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  1. #1
    pakitt1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    Question newbie looking for advice

    Hey guys... I could use some advice... I'm a 44yr old male and 178lbs and 5'11"....I just started working out and I am seriously looking to see results quick... I am not looking to put on massive size, just looking for cuts... I was talking to a friend and he told me to stack dbol ,tren ,sust for 1 cycle and I should get the results I want.... I have been doing a lot of reading and I find all of it confusing... I can use some guidance if there's someone willing to input....thanks

  2. #2
    wicked442 is offline Associate Member
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    Dont listen to your friend. You are light for you height. Get your diet in check and do alot more research before jumping on anabolics esp tren .

  3. #3
    pakitt1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Light for my height?... Wow...according to doctors chart I'm overweight lol..... So what would you recommend? This Johnny walker blue waist has got to go asap...I really want to cut up...

  4. #4
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would head over to the nutrition section and check it out,chances are diet and working out alone will help you achieve youre goals.

    Wicked is right do not listen to youre friend.

  5. #5
    pakitt1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    Question newbie looking for advice

    Hey guys... I could use some advice... I'm a 44yr old male and 178lbs and 5'11"....I just started working out and I am seriously looking to see results quick... I am not looking to put on massive size, just looking for cuts... I was talking to a friend and he told me to stack dbol ,tren ,sust for 1 cycle and I should get the results I want.... I have been doing a lot of reading and I find all of it confusing... I can use some guidance if there's someone willing to input....thanks

  6. #6
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hello and welcome to the boards.

    Couple quick notes:

    -You haven't been working out long enough.
    -That is a dangerously, terrible first cycle.
    -Results are not "quick" with AAS.
    -44 y/o is not old, but what is your prior health history? Last time you had bloodwork? Cholesterol, BP, etc.
    -What is your bodyfat?

  7. #7
    pakitt1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Had blood work 6months ago...according to my doc no is perfect cholesterol is a little high nothing big...every other level is normal....I dont know my body fat... I guess I should look into that

  8. #8
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Greetings, you posted this question twice by the way. As far as your cycle goes it is pretty bad as Dante suggested. The other issue is, yes steroids will give you quick results however, that should not be the reason you are taking them. AAS should be used only when you have maxed out your genetic potential. Nutrition is the foundation for building and keeping muscle. Chances are if you are looking for a quick fix, you may not have the discipline it takes develop a maintenance nutrition plan and stick to it to keep your muscle.

  9. #9
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    It is crazy that you said your friend suggested Tren for your first cycle. You should tell them to do some research before offering horrible advice. Imagine if someone said, hey, I have never had a drink of alcohol before but want to catch a buzz. Would you say, oh, you should chug a full cup of moonshine? That would actually be safer and better advice than what your friend said to you. Check out the first cycle thread and you will see that you should try testosterone first. Tren is an animal steroid that is not even intended for humans. It is extremely strong and has horrible sides for those who cannot handle it. But you learn this by gradually adding compounds once you know your body can respond well to more user friendly compounds. Just as you should drink 12oz of beer before drinking 12oz of moonshine. You are at the right place for free advice, but please do not take tren on your first time running steroids . You could be fine, or you could destroy your life. I have done tren several times, so I am not saying this is something that should not be touched. But after breaking several bones from going half insane, I at least now have respect for this animal and know it is no joke. No one on here makes any money from giving our opinion so you can at least know we have no alterior motives. Even friends can sometimes be willing to risk your health for their own little science experiment. Dont be your friends science experiment and stick to test when starting and let them play with their tren until you have a better understanding of how this stuff works. Also, I am your age by the way and have been doing this stuff for more than 20 years. Unfortunately the information that is now easily available was not when I was young. Good luck and be safe.

  10. #10
    db11 is offline Junior Member
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    I have very little aas experience but have had tren because of bad advice which i listened to
    It sent my brain crazy i have never ever been a jealous person and am not now but the tren turned me really jealous of my girlfriends ex's it was driving me crazy (we have been happily together for 9 years with 3 kids)
    Honest its strong stuff
    Im currently running test e only with help off the experts on here and its going well still early days but gaining ok and most importantly my brain is its normal happy self
    Listern to these people

  11. #11
    pakitt1 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Thanks guys...seems like the negatives out weigh the positives.... I'm going to change my diet completely and try to get the results I'm looking for the natural way

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