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  1. #1
    Trae is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014

    Question Help With Planning My First Cycle?

    Hey guys, I've been working out some for about a year, just really though with no dedication.
    The only real goal was to be more healthy, and I think I've reached that.
    I've lost some weight through cardio and weight lifting, though now I've been stepping things up, and doing more intense training (maybe 2-3 months) and want to do something bigger.
    I'm still having some trouble losing weight, and want to cut maybe 20 pounds within a few months.
    I'm thinking maybe like Primo (It doesn't aromatize and I don't want any estrogen problems..), but I looked up some things and the number one for weight loss is Trembolone, but I don't know if thats too much for me or anything(+ thats bad for endurance supposedly). Essentially I just want to cut some (a good amount) weight and get off to a better start than I am, so what do you think?

    I just need a short term thing, I don't want to go big and be roided out, just something maybe once or twice a week if that seems logical, and I don't think I'd mess up my hormone balance, so I wouldn't need something to help get off. Or as much.
    Teach me the ways.
    (Wrap Up)
    Basically a good steroid for fat loss (No injecting)
    A low dose cycle for it
    And anything else I'd need like I see lots of people accompanying things with T3 like idek what that is.. (F*ck me, right?)
    And I don't want to get any hormone stuff messed up so after like a month and a half cycle something to get off it if needed.

  2. #2
    Gunsablazin is offline Junior Member
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    Can't beat a good diet

  3. #3
    DB1982's Avatar
    DB1982 is offline Member
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    Unfortunately you are no where near ready for a cycle after only a year of lifting. Stick around learn as most as possible. These forums and most of the members here are very smart individuals and have no problem helping those who put the work in.

    Head over to nutrition section and get your diet under control. That's your first step.
    Good luck buddy.

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    forget about it. No magic pill out there unless you find it let me know! Hard work diet exercise eat under calorie allowance

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    At 22 work on your diet and training. Get a good base over the next few years to build on.

  6. #6
    wicked442 is offline Associate Member
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    You have no idea what you are doing with your diet,wo plan and most def not aas. Diet=85%,wo=10%,and aas/ph/ds=5%.
    You have a long way to go and alot of research to do. At this point you will just fuk yourself up and loose any gains you may get.

  7. #7
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    AAS should not be used strictly to loose weight. The fact that you are looking for a quick fix also tells me you don't have the dedication to be using AAS either. AAS are for people who are serious about diet and training and have been doing so for many years. Without hard work and dedication and knowledge of dieting you will end up back where you were with nothing to show for it except maybe a damaged endocrine system.

  8. #8
    Trae is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    Okay, when would you say I might be ready for a small cycle?
    That, and again some people are saying I'd lose my gains, but I was thinking using this more for cutting definitely not bulking or anything?

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