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Thread: Post cycle depression. Experiences?

  1. #1
    Muscleduke's Avatar
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    Post cycle depression. Experiences?


    Just wondered how you guys deal with and if you even get post cycle depressions and how long it lasts?

    I understand it will be very different from person to Person depending on age, experience, knowledge etc..

    Just after some experiences.

    I personally haven't had this problem yet, but I'm planning on buying some test boosters for after pct just for the sake of having something to keep me going, may not have an effect on test but might help mentally.


  2. #2
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    Typically it is just from higher estrogen to test ratios. What matters is the other aspects of your life. Do you have a good friend support system, or just people you can be around often? Are you otherwise healthy? Any areas you are unhappy with in your life can be amplified when under any state of depression. Even missing the better pumps and tighter muscles you had while on the cycle can make you feel down.

    I've dealt with post cycle depression before when A local shop sold me a strong prohormone and gave me a over the counter PCT. I was young and didn't know anything other than what the guy told me. It lead to one of the worst periods of my life and honestly ended friendships because I was so unmotivated and insecure. I was also suicidal.

    Eat healthy, take mood boosters, drink plenty of water, stay active and social, and do a Proper PCT and you shouldnt have much problem unless you are genetically predisposed to depression

  3. #3
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
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    I agree with daas, a lot has to do with present life situations. If everything is reasonably good do a proper PCT and work through keeping a positive attitude. Push yourself hard on your workouts to feel a sense of accomplishment. Clomid can cause depression. Cardio is number 1 according to Doc's for depression. So keep up the cardio. You may want to switch up your routine also, it will give you something to focus on.

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Wow DAAS. Had no idea.

    Good advice above. I think a common catalyst for post cycle depression is that many stop training because they are no longer motivated to do so.

    In my opinion, this just sends you into a downward spiral as you will very quickly lose all of your hard earned gains.

    If you can recognize the fact that you will indeed lose some gains and can identify if and when you do fall into a depression, then you can minimize the effects of both.

    As stated above calories need to stay high training needs to stay intense, consistency needs to be carried on with your current regimen and you will actually have a much better chance of keeping a lot of that progress from when you were on cycle.

  5. #5
    juice-box's Avatar
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    A lot of my friends fake an bake an do B-12 injection an they say that helps. could be s.a.d depending on how much natural sun you get.

  6. #6
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    I've been off gear now for about 2 weeks, was on for 5 months (slingshot). It is hard, but the number 1 thing is do NOT stop training and dieting. If you do then you are setting yourself up for a very bad situation if you are prone to depression during PCT. Stay focused and consistent with your training and dieting, stay engrossed in bodybuilding (read articles, studies, books), and plan out your next cycle. Before you know it it will be time to hop back on!
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  7. #7
    Muscleduke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    Typically it is just from higher estrogen to test ratios. What matters is the other aspects of your life. Do you have a good friend support system, or just people you can be around often? Are you otherwise healthy? Any areas you are unhappy with in your life can be amplified when under any state of depression. Even missing the better pumps and tighter muscles you had while on the cycle can make you feel down.

    I've dealt with post cycle depression before when A local shop sold me a strong prohormone and gave me a over the counter PCT. I was young and didn't know anything other than what the guy told me. It lead to one of the worst periods of my life and honestly ended friendships because I was so unmotivated and insecure. I was also suicidal.

    Eat healthy, take mood boosters, drink plenty of water, stay active and social, and do a Proper PCT and you shouldnt have much problem unless you are genetically predisposed to depression
    Thank you for your input daas, I didn't have it after my last cycle but I'm preparing for next, all pct/diet/social life etc is all in place so should be good.

    Sorry to hear about the depression and hard times, Thanks for sharing your experience buddy!

    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    I agree with daas, a lot has to do with present life situations. If everything is reasonably good do a proper PCT and work through keeping a positive attitude. Push yourself hard on your workouts to feel a sense of accomplishment. Clomid can cause depression. Cardio is number 1 according to Doc's for depression. So keep up the cardio. You may want to switch up your routine also, it will give you something to focus on.
    Thanks mate, Appreciate input! I have heard clomid can do that, I haven't had to use it yet but will be in the new year. I don't have a background in depression do suffer a small amount of anxiety, but never been a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Wow DAAS. Had no idea.

    Good advice above. I think a common catalyst for post cycle depression is that many stop training because they are no longer motivated to do so.

    In my opinion, this just sends you into a downward spiral as you will very quickly lose all of your hard earned gains.

    If you can recognize the fact that you will indeed lose some gains and can identify if and when you do fall into a depression, then you can minimize the effects of both.

    As stated above calories need to stay high training needs to stay intense, consistency needs to be carried on with your current regimen and you will actually have a much better chance of keeping a lot of that progress from when you were on cycle.
    Thanks dude, Yeah it's more a case of loosing that edge the gear gives you. The sense of well being and just feeling awesome just disappearing is a bitch.

    How long does it usually take for you guys to recover test wise? I know it will be different again depending on cycle and food etc... But on average after PCT how long until you feel your back to norm
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  8. #8
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscleduke View Post
    Thanks dude, Yeah it's more a case of loosing that edge the gear gives you. The sense of well being and just feeling awesome just disappearing is a bitch.

    How long does it usually take for you guys to recover test wise? I know it will be different again depending on cycle and food etc... But on average after PCT how long until you feel your back to norm
    It really varies between people - I have so say, my last pct, I felt pretty good and felt great immediately thereafter as well. Didn't experience any 'lows'. Not the case in the past, and has taken several weeks after pct.. which frankly may have been an indicator that pct should have been extended. Bloodwork will be beneficial 6-8 weeks after PCT to see where you're at.

    Just keep it going brother!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    It really varies between people - I have so say, my last pct, I felt pretty good and felt great immediately thereafter as well. Didn't experience any 'lows'. Not the case in the past, and has taken several weeks after pct.. which frankly may have been an indicator that pct should have been extended. Bloodwork will be beneficial 6-8 weeks after PCT to see where you're at.

    Just keep it going brother!
    Will have to wait and see how it goes, feeling more than prepared! Getting blood work tomorrow to see where I'm at then good to go end of the month/new year! Thanks mate appreciate input!

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