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  1. #41
    jammergsxr's Avatar
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    Well I just shot 500mgs Tuesday and today its pretty sore.The injection site isn't red but a little warm to the touch.Mine is lot#010.The pain feels like it's legit stuff!

  2. #42
    H.pYl0ri is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by mmaximus25
    one thing does bother me though.... My prop has the correct markings but there is not a batch # or exp. date
    Maximus, I looked at one of my bottles of the STAN QV 50 and the lot number and expiration is printed on the label under where it says CONSULTE AL MEDICO VETERINARIO. In really small writing. Does it mean something when they're not stamped with the expiration and lot#? I didn't really feel anything off of the stan.

    Originally posted by caseyviator
    was the batch numb and exp date stamped on or just on the bottle as in the pics in the link ya posted????????????????
    i have been investigating this crap for awhile so far ive been cumin up with at-least on the eth is if its stamped on it seems to be workin,but when included on lable not so good--this is preliminary data so far as i am not jumpin to conclusions yet!!

  3. #43
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    cant see the pic too well, but i think thats an older batch of prop where the batch/exp was actually printed with the same ink as the lable rather than being stamped, this was before qv had the stamping machine from what they said when questioned about it...

  4. #44
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by H.pYl0ri

    Maximus, I looked at one of my bottles of the STAN QV 50 and the lot number and expiration is printed on the label under where it says CONSULTE AL MEDICO VETERINARIO. In really small writing. Does it mean something when they're not stamped with the expiration and lot#? I didn't really feel anything off of the stan.

    Ok, I see where you're talking about... says Lot QVP-003 exp 2004, but like I said the prop feels good, the eq is there and the deca is working well. It is just the enanthate I think is under dosed...
    I can’t back this with scientific data but I know how I feel and what I look like after four five weeks of 400mg of test E.... I was taking 500mg a week... felt more like 200-300mgs...
    I'm not going to chisel this in stone due to my poor diet right now... but I will like I said test the QV enant250 during my bridge and that will tell me what I need to know.... I mean bros are going down south and getting for QV Test for $20 a bottle.... QV Bold 35$...crazy cheap... yeah just as cheap as Brovel... weird or suspicious
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 06-19-2003 at 06:38 AM.

  5. #45
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    The thing about getting this batch tested is it would prove without a doubt...

    1. That it really IS underdosed

    2. That QV can't be trusted, especially when it posts it's "test results" on its website and they're false.

    The second is way more important to anybody who buys QV products, which is a LOT of people on this board.

  6. #46
    Iowa Boy is offline Associate Member
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    I have had same shit happening with me. Water and no real gains. Kinda sucks. All the time and energy to just fucked. Thanks QV.

  7. #47
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    Well, if it's any consolation, I'm midweek 7 of 400mg/wk of the EQ and 400mg of that T En and I'm up ten pounds. The QV EQ I've got seems fine. Nothing started happening until week 5.

  8. #48
    The Butcher's Avatar
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    I did QV Enan about a year ago and thought is was pretty worthless (1g/week). However, I have used their prop and thought it seemed to work ok. Sorry, I don't have the batch of the QV 250 I was using. From that experience, I decided not to use QV 250 anymore. However, I have a buddy that has been doing half a bottle a week of the QV 250 and he thinks it works pretty good. That's sort of a maintenance dose for him though. So, maybe it's just underdosed and you guys need to double your intake.

    Mmax, FYI I just got a bottle of QV Prop and the new bottles have the date stamped on them. My batch is QVP 005, exp 10-05. The date is stamped on there with the same type of stamping the other QV products have (as opposed to the printed batch/exp date other QV products have shown up with). I just started taking 200mg/eod (beginning last night) so I will let you know how it feels. I'm throwing it on top of 1g/week of Red Star Sus b/c I think the Red Star Sus is bunk. I wanted to see if it helped to add 700mg/week of Prop.
    Last edited by The Butcher; 06-19-2003 at 02:21 PM.

  9. #49
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by johnsomebody
    The thing about getting this batch tested is it would prove without a doubt...

    1. That it really IS underdosed

    2. That QV can't be trusted, especially when it posts it's "test results" on its website and they're false.

    The second is way more important to anybody who buys QV products, which is a LOT of people on this board.
    Good points, I was blinded by my own rage in this instance and was only thinking in terms of "how does knowing for sure make up for what they've done to me

    Yeah, i'm all for testing, though I don't know how we go about it while protecting everyone's identities. Maybe there are mods or vets who could fill us in on how we could go about it without doing it. All i can think of is that we might have one very senior and trusted member who has a batch they aren't going to run do the actual testing and we simply paypal or stormpay "donations" to him for that cause? After testing, he simply scans and posts results. I'm planning on running mine,since I'm going to up the dosage, but i know of at least one or two that is'd just have to be a matter of people trusting him with paypal donations or something similar. Maybe we should talk about this.

  10. #50
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    i'm not real sure about how to go about getting this stuff tested. i hate to thow out names in this situation, but in this case it may be worth it.

    ptbyjason, or cyc would be a couple guys i know of that might be able to tell you how to get this done without revealing identities. if i had the means, i'd do it myself, but i've never had to have this done before. for what its worth, i'd be happy to contribute a vial of the 009.

    if theres anything else i can do, i'd be happy to help........

    peace I4L

  11. #51
    Christos's Avatar
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    I'm on #010 third shot and they all still hurt! I'm doing 1ml every 3 days and my ass is all lumpy. I was going to get the prop but had no more room.
    Has anyone tried to email QV?

  12. #52
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    I'll check into it too, at least I could try to find how much it might cost and who could do it.

    You got an extra vial of the #007 you can contribute Big Green?

  13. #53
    poppapump58's Avatar
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    i took there enanthate last december and it is the same batch you had. my gains werent that good either. qv cyp is alot better than their enanthate.

  14. #54
    RanDa11 is offline New Member
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    QV test et 250

    I just bought / started taking Qv test et 250 at 500 mgs per week. I am an experienced user of steroids , and thi is my first time taking this brand. You say that the "7 batch of Expiration 2005" is underdosed and shitty. I took my first dose of QVE batch 10 exp. 2005 and im sore and slightly swolen. i will keep posted with my gains

  15. #55
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    I've been mixing it with the EQ about 50/50 and I've never had any pain at all, which surprised me a little since everyone warned about how the Enanthate hurt.The one time I injected the QVEnanthate #007alone there was still no pain at all.

    So it might be a good thing if the newer batches hurt a bit when they're injected cause the older batches that seemed to work well were that way too, from what I recall.

  16. #56
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Question What kind of "hurt" are we talking about?

    I'm shooting QV TE 250(batch 009)..1cc every 5 days, and don't have any pain during injection...but the ester fatty acid deposit feels sorta painful in thee.

    What exactly are you guys talking about when you say hurt? A sting upon injection..burning sensation around area...the enanthate deposit releasing?

    Please describe it...

    By the way...I am getting the best, most intense pumps of my life on this nuts have voice has even deepened a bit, according to others. I'm up about 15lbs, and have little water retention to speak of...I am also taking Proviron ED.

    Not to hijack the post...but why do I not here much at all about you bros running Proviron as your anti-e?



  17. #57
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    You're using only the T?
    Anyway, I'm glad to hear #009 is working.

  18. #58
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Yes...only Test!
    I decided to go old school, and keep it simple for my 1st cycle...and has it ever paid off(like I said...roughly water...and I'm only half way through my freakin cycle)! The only change I will make for my next cycle may be to front load with d-bol...then....maybe go up to 400mg per week of Test...but of course it will be BTG Delatestryl 200mg human grade from my pharmacist.

    After researching my ass off, and talking to tons of people..both on and off the forum...I came to the conclusion that I'd rather build my muscle over the course of SEVERAL cycles...a little each time...more maintainable gains...that's why I'm so shocked that I'm putting on so much damn muscle!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean...I'm getting stretch marks again!



  19. #59
    Covey is offline Junior Member
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    I am in my 3 week of doing 350 mg a week for the QV Tess 250
    I did a shot on monday in my right tricep! My arm is on fire and I cant move it! My left arm is 17' and my right is 18.5' now! How long does the shit stay in there. I am using batch number 009. The first two I put in my ass and have had no pain but my arm is crazy! So far I am not a fan of QV tess

  20. #60
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    Hey DentDepot,

    Awesome results!. I'm just glad I didn't try going T-only with my batch of QVE -I might be same weight weeks later and beating my brains out wondering what the heck I'm doing wrong.

    Fortunately, like I said, the QV EQ's working for me, though it didn't start to kick in til week 5. Gotta give em credit for that.

  21. #61
    Christos's Avatar
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    To: the dent depot

    I'm on #010 was planning 1ml every 3 days but the first three shots are still there. It's a good sized lump bigger then a marble, red, and it's very sensitive (sore) to the touch. It kind of feels like a big fucking zit that's really deep. There was no pain shooting i've shoot my self enough times. This is the first time I have had a reaction to gear so I don't know if it is the alcohol, the ester or something else that is foreign. I've done test enth before just not QV so it's not the test but something else. This really pisses me off cause I was going to get prop but had no room for all of them now I'm stuck with some shitty gear. I hope the discription helps.

  22. #62
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    And you're using a 1.5" needle...and going all the way in? That sounds like the material isn't going deep enough...I've heard of that happening when people use too short of a needle ...don't push all the way in...or start pulling out before their done injecting...hmmm
    Maybe it's a reaction the the alcohol.



  23. #63
    Christos's Avatar
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    23 gauge 1.5" all the way into the meat of my ass. It's weird cause this is my 8th cycle and I have never had a problem. Maybe it's just time for something to happen.
    When I'm sitting down it's ok if I'm straight up but when I move to either cheek wow you can really feel it, just a ball in there. I tried to drain it but nothing came out.

  24. #64
    Whid is offline New Member
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    i'm goin to keep this bumped so you guys with batch 10 can give some input on if it realy hurts...

    all the test i've ever used that worked hurt... so that mihgt be agood thing... lol

  25. #65
    Christos's Avatar
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    Batch #010 is no good i've done enough test to know when you have problems. No more QV test for me. My source has Brovel now so I'll go back to that.

  26. #66
    jammergsxr's Avatar
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    I'm using batch 10 now and the shit is legit!500mgs a week and it's kicking the shit out of my ass,pain last for 4-5 days then goes away just in time for my next shot.I've used QV in the past and I'm getting the same results now.

  27. #67
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Arrow's my latest therory on the QV situation.
    I finished off my 1st bottle 5 days ago, and opened a new one tonight for a shot...1cc
    It's labeled to be from the same batch as my 1st...009.
    I think each bottle may have differnt concentrations than others. Maybe?
    I notice a few things different from this shot than my others:
    -The metalic taste is lasting MUCH longer than before...the other was for like 15-20 min...this one has been for over an hour, so far.
    -The "ester lump" if you will...feels larger and more painful...not a bad pain by any means, just more throbbish.
    -I didnt shake any more or less than I normaly do when I shoot...about as much as Michael Jackson watching Sesame Street re-runs!


  28. #68
    gwendels is offline Junior Member
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    I just got 2 bottles of qv enanthate 250 10 ml. will take first shot sat with deca 300 also qv. heard deca will kill the burn. will keep you all posted......

  29. #69
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Ok, today my ass feels 10x worse than it EVER has after the shots from the previous bottle. I can barely sit down for Christ sake! I don't know if I might have moved the needle around more than normal, or if this batch
    is contaminated. I guess I'll see if this is the worst of it...who knows, it might get even worse.......feels kinda like I got kicked in the ass cheek with a steel toe boot...that kind of deep muscle pain. I'm going to stay positive, and think that these are sighns that this bottle is dosed much higher than the 1st.



  30. #70
    pumpseeker's Avatar
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    I know how you all feel....I'm using QV winny, schering primo and tornel super test...and EVERY shot leaves soreness and swelling for 4-8 days. I've tried glutes using a 23G1 1/2", and quads, delts and lats using a 25G1" pin all with an ultra still technique. I'm getting used to ibuprofen and ice packs.

  31. #71
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    Dude...squash the I buprofen...did you read the article I posted on it in another thread? Very bad stuff for bodybuilders!


  32. #72
    BuffDaddy6982 is offline New Member
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    are you guys using the 50ml stuff or just the regular 10c/ml vials?

  33. #73
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    10cc bottles here...and it's kind of stupid that I'm putting myself through the not knowing if this shit is underdosed or whatever...I have an Rx for it, and have started stocking up on BTG Delatestryl...but I'm gonna do the QV and get it over with......but I can hardly wait to go on the human shit!!!!


  34. #74
    gwendels is offline Junior Member
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    I have a script too but doc wont give more than 1gram a month. just have to stock up and do the qv shit for now.

  35. #75
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    Originally posted by the dent depot
    Dude...squash the I buprofen...did you read the article I posted on it in another thread? Very bad stuff for bodybuilders!

    Nah, how bout a link? I ran a search on your threads and came up dry.

  36. #76
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    I've heard a few meanderings and suggestions that the batch in question (007 - 2005) may vary from bottle to bottle and I truly think their may be some validity in that. My inexplicable weight drop coincided almost exactly with switching over to the new bottle, and it would also explain why some people seem fine with the stuff and others do not. Again, this is all very disconcerting, and has me very soured on the whole experience....guess i'll save up next time and go with human grade from here on in.

  37. #77
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    BUMMER -if it definitely varies from bottle to bottle, it would be impossible to have one vial tested and confirm it's a bad or good batch. I've been told of one test that came out 250mg/ml, though it was done by a buddy chemist not by an independent firm.

    Still, getting a vial confirmed bad, if any of them actually are, would really be helpful in my opinion. There are a lot of disappointed bros out there and it would at least let people know to be careful in the future with QVE.

    Anybody else got info on this? I've heard Anasci tests stuff but I can't even get on their website for some reason.

  38. #78
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    By the way, maybe we should give QV a bit of a break here -batch #007 means they haven't done a lot of this stuff if it's only their seventh batch. They may just have a few bugs to work out and could be reliable from here on.

    And there's no hint that I've ever heard of that they're trying to pass off Advil as Oxandrolone or anything like that, unlike some others before them.

    I mean, they let me down for my first cycle but they could have done a lot worse than some underdosed vials, after all. No one's dropping dead or going blind or anything. And the EQ works fine.

    Just my .02 for the day.
    Last edited by johnsomebody; 06-27-2003 at 02:03 PM.

  39. #79
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    JS, good point!!! I know other people who have tried there stuff and liked it, though as you know, I have used there CYP and have been very disappointed! So far, the best stuff I've used was by Schering!!! Primoteston (test enan) was the shit!!!

  40. #80
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    Aaaah, human grade. We should ALL be so lucky.

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