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Thread: Help me with my third cycle!!

  1. #1
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Help me with my third cycle!!

    Hey everyone i rly need ur advice im 23 yrs old 80kg 178 cm,with 12%body fat,, first one was npp 200 (20ml) and prop 100 (20ml),,second was methanabol tabs and test cyp 20ml,,followd by winstrol tabs and test cyp,,but both was on low doses,,(100 tabs of 10 ml) so i rly need ur advice on this one ,,im thinking to run tren ,prop,dbol what do you think ? and how do u suggest to take the doses im thinking of tren50,prop100,dbol30 eod i heard its so strong and gonna see alotof difference with 50 whats ur opinion about this and if u did tren how was ur gaines ? And how u suggest me to use it im new with tren ,,and my goal is to build mass as much as possible without fat or water gains..

  2. #2
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    What were your stats before your first two cycles?

  3. #3
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    69-70 kg with 14% bodyfat,,one was befor 6 months and nandrolone was befor 2 years

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Just by trying to read this mess.You came to us 2 cycles too late.Before you go any farther you should read our stickys.There is a ton of info in there that you need to know.
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  5. #5
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Personally I suggest you run a test only cycle at a higher dose, and revamp your bulking diet. Don't get hooked into constantly upping the doses when you can't gain weight.
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  6. #6
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Just by trying to read this mess.You came to us 2 cycles too late.Before you go any farther you should read our stickys.There is a ton of info in there that you need to know.
    Its not my fault my coach told me that npp is good for my joints ,,but what do u suggest me to do now ? Is there anything wrong now? Do i need to check a doctor or something ?

  7. #7
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Personally I suggest you run a test only cycle at a higher dose, and revamp your bulking diet. Don't get hooked into constantly upping the doses when you can't gain weight.
    If doing test only is the right thing what test do u suggest ? And on what doses ?

  8. #8
    voshi is offline Junior Member
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    test enth or test cyp, 500mg a week. 10-12 weeks. you should know this. as above like the bro said, get reading them stickies.
    too many people asking about the very basics. read bro read. and good luck

  9. #9
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by moss33 View Post
    If doing test only is the right thing what test do u suggest ? And on what doses ?
    Depends on your preference. Propionate for a shorter cycle, Enanthate or Cypionate for a 12-14 weeker. Go for pharm grade if you can get it, much more potent. Pick a moderate dose (500mg-750mg depending on the ester) and run it with all your ancillaries.

    And then eat, eat, eat. Wake up in the middle of the night and eat again. Clean food. Your results won't be as great as for first cycle probably, but you should see noticeable strength gains and at a few lbs of lean tissue if you do well.

  10. #10
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by voshi View Post
    test enth or test cyp, 500mg a week. 10-12 weeks. you should know this. as above like the bro said, get reading them stickies.
    too many people asking about the very basics. read bro read. and good luck
    Oky bro i know that doing stacks are wrong for first time..if my first cycle was wrong that was 2 years ago my 2nd cycle is test cyp with methanabol tablets for 4 weeks,5th week jst cyp,6th week cyp and winni tablets ,,i guess nothing wrong with this cycle right? Ive read it in this site before its a bigginer stack,,so will it be wrong if i did deca test now ? Or i jst have to do test alone whats the difference ? Its the third time that my body will see test in it i mean whats the big wrong in this? Our bro songdog sayed its wrong read the stickys okay ive already did and i knw my first cycle was wrong but now my body already saw that 2 cycles!! Cant i do test deca ? Or its jst the test alone i dont have any other choice ?

  11. #11
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Depends on your preference. Propionate for a shorter cycle, Enanthate or Cypionate for a 12-14 weeker. Go for pharm grade if you can get it, much more potent. Pick a moderate dose (500mg-750mg depending on the ester) and run it with all your ancillaries.

    And then eat, eat, eat. Wake up in the middle of the night and eat again. Clean food. Your results won't be as great as for first cycle probably, but you should see noticeable strength gains and at a few lbs of lean tissue if you do well.
    Bro plz read what i wrote to voshi i wanna hear ur opinion too

  12. #12
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by moss33 View Post
    Oky bro i know that doing stacks are wrong for first time..if my first cycle was wrong that was 2 years ago my 2nd cycle is test cyp with methanabol tablets for 4 weeks,5th week jst cyp,6th week cyp and winni tablets ,,i guess nothing wrong with this cycle right? Ive read it in this site before its a bigginer stack,,so will it be wrong if i did deca test now ? Or i jst have to do test alone whats the difference ? Its the third time that my body will see test in it i mean whats the big wrong in this? Our bro songdog sayed its wrong read the stickys okay ive already did and i knw my first cycle was wrong but now my body already saw that 2 cycles!! Cant i do test deca ? Or its jst the test alone i dont have any other choice ?
    I'm not gonna insult you man, but you really need to research more. Yes I see what you've done in the past, go get bloodwork done before you cycle again. Yes, you could do test/deca but I don't think you are knowledgeable enough to really maximize your gains on a cycle like that. A well run test cycle with a good diet plan is cheaper and will probably be more effective for you(less bloat, no risk of progestin related gyno, less ancillaries, easier to come back from). Do you know what progestin related sides are? What was your PCT for your last cycles? Did you run HCG ? AI'S? This isn't an insult to you man but you're knowledge is still at a beginner level even though you've already experimented. We all start somewhere knowing little to nothing but once you made the choice to start playing with your endocrine system you have no excuse for not at least attempting to become an expert on the subject.
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  13. #13
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Yea bro i knw that stuff i ran hcg alone for the first week and then hcg and clomid for 3 more weeks,,well ill be running deca test cyp and adding 50 mg of mesterolone ..what do you think about this ? And hcg clomid then for recovery and thanks alot bro ur not insulting me u just know more and im happy that ur helping me ,,im reading alot but my fisrt cycle was wrong i know that i was a kid and ddnt knw all of this

  14. #14
    moss33 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by moss33 View Post
    Yea bro i knw that stuff i ran hcg alone for the first week and then hcg and clomid for 3 more weeks,,well ill be running deca test cyp and adding 50 mg of mesterolone ..what do you think about this ? And hcg clomid then for recovery and thanks alot bro ur not insulting me u just know more and im happy that ur helping me ,,im reading alot but my fisrt cycle was wrong i know that i was a kid and ddnt knw all of this
    How many cycles did u ran and what was them?

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Did you have blood work done? I would start there.And when you are ready test only bro 500mg a week.That is a good starting point and its good for 4 or 5 cycles easy.With a good diet.

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