Should I take one cycle of gear(would be my first) or use insulin instead?

I am a male, 145 lbs, 25 years old, 5'8", unsure of my body fat %. Although 2 months ago I was at 125 and was at 15% I believe.
I am trying to bulk right now to about 200lbs for aesthetics/confidence in my body.

I've only been training for about 2 months and am feeling great. I'm basically trying to get to 200 as quick as possible (yes I know I will also gain quite a bit of fat). I'm pretty much tired of being small lol. To put into perspective I joined the Army when I was 102 lbs at age 18 =\
In Iraq I was eating about 5000 calories a day and put on 10lbs in 6 months(with gym training), then was forced to do run an extra 3 miles a day because the majority of my unit failed their run portion of their pt test. So I ended up losing that weight and had lost my will to continue training. I'm sure I made plenty of mistakes and was not as informed as I am now but yeah, I wanna get big.

I decided that I will take one cycle of gear to help to reach my goal (been doing research of course and this forum has helped a lot) but was wondering if insulin would be a better choice? It seems cheaper, legal, and seems to do the job well. I'm in good health, have never been to the hospital for things other than being born/getting balls touched.

I'm a full time student so I'd MUCH rather pay $22 then whatever some yoked guy at the gym is gonna charge me for some test if the end result is about the same.

Oh and I have no insulin knowledge, just now heard that its common use among BBs. I would be doing lots of research on it before using it of course.
