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Thread: Arimidex pain

  1. #1
    DAAS's Avatar
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    Arimidex pain

    SO ive been on 70mg test p eod for about a week and last night I took my first dose of Arimidex .
    I took 1mg, and today I have been experiencing almost unbearable body aches. Like intense growing pains in my legs, lower back pain and neck pain. Is this possible from arimidex? Maybe I flat lined my estrogen levels? Can this happen from one dose?

    I am thinking I could be hyper sensitive to it and it just crush my levels to zero?

    If the dose happened to be higher some how say 5 mg would that happen?

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS
    SO ive been on 70mg test p eod for about a week and last night I took my first dose of Arimidex .
    I took 1mg, and today I have been experiencing almost unbearable body aches. Like intense growing pains in my legs, lower back pain and neck pain. Is this possible from arimidex? Maybe I flat lined my estrogen levels? Can this happen from one dose?

    I am thinking I could be hyper sensitive to it and it just crush my levels to zero?

    If the dose happened to be higher some how say 5 mg would that happen?

    Part of your education should include familiarizing yourself with the side effects of every drug you're taking. Popping pills without appreciating risks and side effects isn't a healthy choice.

    I wouldn't expect a single dose to crash your E, but you shouldn't be taking 1mg per day. Who recommended that!?!?

    Potential side effects of anastrozole:
    - arthralgia
    - myalgia
    - headaches
    - insomnia
    - abdominal pain
    - hypertension
    - hypercholesterolemia
    - thromboembolisms
    - angina

  3. #3
    DAAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Part of your education should include familiarizing yourself with the side effects of every drug you're taking. Popping pills without appreciating risks and side effects isn't a healthy choice.

    I wouldn't expect a single dose to crash your E, but you shouldn't be taking 1mg per day. Who recommended that!?!?

    Potential side effects of anastrozole:
    - arthralgia
    - myalgia
    - headaches
    - insomnia
    - abdominal pain
    - hypertension
    - hypercholesterolemia
    - thromboembolisms
    - angina
    I do understand the side effects of having low estrogen which I would assume would be the side effects of an AI. Having recognized that I am experiencing them. (headache as well I forgot to mention) I came here to see if it was possible to experience flat lined estrogen from a single dose or if my experience could be do to something else unrelated.
    I don't recall saying I was taking 1mg per day. I took none for the first week and planned to take 1mg followed by a day off and then .5 mg every other day.
    also please dont take this response as combative as it is not and your response is as always appreciated.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS

    I do understand the side effects of having low estrogen which I would assume would be the side effects of an AI. Having recognized that I am experiencing them. (headache as well I forgot to mention) I came here to see if it was possible to experience flat lined estrogen from a single dose. I don't recall saying I was taking 1mg per day. I took none for the first week and planned to take 1mg followed by a day off and then .5 mg every other day.
    My mistake then. I interpreted your first post to indicate you took 1mg at one time. The recommended and prescribed starting dose is .25mg EOD.

    Adverse drug events are not the same as the effects of crashing your E, although they may be similar. Without blood work, in my professional opinion you are experiencing an adverse drug reaction, not an effect of crashing your E. Reduce your dose to .25mg EOD please.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 12-01-2013 at 11:18 PM.

  5. #5
    DAAS's Avatar
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    Well I did take 1mg as my first dose, but it was never in my plans to continue that every day. Following my first dose I had planned .5mg every other day. I feel I may be some what sensitive to the drug and will now take .25mg eod. I have never heard of anyone recommending anything lower than .5mg eod but I think .25mg may be best for me. thanks a bunch

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    My mistake then. I interpreted your first post to indicate you took 1mg at one time. The recommended and prescribed starting dose is .25mg EOD.

    Adverse drug events are not the same as the effects of crashing your E, although they may be similar. Without blood work, in my professional opinion you are experiencing an adverse drug reaction, not an effect of crashing your E. Reduce your dose to .25mg EOD please.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS
    Well I did take 1mg as my first dose, but it was never in my plans to continue that every day. Following my first dose I had planned .5mg every other day. I feel I may be some what sensitive to the drug and will now take .25mg eod. I have never heard of anyone recommending anything lower than .5mg eod but I think .25mg may be best for me. thanks a bunch
    The majority of threads here promote .25 EOD. I realize some do suggest .50mg. Still more than necessary IMHO. Drop to .25mg. If problems persist, report back or PM me and Id be happy to trouble shoot the problem with you.


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  7. #7
    jwhit84 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    SO ive been on 70mg test p eod for about a week and last night I took my first dose of Arimidex .
    I took 1mg, and today I have been experiencing almost unbearable body aches. Like intense growing pains in my legs, lower back pain and neck pain. Is this possible from arimidex? Maybe I flat lined my estrogen levels? Can this happen from one dose?

    I am thinking I could be hyper sensitive to it and it just crush my levels to zero?

    If the dose happened to be higher some how say 5 mg would that happen?
    Yes. I felt very similar effects after taking a 2nd dose of 0.25 mg of Arimidex. This was a couple months ago, but I took 0.25 on Thursday morning and another 0.25 mg on Sunday night. Monday I was walking in pain, especially my shins and ankles. I had to step lightly for a couple of days. Now I will take 0.25 mg every 2 or 3 weeks just to keep E2 in the 30-40 range (my ideal).

  8. #8
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    if pain persist is dosing in wider periods than eod ok for control or should I continue to lower the dose.

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS
    if pain persist is dosing in wider periods than eod ok for control or should I continue to lower the dose.
    .25mg EOD should effectively control E2. The problem with E2 is that the symptoms of high and low E2 are very similar. If you dose according to standard protocol (.25mg of adex EOD or 12.5mg Aromasin ED), you should be able to keep your E2 in acceptable ranges. There is no absolute guarantee as I mentioned (everyone aromatizes at different rates) but following the prescribed protocols are usually the most appropriate method.

    Again, only BW will give you a definitive answer. Presence or absence of symptoms is not always the best indicator (when my E2 went over 350, I was asymptomatic).

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    .25mg EOD should effectively control E2. The problem with E2 is that the symptoms of high and low E2 are very similar. If you dose according to standard protocol (.25mg of adex EOD or 12.5mg Aromasin ED), you should be able to keep your E2 in acceptable ranges. There is no absolute guarantee as I mentioned (everyone aromatizes at different rates) but following the prescribed protocols are usually the most appropriate method.

    Again, only BW will give you a definitive answer. Presence or absence of symptoms is not always the best indicator (when my E2 went over 350, I was asymptomatic).
    So dosing once every couple weeks like the other guy said isn't at all effective? Test gives me bad acne at a "beginner" dosing, so I try and stay a little under that. I assume estrogen is the culpurate. but like you said Ill need blood work. Ill continue a protocol and get it done in 3 weeks "mid cycle"

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS

    So dosing once every couple weeks like the other guy said isn't at all effective? Test gives me bad acne at a "beginner" dosing, so I try and stay a little under that. I assume estrogen is the culpurate. but like you said Ill need blood work. Ill continue a protocol and get it done in 3 weeks "mid cycle"
    Once every couple of weeks won't be as effective. Of course not. The drug half life isn't that long. Using it that infrequently will allow your estrogen to move upwards. How much and how fast? Aromatase activity varies individually. I personally would much rather recover from lowering my E2 too much than letting it go to high. The risks of high E2 can be severe. I've crashed my E2 and let it run too high in the past. Crashing my E2 felt like having the flu (body aches, extreme fatigue, lethargy, general malaise, etc). When my E got too high I was asymptomatic, except many parameters in my blood work were dangerously high and were risks for embolism and/stroke. Had I not had blood work done, the side effects of elevated estrogen could have been far more severe than feeling like I had the flu for a few days.

    Acne can be caused by estrogen or testosterone . Have you never seen a teenage girl with acne? It's not testosterone causing the problem. Similarly when a boy hits puberty, in addition to growth spurts, what do you see? Acne. The culprit? Rising levels of testosterone .

    Hormones function within a finely tuned range. Too much or two little of any hormone can have a range effects. People who produce too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) experience nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, tachycardia, tremors, anxiety, insomnia, fine brittle hair, muscle weakness, and Grave's disease. Hypothyroidism (producing too little thyroid hormones) can cause depression, irritability, slowed speech, memory impairment, loss of smell, hearing impairment, muscle cramps and weakness, difficulty swallowing, dyspnea, constipation, fatigue, cold intolerance, decreased BMR....and more!

    There's a very good reason our hormones stay in normal ranges.

  12. #12
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    thanks brother!

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS
    thanks brother!
    Anytime. Always happy to help where I can.

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