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  1. #1
    Orsan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013

    Typical Clenbuterol vs whatever thread

    As you can see, this is my first post, after anonymously lurking this forum for months. I've decided to used clen to get rid of the extra stubborn fat that is a killer to remove. In saying so, what on earth is the best? I've read posts that swear by Endurobol and others that swear by Clenbuterol . At this point, I'm looking into using liquid clen with liquid keto but the more i look into Endurobol, the more i think it's a dream come true. So someone either wake up or let me slumber a tad more!

    Edit: Could i also get the public's opinion on liquid vs gel vs tablet

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Hello and welcome.

    How about we get some stats before we start


    Desired bodyfat%
    Why diet and cardio aren't working


  3. #3
    Orsan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
    170cm (i think)
    bf 20%
    desired 15%
    Diet and cardio do work although not in specific target areas like abdominal region and right breast.

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mate at 20% clen is gonna do you more harm than good. It won't target certain areas anyway. Wherever you hold most fat always appears to be not going down.

    Is your right 'breast' fat or is there a hard lump?

    Honestly, a change to your diet and increased cardio are all you need to drop to 15% from where you are. We have an excellent nutrition forum you should spend some time there. Read this and start a thread over there

  5. #5
    Orsan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
    noted. although id like to know why. also i just felt it it feels like a dislodged lump, im starting to feel a tad bit concerned.

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats clen have to do with your gyno, i miss something? Anyeay, im not a fan of clen. The spasms are a pain and not worth it even with taurine. Ephedrine is by far a much more enjoyable compound, and imo safer, dose dependent of course. Less is more with the beta ags IMO. Goal shoud be to set your body to "bake" not "fry".
    i would not consider any beta 2 ags the age of 40. IMO just because the can cause some mild vaso constrictions and lets say you do have some arterial plaque, even if its a 40% blockage you might never know, but a vaso constriction could make that close just enough to create a cardiovascular event. Think about wrestlers for instance....i know a few. These guys run stuff like tren year round and think nothing of having HDL in the single digists. Thats just how these guys think.(hold on im going somehwere with this, hold on lol) well, they could be rockin a 60% blockage at 35 years old, and they exert themselves to the point of causing a vaso spasm, which can happen on or off caffein or a beta 2 ag anyway, and bam they have a heart attack. Well, not that you run tren year round, but point is, vaso spams happen, and unless your in your twenties theres really no way to know for sure that your arteries are totally clean. There are cardiac scans that can show calsified plaque, but they dont show soft plaque(theres some debate on that as even soft plaque has bits of calc in there) At 29 i had such a scan done, and i had a calcified plaque of zero, after 5 mild steroid cycle...the "worst " cycle of that was a 21 week cycle of test c 500mgs with the first 8 weeks of anavar at 60mgs and that was a bulker in which i gained quite a bit of fat, about 30lbs worth..amd heart disease runs in my fam. Granted when i get fat, im a "pear" person, hips and butt, and its the "apple" people that have more CVD. My dad is an "apple" and he was 59 and had a calcified plaque rating of 205. I dont know what the highest rating is, but im gonna guess around 1000, sinche he only had one artery with a 90+% blockage and the other 4 arteries were like 5 and 10% bloackages. Sorry for the tangeant, but these are things to consider. Personally, i have done side by side analyses of my fat loss with ECA stacks, clen stacks and just natural and theres was no significant diff. JMO thats just me. peace

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    A Caffeine, Ephedrine, Asparine (ECA) stack is milder than a clen /keto/T3 stack. You won't get as bad sides but the results are not as fast.

  8. #8
    Orsan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
    I dont think ill use anything other than clen and keto but Back in Black has me a little concerned that clenbuterol wont do any good for me.

  9. #9
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2012
    You can go from 20% to 15% from carb cycling if you'll just do it. No drugs needed.

  10. #10
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    You can go from 20% to 15% from carb cycling if you'll just do it. No drugs needed.
    Or cardio

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