my friend who has run this gear before is advising me on everything but hes unsure how much I should take because im about half his weight. so he is unsure and thought it best i ask for some general advice.

im 5'5" and 138lbs. about 12%bf im 26 years old, never used anything but protein before. i have pretty clean diet and been lifting seriously for about 3 years.

right now the thought is:
winny 50mg/day (weeks 1-4 & 6-10)
test enanthate 250mg/wk (10 wks)


Fish oil 3000mg/day
Milk thistle 500mg/day

diet wise
250 carbs first 5 wks and slowly drop them about 10-15g every week after.
200-250g protein a day
as little fat as possible

about 1-1.5 gal water/day minimum

PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ALL THINK! i'll take everything as positive criticism haha. i really do appreciate the knowledge, and advice!