . i have a friend that started pretty young and he used clomid and nolva only for pct. Said it always worked well in the past, then after a cycle it no longer worked so he went back on and has not come off. He is mid 20's. Not comparing the two of you, but when you are younger, the mind and body tend to feel indestructible. just trying to prevent you from having damage you will not want.
    All the best!
    Thanks for the input mate. I'm guessing you would recommend to run theough cycle, not just a pre PCT kickstart?

    And i may have to change my profile stats. Cheers man

  11. #11
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post
    Thanks for the input mate. I'm guessing you would recommend to run theough cycle, not just a pre PCT kickstart?

    And i may have to change my profile stats. Cheers man
    Yes through cycle, the loading up at beginning of PCT is older method.
    This is a good read by Austinite and it will make sense to you.
    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

  12. #12
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    Yes through cycle, the loading up at beginning of PCT is older method.
    This is a good read by Austinite and it will make sense to you.
    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections
    cool thanks for that.

    btw, can't seem to edit my age in my profile... any ideas with changing DOB or anything?

  13. #13
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post

    cool thanks for that.

    btw, can't seem to edit my age in my profile... any ideas with changing DOB or anything?
    The age is fixed at the time you join, which was 2yrs ago.

  14. #14
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    The age is fixed at the time you join, which was 2yrs ago.
    Damn can't change it at all then, MODS?

    Not sure why I would state that I'm 2 years younger especially on this type of forum. Oh well I state age in my stats on new threads.

    Thanks bro

  15. #15
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post

    Damn can't change it at all then
    I don't think you can change it. But if I were to check your profile for your age, I just have to see when you join and add accordingly.

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