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Thread: Contradictory Info update
05-31-2003, 11:05 AM #1
Contradictory Info update
Sorry! The last post did not come right.
Anadrol + Sustanon Stack
What is the best way to stack these in order to get the best gains and keep them as much as possible too? Should they be used concurrently or in series? Should Nolvadex and HCG be used during the cycle as well, and if so at what part? I have read contradictory information on this. have come across two possible cycles. In One cycle I use the Anadrol and the Sustanon concurrently the other looks like this:
Day 1. Sust. 250mg. Day 7. Sust. 250mg. Day 10. Sus. 250mg.
Day 13. Sust. 250mg. Day 17 through Day 21 AD-50 100mg a day.
DAy 22 through Day 26 AD-50 150mg a day.
Day 31 Sus. 250mg. Day 34 Sus. 250mg. Day 37 Sus. 250mg.
Day 40 Sus. 250mg. Day 43 Sus. 250mg.
Day 47 through Day 51 AD-50 100mg a day. Day 52 through Day 56 AD-50 150mg a day.
Day 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 & 55, 57, 59, 61, 63 HCG 1000iu
Day 60-65 Clomid 100mg & 66-76 Clomid 50mg
Divide AD-50 administrations into 2-3 equal daily dosages
Please critique and add suggestions
05-31-2003, 11:42 AM #2
very fuckin confusing that way u have it ,i dont know ur stats or cycle history but try it like this
1-12 500 week sust
1-3 50 mg drol
10-12 500 hcg ed
14-20 days after last shot of sust 300 clomid day one 100 for 10 days and 50 for another 10 ,run nolva in the beggining and at the end as well or as needed ,it will keep water off and keep sides down ,blood pressure etc associated with wateer need ofr that ad shit .
05-31-2003, 12:57 PM #3
Thanks for the info.
I did a cycle of Deca / Winni about a month and a half ago.
I gained 18 pounds but lost 6 in the last month an a half.
05-31-2003, 01:01 PM #4
like Big N pointed out your cycle has many problems. if i understand correctly, your idea is:
week 1- 250 mg sust
week 2- 750 mg sust (9 days of anadrol in obscene dosages as well)
week 3- no sust
week 4- 750 mg sust
week 5- 500 mg sust
week 6- insane doses of anadrol again
even if sustanon was a single-ester test (which it is not) your test levels will be far too erratic for you to make solid gains on it. with sust containing 4 different tests each with different half-lives, your blood levels will be all over the place.
i would probably consider:
1-12 test enth 500 mg ew
1-3 drol 50 mg ed
clomid 2 weeks after last test injection.
Big N also laid out a very nice cycle, i just personally dont like 500 mg of sust a week. either way is fine.
05-31-2003, 04:46 PM #5
I got this cycle from Ask Author L. Rea Issue #1
I have read other cycles that go more or less like the ones suggested in your post replies. This is what is confusing.
He states:
"So why is the example protocol created with the administration of each drug in a series instead of co-administered? Different drugs have different active-lifes or periods in which they remain active in the body and capable of inducing the intended effect. Sustanon has about a 21 day active-life. But since it is made up of 4 different testosterone esters, each with different active-lifes, the period of build-up and decline of actual testosterone in the circulatory system requires an administration schedule intended to allow for this. In short, as one begins to run out the next replaces it after the dosage peaks. AD-50 has an active-life of less than 16 hours so it is easily scheduled to act as a replacement androgen for the shorter acting testosterone esters in Sustanon. The result is a fairly stable androgen activity level and the ability to keep the HPTA functioning nearer to normal. Additionally this allows for improved post-cycle lean mass retention…if an athlete continues to train and eat properly."
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