Hey fellas, haven't posted in a bit. Just looking for some quick advice. Before anyone asks, I'm 6'2 220lbs and 10% bf and dedicated lifter for 12 years now. I have run 6 cycles previously with most injectables out there. I normally run short estered cycles with prop, tren ace, masteron , etc., but this time I got my hands on some excellent sust350 in a huge order from a friend for a great price, so I figured I would bulk with that, npp, and dbol for the beginning of my cycle and switch to masteron from dbol after 4 weeks. My issue is I have these 50mg dbol capsules and I personally do not really enjoy orals. I've seen I should take about 25-30mg ed split into a few doses, but it's difficult with the capsules. So to basically sum this up, with my previous cycle experience, size, and workout experience, should I attempt to just do the 50mg a day or just go through the hassle of splitting the 50mg into 4 doses over a 2 day time period?