Thread: 1st Cycle and PCT - Test E
12-27-2013, 01:06 AM #1
1st Cycle and PCT - Test E
17% BF
Experience: Athlete my whole life. Pro Athlete for 2 years.
Lifted for 10 years
Never used AS
Im starting my first cycle in 2 months month. Currently weigh 225lbs down from 250lbs. Will be around 200lbs in 2 months at 10-12% body fat when I start my 1st cycle My plan is to run Test E for 12 weeks.
Test E @ 400mgs a week for 12 weeks
Armidex during cycle @ 0.5mg eod
PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50
May include HCG during last 4 weeks of cycle stopping 14 weeks after last pin/when I start PCT.
I have read that unless your extremely sensitive to HPTA shutdown and have a difficult time restoring PC HCG isn't needed..but how would you know that if you have never cycled? Run a cycle without HCG and see how it works out? My concern is you can destroy your body's endogenous LH secretion if you misuse HCG. So the answer is either don't use it and see how you fair or just run it after last pin up to first day of PCT?
Also any advice on what to bump up or include if i get signs of gyno during cycle?
12-27-2013, 03:47 PM #2
Why only 400mg per week?
Do your research on HCG and you won't have to worry about any sides, I'd recommend running it.
12-27-2013, 04:19 PM #3
use test at 600 per week. use hcg 250 iu twice weekly during cycle. Nolva and clomid will restablish that LH feedback for you.
12-27-2013, 04:43 PM #4
There is NOTHING wrong with 400mg for a first cycle. There's always room to up doses in future cycles. If you've never ran any compounds before, 400mg will be plenty.
Use the HCG
12-27-2013, 06:56 PM #5
HCG is a must if you ask me however it should be run the entire cycle starting week 1, 3.5 days apart 250ius right up untill 3 days before your pct starts everything else looks good though nice work, good luck
(If you could have a much greater chance for your pct to be successful plus prevent testicular atrophy in the process which can potentially cause a number of long term permanent issues, WITH YOUR BALLS would you not do all you could to help yourself. HCG will help with this all. I would never run a cycle or length without it.)
12-27-2013, 09:46 PM #6
Hey Judah. 500 mg test a week is a great starting point. Your adex is a bit high start with .25 eod. Definitely include the HCG on cycle and do a standard pct.
do some more research and propose the complete cycle.
Be sure to have everything in hand before starting.
12-28-2013, 01:38 AM #7
I get great results naturally, I don't see the need to go higher than 400-500mg a week on my first. After I have some experience I can always do more later.
12-28-2013, 01:39 AM #8
12-28-2013, 01:39 AM #9
Will do, thank you.
12-28-2013, 01:40 AM #10
12-28-2013, 02:32 AM #11
12-28-2013, 04:59 AM #12
12-28-2013, 09:46 AM #13
Be sure to have all the products before you start. Start a log in the members cycle section with pics before, week 6 and 12. Also at the end of pct.
this is the hardest part is holding the gains.
Your going to have to keep training hard to keep as much size and strength as possible. Keep the macros balanced. You will feel a bit off as you come off the cycle. My opinion this is where the gains are kept.
12-28-2013, 03:38 PM #14
Great, really appreciate for the critique. light on that cycle and PCT?
Yes i agree, I have seen many of my friends look good on juice only to lose it all and even go backwards off it. I will be spending the next 2 months dedicated solely to getting the right training and diet dialed in for my post routine.
If I start to feel signs of gyno, should I bump the Nolva up and should I keep anything on hand additionally for sides?
12-28-2013, 07:46 PM #15
Nova is for pct. The adex is to control estrogen. High estrogen is what causes gyro. I keep raloxifene on hand in case of a flare up, but you should not have to use it if your AI is dosed properly as in your proposal.
First sign of gyno is itchy nips you will know it right away.
While your getting your diet and routine in check before you start keep reading all the info on cycles, AI, pct, etc so you have a better understanding.
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