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Thread: young lifter, need help

  1. #1
    alexssss is offline New Member
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    young lifter, need help

    okay so basically, I am in puberty (18) still and i want to become big, all my life ive been considered a "twig" and been bullied about it, there is no need in saying i should wait because this is something i wanna do..
    I would like some help from you guys with questions and such..

    1. Ive heard if you use steroids (any kind)will still in puberty there is a big chance of your testosterone levels being fukd up permanently, true or not?

    2. is it true when cycling dbol your body is carrying an extra litre of blood?
    all i could remember to ask about, lol

    and I would appreciate if someone would help me with a beginner stack, maybe even someone to "coach" me through this


    ecto as fuk

  2. #2
    SLOBRA is offline New Member
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    Not even ready bro. You have to wait for full bone development and the "epiphyseal line" that replaces your growth plates. Google search it. You will end up stunting your growth. Not a good idea man. You need to wait.

  3. #3
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Every person on this forum will tell you that you too young. Yes, it can mess you up. You are not fully developed yet, and probably still growing taller. Wait few more years.

    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    # 1. Consider Your Age
    I'll try and keep this one short as I know it's the last thing anyone wants to hear. The fact is, young folks are not developed fully. Your bones have not reached their maximum potential. Steroids will more than likely halt any potential growth you may have had waiting for you. Never assume that you're fully developed! There rarely such thing as an 18 or 19 year old that is fully developed. This is incredibly rare and chances of you being one of the few in the world is as slim as it gets.

    To verify your growth plates have fused, you'll need to have X-Rays done. X-rays will give you a clear and visible evaluation. You're looking for an epiphyseal line or plate. If you still have plates, you're still growing. Once you develop an epiphyseal line, you've reached your growth limit. So you think about it, it is really worth it? Running a single cycle could possibly hinder your growth. Why would you risk it if you can gain a couple more inches in height and maybe even a few inches in width? This will keep you a step back from everyone else, even if your genetics are fantastic.

    Another concern is your the potential damage that can occur to your HPTA & endocrine system. This a very complex system that is very sensitive to changes. It's especially sensitive at a younger age because your body has yet to stabilize and mature. While there's no "rule" or stated age, it's in your best interest to wait at least until you're 24 years of age. I urge you to pause for a moment, and read this post here.
    Last edited by DexterMorgan; 12-28-2013 at 01:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Megalodon6's Avatar
    Megalodon6 is offline Member
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    No way get your diet in check and in a few years you will be thrilled with your results

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    I know alot of people who used at your age but I highly recommend you wait. The negatives just don't outweigh the positives and it's something you will almost definitely regret when you get older.
    Read up here on how to eat and lift. I don't want to hear that you can't gain weight because if you eat correctly you will.
    Good luck
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    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hold everything.......Take a deep breath and dont jump the gun. You WILL grow naturally once you understand how to eat to grow and train effectively. Put your energy into diving into the information on the site and soak it up. If you in fact do this and wait to cycle then you will be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest. Cycling at your age will be like opening pandoras box and you could possibly have life changing consequences and problems that you are not ready for. Steroid use at such a young age will lead to big problems, it did for me anyway......Be smart!

  7. #7
    alexssss is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    I know alot of people who used at your age but I highly recommend you wait. The negatives just don't outweigh the positives and it's something you will almost definitely regret when you get older.
    Read up here on how to eat and lift. I don't want to hear that you can't gain weight because if you eat correctly you will.
    Good luck
    I gained 44 lbs this year then lost 5 because i got the flu (i tend to not eat as much when im ill...)

  8. #8
    chaps is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexssss View Post
    okay so basically, I am in puberty (18) still and i want to become big, all my life ive been considered a "twig" and been bullied about it, there is no need in saying i should wait because this is something i wanna do..
    I would like some help from you guys with questions and such..

    1. Ive heard if you use steroids (any kind)will still in puberty there is a big chance of your testosterone levels being fukd up permanently, true or not?

    2. is it true when cycling dbol your body is carrying an extra litre of blood?
    all i could remember to ask about, lol

    and I would appreciate if someone would help me with a beginner stack, maybe even someone to "coach" me through this


    ecto as fuk
    I wouldn't bother with steroids , you don't need them. When I was your age, I was almost as skinny (135lbs @ 5'10"). All I did was eat like crazy and lift and in less than a year I was 170lbs. I had a hard time gaining weight too so at one point I was drinking like a gallon of weight gainer per day. That definately gave me alot more fat along the way than was probably needed, but it worked. (now that I'm older, when I bulk I eat right and it makes a big difference)

    You should consider:
    Your going to need to eat alot to grow whether on steroids or not
    At your bodyweight, I doubt taking steroids would make you grow any faster than just eating alone. If you eat and lift right, your gonna grow like crazy no matter what.
    At your age, you could really **** yourself up forever by taking steroids.

  9. #9
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Figure out your TDEE and macros and study how to grow naturally through diet and training.

    Yes, you could absolutely harm your hpta system permanently by doing steroids prior to your mid-20s.
    almostgone likes this.

  10. #10
    DawgHouse's Avatar
    DawgHouse is offline Junior Member
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    Steroids WONT help you.... WILLL NOT DO ANYTHING. Even if u think what the guys are telling you about your growth plates is false, even if you want to risk having a soft dick and depression for the rest of your life.... The shit wont help you much.

    Seeing as your are 5'11, you are not "small" you are just skinny as ****, you have a frame to put on a tremendous amount of weight. You need to get your diet in check and I know when I was 18.... shit just about a year ago, I "thought" I had my diet in check. But setting up a meticulous diet plan at this point will do much MORE than juice. The problem is you probably dont have strong enough muscles at this point to even lift heavy enough weight for the juice to benefit you.

    A good benchmark I like to tell people before starting on the juice, be able to squat 405 and bench 275 NATURALLY before hopping on some gear. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE (I know a guy at 5'4 145 squatting 465 all natty and you are 5'11 plenty of room for you to grow) pending an injury of some sort, can get to this naturally, and i know some people think these numbers are crazy, especially the squat, and there are even guys on this forum juicing right now who cant hit those numbers. But I promise you unless your repping big numbers like that you dont need juice yet because you are no where near a natural plateu. I would say for you personally you need to get to 175, a clean 175 sub 15% bf, before you even think on hopping on some juice and by the time that happens your going to have gained so much muscle, experience, strength, and gym knowledge, you might not even still be interested in steroids.

    and by fixing your diet I would suggest against counting calories because I know that is difficult as **** for me but I would say decide the quantity of say chicken, you will eat a day 16oz of chicken is a pound of chicken. if you can eat .5lb of fruints/veggies a day or 225-300grams, 1.5-2 lbs of meat count this by oz, 16oz=1lb , 1 lbs of carbs a day, or roughly 500g(rice,bread,pasta). the hardest thing is the carbs because that is filling as ****. start at lower amounts and work up to that over time, forcing yourself at minimum to eat 3lbs of food a day. You will gain 5lbs or more a month. The hardest part for you (which is still my hardest part) is that your are going to seemingly be cooking all the time, and spending a lot of money on food. but hey you obviously have the money to buy the juice, spend it on your food.

    Get creatine too.
    Last edited by DawgHouse; 12-28-2013 at 07:32 PM.

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