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Thread: My husband and his "roid rage"

  1. #41
    Cidmercury is offline Female Member
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    I just want to update everyone and thanks for the advice
    My husband is 31, he was doing his cycles for roughly 8 months (I think) at times he was doing higher doses then other cycles he had done. Anyways.. He's finished and has started his post cycle therapy and is trying HGH (I'm not at all educated about that) but from what I can tell you he is back to his normal self and our relationship has finally calmed down and we are both happy. He is much more reasonable and understanding, even tempered. We've had a good talk about this and he admitted that he did not like at all the way he had felt in his head, he wasn't clear minded about anything and sees the effect it had on the both of us. I didn't make this post to blame everything on my husband, any mature person in a relationship knows you have ups and downs and woman are not innocent, I know this. I simply wanted input from other people who have been here and experienced it themselves and obviously know the side effects of steroids as well as how it may effect underlying issues and existing characteristics of a person doing them. So thank you everything is good and he is good and our relationship is great and thanks for not being as judgemental as I thought (for the most part) :P

  2. #42
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Glad it worked out for you. This is a good site for information, tell your husband he's more than welcome to join our forum for help and cycle advise and support. Also if you want you can stick around too if your interested in running a cycle of anavar ! That's a popular steroid among the ladies, we can get you ripped and shredded!

  3. #43
    Cidmercury is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    Glad it worked out for you. This is a good site for information, tell your husband he's more than welcome to join our forum for help and cycle advise and support. Also if you want you can stick around too if your interested in running a cycle of anavar ! That's a popular steroid among the ladies, we can get you ripped and shredded!
    Thanks actually since you've mentioned it I will be starting my own cycle of Anavar, I've been trying to do some of my own research but I mostly go by my husbands advice because he's been training and what not for a lot longer then myself. Any direction you can point me in for that? I've seen a lot pop up about not taking birth control while taking Anavar but no one actually states why. Does Anavar affect birth control or is it the other way around? I was just going to make a new post about it..

  4. #44
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Make a new post about it. I think there is also a female forum that only the females have access to. I unfortunately know nothing when it comes to female steroid use however, there are many members here both male and female that have experience with it and can educate you on a var cycle and answer any questions you may have.

  5. #45
    Cidmercury is offline Female Member
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    Sounds good!

  6. #46
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    Cidmercury-just alittle advice. I know you love and trust your husband but please dont always just take his advice. He might not be educated when it comes to aas. The fact that he ran a 8month cycle leads me to believe he has more research to do. The best thing you can do is educate yourself.
    almostgone and Cidmercury like this.

  7. #47
    Terax is offline Junior Member
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    I'm an extremely laid back guy & I could both my wife & I could tell a difference. I finished my 1st 12 week cycle of Test at the end of the year & while taking it I was definitely... not more aggressive, but a lot less tolerant of situations.

  8. #48
    Cidmercury is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Cidmercury-just alittle advice. I know you love and trust your husband but please dont always just take his advice. He might not be educated when it comes to aas. The fact that he ran a 8month cycle leads me to believe he has more research to do. The best thing you can do is educate yourself.
    I appreciate that! I've been reading so much here and trying to do as much research as I can and recently got into the female blogs/posts which have a ton of the information I'm looking for

  9. #49
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Not be judgemental or even a hypocrite but ur post/ question is/ was about ur spouse and how he acts on cycle? In your next breadth ur talking about starting an anavar cycle yourself??? Did I miss something here? Regardless, post # 46 is spot on. 8 months an awful long time! Make sure you do ur homework, many horror stories of women and steroids , even if it is just var. just my 2 cents, that's all.

  10. #50
    Cidmercury is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post

    Not be judgemental or even a hypocrite but ur post/ question is/ was about ur spouse and how he acts on cycle? In your next breadth ur talking about starting an anavar cycle yourself??? Did I miss something here? Regardless, post # 46 is spot on. 8 months an awful long time! Make sure you do ur homework, many horror stories of women and steroids, even if it is just var. just my 2 cents, that's all.
    I get where your coming from and understand what your saying Yes I'm starting my own cycle of Anavar . I was never against my husband doing steroids and wanting to be happy with his body. It' had only been an issue since he got carried away, started stacking and not listening to what his body was telling him and as you can see from my previous posts he has a temper to begin with so it just didn't do his mind/our relationship/myself etc etc any good (and this isn't just coming from me, we had this talk and he decided it wasn't for him and he didn't like the person it made him and the way it effected his mind and how it exaggerated his mood swings). To my understanding and from what I've learned here is that Anavar is a "milder" steroid with minimal side effects. I'm on here to do my research and get further advice not just my husbands word and to understand what I'm doing/ what he was doing and how it'll effect not only my body but possibly my attitude and temper. If at any point my husband feels I'm being an asshole and not myself to the point it's effecting my personal life I would have no issue stopping. So again I'm not against steroids, I originally made an account here so I could get a better understanding of what my husband was doing I hope that makes things more clear

  11. #51
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The posts in the female sections will have great feedback and many of our ladies are equally knowledgable ad would be happy to guide you and provide any information you need.

    Anecdotally...I've had my wife on two Anavar cycles. The first was 10mg/day, 7d for 6 weeks. Her second cycle nearly a year later was 25mg per day, 7d, 6wks. Due to her concerns about virilization, we won't run more than 25mg per day for her. I have her run 1200mg of NAC daily, concurrent with the cycle to maintain liver health.

    Results are best when your pre-cycle bf is low. My wife is a little gal, 5'4, 110lbs.

  12. #52
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    just the fact he was on an 8 month cycle tells me he is clueless when it comes to AAS and cycling. I wish him the best on his PCT!

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