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  1. #41
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    yeah 30 might be the trick like 2 weeks of 30 mg. Then cardio, sauna, milk thistle, and lots of vitamins. This way it won't be to OBIVIOUS lol Also I can slowly work the gains.

    Hell I need to get some Test and Deca and do a full blown cylce for my first. LOL

    I feel like now just hanging onto my stuff. Patience is a virtue.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well, test/deca kick started with dbol would be a lot more satisfying for you, I can guarantee that.

    Most people feel dbol effects within days, but it takes at least a good week to fully kick in... so 2 weeks isn't really enough. 3-4 is preferable and is usually the best effects VS dammage compromise.

    As for dbol not being obvious, hmmm! I hope you realize that dbol (like many steroids ) causes you to bloat, and that includes your face where it is often very visible.

    Thats what the bros here refer to when they say "Moon pie face".

    Take care!


  3. #43
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    Today I did 2 sets of flat bench with 225lbs. I was worn out from working and not enough sleep. I got 22 reps and then 15. I wanted to try to bench real heavy Sunday I'm gonna have to wait Monday. I'm cutting my creatine in 1/2 and getting off of it.

    It is soooooooooOOoo00O00oo hard to maintain sometimes you know.

  4. #44
    Explicit is offline New Member
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    Im still laughing at this post.

  5. #45
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    Those who take megadoses of Testoster-one enanthate will already feel an enormous pump in their upper thighs and calves when climbing stairs. Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testoster-one enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds.

    This the Test you guys are talking about? I want to get freaky huge lol on my first go around.

    You say Test, Deca , and Dbol those are the only 3 i need. But this will get turned into a freakin 12 week cycle right?

  6. #46
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    " Those who take megadoses of Testoster-one enanthate will already feel an enormous pump in their upper thighs and calves when climbing stairs. Despite this we recommend that steroid novices stay away from all testosterone compounds. To make it very clear: Those who have never taken steroids do not yet need any testosterone and should wait until later when the "weaker" steroids begin to have little effect. For the more advanced, Testoster-one enanthate can either be taken alone or in combination with other compounds. "

    Not only does that sound like something I would imagine to find out of a childrens book, it is rediculous.

    TEST is essential to every cycle.

  7. #47
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    Guys I want to thank you all for your good and bad comments. I went through and read them like 4 or 5 times.

    I must say some good suggestions and info. As you can tell I have no history of this or any knowledge.

    Can you guys give me some cool Dbol links so I can read up more. I got a powerlifting competition coming up in Aug. I was thinking about raising 100 to 150 raw pounds to my bench and getting 50 pounds of extra bench shirt technique kick in and perhaps hit 600 with a shirt. That would be unheard of being only 22 years old. Weighing like 235 lol.

    People would know whats up coming from last year doing 405 raw

  8. #48
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    What about 250mg of Testosterone enantate mixed with Dbol ? How would I do Test? Once a week @ 250 mg a week?

  9. #49
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    250 might do something for you, but isnt really enough for satisfying results... 500 would be better. Shoot 250 mon and thu for 10 weeks, kick start the first 3-4 weeks with dbol 30mg ed and enjoy.

    (Think about it, if you're going to the trouble of sticking a needle in your thigh or butt, you might as well go with a recipe proven to work (500mh/wk) rather than one which may or may not work (250mg/wk).

    Just my 2 cents worth.


  10. #50
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    That would be 60$ for 500 mg though.

    This stuff is expensiveeeeeeeeeee

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