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Thread: Blast cruise cycle test, deca, tren

  1. #1
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    Blast cruise cycle test, deca, tren

    An anyone please help me out with maybe even a few examples of how a blast cruise would look like with test tren and deca . My proposed cycle

    1-12 test 600 mgs week
    1-12 deca 400 mgs week
    Cruise for maybe 6 weeks with trt doses of test
    Then 1-10 test 600mgs
    1-10 tren ace 300 mgs.

    Does this sound okay and how should I run hcg and what else should I have on hand like prami, caber. Of course pct after second blast phase

  2. #2
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What is your cycle experience?

    Are you on trt?

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Didn't you just complete a first cycle? Already talking about blast and cruise? What's your current TRT regimen.

  4. #4
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not on trt. The trt part of the cycles would be a low dose of test in between the 1-12 test deca and 1-12 test tren . I've done one cycle and that was months ago. It's been about 6 months.

  5. #5
    Mp859's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack
    I'm not on trt. The trt part of the cycles would be a low dose of test in between the 1-12 test deca and 1-12 test tren. I've done one cycle and that was months ago. It's been about 6 months.
    Unless you plan on going on trt for life I wouldn't run such a cycle. You should grow plenty from a 12 week test/dbol sounds to me like you are trying to rush the process. You are only going to grow so much each cycle.

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Really not a good idea. Please don't do this.

  7. #7
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    Okay can someone please explain blast cruise cycle to me then?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Really not a good idea. Please don't do this.
    Agree. If you're not making money from this sport then your health should come first. Zero need to B & C.
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  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Okay can someone please explain blast cruise cycle to me then?
    A blast and cruise is when generally a TRT guys ups his test dose to a blast dose 500-750 mg a week than after 12 weeks returns to his prescribed dose. He may only do this once or twice a year

    Pro's use this method as well especially when doing the show circuit to keep
    Showing up in top shape.

    This is not something you should be doing.

  10. #10
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    blasts and cruises are for guys on trt or high level or advanced users who are on all or most of the year and have resigned to the idea that they may never restore their own levels. A blast and cruise is ver much like what you outlined but usually with more cruise time and often the cruise os more like 200-300mgs of total hormone tho 100 could be done too. Theres a few different ways to do it, but with one cycle under your belt their is not the time to do this. You are talkning about 7 months of being on, suppressed, with two highly suppressive hormones tren and deca for the majority of the cycle, but even regular test will have you shut down after a few weeks and keep you shut down as long as you are on. Regaining your natural production will be whore after such a cycle. You can't blast and cruise unless you are wanting to be on for the rest of your life essentially.

  11. #11
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great advise on here.

    Op. You need to relax a bit and keep trying and eating or in a short 3 years you will have to be on trt for life and trust me that sucks big time.
    Always have to inject
    Deal with ai
    Give blood every two months
    The list goes on and on..

    So please listen to the above. Wait and let your body truly recovery and then take it slow and steady.

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Excellent advise from reputable members. Cycle on and cycle off properly. Cruising is for men who NEED TRT to function normally. Don't pursue this if you aren't a TRT patient.

  13. #13
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    Okay I will listen but at some point I am willing to do this because I want to compete at a high level

  14. #14
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Okay I will listen but at some point I am willing to do this because I want to compete at a high level
    Making the right decision and having the presence of mind not to make an emotional decision, yet at the same time being willing to go to a NECESSARY extreme at the right time is the sign of a successful person.
    good luck

  15. #15
    Test Rage's Avatar
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    Do not amputate your nuts along with the wiring all the way up to your gotdamn skull with such a cycle. Thats whats wrong with american BB. It is to fast paced. Acceptance of high body fat and long cycles that throw you out of wack. We are so stuck in "have it your way,,, Now!" It is not healthy. And is neither necessary.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack
    Okay I will listen but at some point I am willing to do this because I want to compete at a high level
    Well, if your hoping to achieve an IFBB level, most people start a lot earlier. Not saying you can't compete, many do. A buddy of mine is 54 and preparing for his third show.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint to the finish. It takes time, dedication, and consistency. The guys that have stepped foot on stage live and breath nutrition and training. The gear is just the icing on the cake. Commit yourself to the level of nutrition and training required to set foot on stage, and then you can think about a life time of living off the needle....because that's what you're in for.
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  17. #17
    DanB is offline Banned
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    well said and something that is commonly overlooked, steroids are helpful but they arent magic, small part of a big picture

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Okay I will listen but at some point I am willing to do this because I want to compete at a high level

    Question for you. Have you competed at all yet?
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  19. #19
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    Not yet. Want to do my first show in about a year. So maybe this time next year. Hopeful I can't get in two bulk cycles and a precontest cut cycle by then

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Pace yourself CnB. Keep your health in mind throughout this. Competing is a noble goal but very few people make a living doing it, very few. And remember that goals can change frequently as things occur in life that are very much unexpected.
    AD likes this.
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