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Thread: Surgery Downtime, Looking for some first hand experience

  1. #1
    learningmore is offline New Member
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    Surgery Downtime, Looking for some first hand experience

    Going to be a little long sorry, but figured I'd do my best to fill you in.

    Hi, figured I would post up and maybe just get some general ideas/recommendations. Was always very athletic but in highschool I went to two different schools and the bus stopped at fast food for us everyday. I probably put on 60 pounds in those two years which lead to a life of just terrible cravings for bad food that continued for a few more years. Did or almost did reach high 200's maybe even close to 300 area. Never got on a scale around that area.

    About 3 years ago I lost the weight poorly by running twice a day and sometimes 3 cardio sessions with me playing hockey as well and I was barely even eating, all I cared about was getting back down in weight. I got to my lowest at around 185 and looked like death so I decided to start weight training. I bulked back up to 220 and then cycled twice to around 240. I stayed around 230 for the longest time just maintaining and I decided I was going to try to cut slowly for summer so I am sitting back close to 220 and noticed that my loose saggy skin was not going to go away. It's been depressing me quite bad lately so I decided to take the plunge and do a tummy tuck.

    ^^I understand I lost the weight in a terrible way, but it was before I knew anything about proper weight loss.

    They ultra sounded me and told me that I had basically no fat on me and just quite a bit of loose skin covering everything. (said I had the biggest abs she had ever seen hidden) I know I'm in a better position than most with loose skin from training and taking diet more serious but unless you actually have the loose hanging saggy skin that you can grab and manipulate I don't think you realize how much it can wear you down.

    I haven't been on anything in about six months and have stuck to a very strict diet lately and all my lifts are the same/better than when I was on actually(except for squat due to a injury).

    Basically with the surgery I am terrified of the wait of recovery and when I can start lifting again, and trying to get back to where I was, scarring+recovery time is just so long. I just feel that if its depressing me I might as well get it done and over with, instead of waiting and then having to do it at a later time.

    I'm guessing I am going to drop a lot of good weight, due to a lack of exercise and I will probably have no apatite.

    I honestly wasn't planning on cycling again when I realized that my diet was getting pretty good in check and I could hold my weight fine. Now I think after I plan on hopping back on to at least try to get me closer to where I was.

    My two questions is anyone have any tips about keeping mass with basically no activity and what would you recommend anything specific gear wise for someone just trying to stay as lean as possible just filling back out to hopefully where I was.

    weight-222 right now (highest- close to 300, lowest-185)
    height 6'4/5
    Previous cycles- 1-Dbol 50mg Kickstart, 500mg testE, 2-Anavar 75mg?? w1-5, 500mg test e. Then nolva, chlomid pct.

    Few recent pics all around 225 pounds

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  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    the pics are not what i expected. I wouldnt get a tummy tuch for that, but its your choice.
    all you can do is eat well while your recovering. Things happen in life when you cant work out. You get injured, sick, jobs and life. Things bounce back fast. I had to have neck surgery and was out of the gym for 6 months and could only go light after that.
    I wouldnt stress to much life happens, bbing is a hobby
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    There is NOTHING in those pics that justifies a tummy tuck. I know several ppl who have had them and its typically from morbidly obese weight loss or child birth. You are quite lean and I think could simply fill any of that loose skin by gaining more muscle. Ihonestly thought/think this post was a joke after reading it and THEN seeing the pics. Safe your $$$ and hit the gym buddy.

  4. #4
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    There is NOTHING in those pics that justifies a tummy tuck. I know several ppl who have had them and its typically from morbidly obese weight loss or child birth. You are quite lean and I think could simply fill any of that loose skin by gaining more muscle. Ihonestly thought/think this post was a joke after reading it and THEN seeing the pics. Safe your $$$ and hit the gym buddy.
    Agreed x2

  5. #5
    learningmore is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    There is NOTHING in those pics that justifies a tummy tuck. I know several ppl who have had them and its typically from morbidly obese weight loss or child birth. You are quite lean and I think could simply fill any of that loose skin by gaining more muscle. Ihonestly thought/think this post was a joke after reading it and THEN seeing the pics. Safe your $$$ and hit the gym buddy.
    I used pretty flattering pictures, if I was an outside source and didn't know that was me I'd say the same thing. I'll try to take some closer pictures tonight that show more what I am trying to express.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah if I was that dam fat I would've got one yesterday NOT!

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningmore View Post
    I used pretty flattering pictures, if I was an outside source and didn't know that was me I'd say the same thing. I'll try to take some closer pictures tonight that show more what I am trying to express.
    Trust me, unless you have a flap of skin that hangs over like a stomach tongue then its a waste of 5K or more. It looks to me like you have some pretty impressive legs and are pretty lean. I would suggest hitting the chest harder, toss in some ab work and it's all going to come together. YOU DO NOT NEED A TUMMY TUCK!

  8. #8
    learningmore is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Trust me, unless you have a flap of skin that hangs over like a stomach tongue then its a waste of 5K or more. It looks to me like you have some pretty impressive legs and are pretty lean. I would suggest hitting the chest harder, toss in some ab work and it's all going to come together. YOU DO NOT NEED A TUMMY TUCK!
    Chest is by far my worst exercise compared to everything (arms always get tired out before I feel chest), and I hit abs very hard often. I've just tried switching it up to more isolation chest first and then to compound/presses to see if that helps at all and it feels like its kinda plumping up some. I hit abs some today so its a little more tight than it normally would be but it does hang. droops really bad when bent over/sitting hangs off to the side when laying down.

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  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by learningmore View Post
    Chest is by far my worst exercise compared to everything (arms always get tired out before I feel chest), and I hit abs very hard often. I've just tried switching it up to more isolation chest first and then to compound/presses to see if that helps at all and it feels like its kinda plumping up some. I hit abs some today so its a little more tight than it normally would be but it does hang. droops really bad when bent over/sitting hangs off to the side when laying down.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	147561
    Stop pulling on it all the damn time lol. I would suggest getting several opinions from REPUTABLE plastic surgeons. I'm assuming you would need a mini tuck at best which is a 6-8" incision above the pubic area.

    Your pretty young so I would really consider trying more natural ways to tighten the skin. Most of the creams and crap they sell is just BS. I have heard Preperation H having some effect but I cant recall why.

    I still believe if you continue to cut BF and add muscle you will tighten up just fine.

  10. #10
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Stop pulling on it all the damn time lol. I would suggest getting several opinions from REPUTABLE plastic surgeons. I'm assuming you would need a mini tuck at best which is a 6-8" incision above the pubic area.

    Your pretty young so I would really consider trying more natural ways to tighten the skin. Most of the creams and crap they sell is just BS. I have heard Preperation H having some effect but I cant recall why.

    I still believe if you continue to cut BF and add muscle you will tighten up just fine.
    I have to agree with lunk(I cant believe I just said that) save youre money!
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  11. #11
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    As you get older your skin becomes more elastic anyways. You may have memories of your old skin and may not realize that things change as we get older. My friend is like elastic man. He only had about 9% body fat and was never overweight, but even in his late teens, he could pull his skin about 6 inches from any part of his body; including his face. I think you look great and I too would save my money. It may be worse than what we can see; but it is still so much better than many. Good luck and whatever you do I wish the best. But I think everyone here agrees that you are looking pretty good. Congrats on the changes!

  12. #12
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    I wish my skin looked that good after losing a ton of weight!!!

    If I were you i'd put some size on and get leaner.

    That's my 2 cents, do what makes you happy.

  13. #13
    Reiid13's Avatar
    Reiid13 is offline Member
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    Man I am shocked , I was expecting something from embarrasing bodies .

    Theres no way id get a tummy tuck for that , unless I was sleeping on a bed of £50 notes .

    Since you have got cycles under your belt , id just pack on some lean muscle and keep the ripped look !

  14. #14
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Yeah stop pulling on it and pack on 50 lbs of muscle you will need the skin.
    Lunk1 likes this.

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