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Thread: post cycle

  1. #1
    still growin is offline Member
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    Jul 2002

    post cycle

    I am taking my last shot this week. I was on a cycle of

    1-10 test e 440mg/week
    1-10 deca 400mg/week
    7-13 winny 50mg/ed

    I got some gyno lumps and am taking nolv now. This is what I am thinking post cycle:

    now-16 liquidex .5mg/day
    now-16 nolvadex 20mg/day
    11-12 hcg 1500 iu/week
    13-16 clomid 50mg/day

    Does the hcg fit in here? any comments?

  2. #2
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    You're right to run the anti-e's till week 16, but you need some more clomid. 300/100/50 would be the right dose. I've never used HCG , so I'll leave that for another bro who has.

    How's this cycle shaping up for you? What kind of gains have you had?


  3. #3
    still growin is offline Member
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    Jul 2002
    I read the article about nolv vs clomid and decided that if I run clomid with nolva, I can lower the dose. I am wanting to do this because I don't want acne from the clomid if that is what in fact causes it. I have been fending of acne pretty good so far, I was worried about the winny. Overall, good cycle. I saw almost every side though! lol
    I got some slight acne, a small case of gyno, little hair growth on upper chest, little balding (hereditary, I expected that). I went up on bench almost 75lbs, shoulders 50lbs+, arms good too. Gained about 16 pounds so far, just started gaining again yesterday. Was at a plateau for about a week, but up 2lbs in last two days. I look a lot bigger than 185 I think. I am very vascular, not too much water at all, and I finally am happy with my appearance. Hoping not to lose too much post cycle though. I am also running cell tech, creatine, weight gainer, l-glutamine, vitamin post cycle. I will post some pics soon.

  4. #4
    still growin is offline Member
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    bump for help

  5. #5
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    the vast wasteland
    hey bro,
    unless you have real trouble with recovery, then the way you have the nolva/clomid set up is fine.
    you can run the clomid alongside the nolva at the dose and length of time recommended above too, but its totally your call.

    i dont think hcg is needed here, the reason being( and this is just my way of doing things) the cycle wasnt long enough. i usually leave the hcg out unless i run cycles of 16 weeks or longer.

    peace I4L

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