Okay i took my first shot on a Test E 350 cycle. My buddy told a joke as the needle was in my glute and i couldn't help but laugh while it was in my glute. I used a 20g 1.5 in needle. This was on Monday the 24th and its now the 29th so about 5 days and i have a pretty big knot in my glute. I used alcohol swabs on all the equipment and needle. It hurts like a mother... i took some tylonal and it is a lot better until it wears off. It isnt really hot to the touch and there is no rash or anything. I have been using a heat pad and rubbing it when i can. It doesn't stop me from sitting down or sleeping but i sure as hell know it there. So what im trying to figure out is if i need to see a doctor or just wait it out a little longer. Ive read quite a bit about this but its all pretty mixed. This is my 2nd cycle overall but Tren is what i used before. Any advice or past stories to either ease my mind or get my ass to the doctor already would be greatly appreciated.