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Thread: Just got bloodwork done. VETS advice needed.

  1. #1
    Battleplan's Avatar
    Battleplan is offline Junior Member
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    Just got bloodwork done. VETS advice needed.

    I finished PCT after my last cycle 5 weeks ago, cycle consisted of prop, mast, dbol and var. PCT was nolva/clomid.

    I decided to get my bloods done as I have never had them done and wanted to see if everything was running properly before starting my next cycle.

    I had the full spectrum of tests done. everything was within normal ranges except for:

    Triclycerides 1.6 mmol/L (<1.5)
    LDL-Chol 2.6 mmol/L (<2.5)

    Although these may be innacurate as I was not in a fasted state.

    Urea 10.1 mmol/L (2.5-7.7)

    Thyroid function tests (serum)
    FT4 15.9 pmol/L (9.0-25.0)
    TSH 4.47 mIU/L (0.40-4.00)

    Also my serum testosterone was 11.7 nmol/L, normal range is 11.0-32.0. so that was right at the low end of the reference range.

    Free testosterone was 300 (90-580) pmol/L


    What should I do from here to correct these readings?
    Am I ok to start another cycle?

    My serum test reading was low however I feel good and am making decent progress in the gym. What should I make of this? The doc was most concerned with the elevated TSH and said I should have it checked agin in 8 weeks or so.

  2. #2
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    lol you have posted this on multiple forums bro, have some patience.

  3. #3
    Battleplan's Avatar
    Battleplan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    lol you have posted this on multiple forums bro, have some patience.

    yeah two forums, to get as much input as possible. What is wrong with that?

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you have lowT together with abnormal thyroid function, you definitely need further tests. i don't think you need to worry about your cholesterol yet. but definitely go for whatever tests your doc recommends. and definitely don't cycle any more till everything is sorted out.

    since you're feeling fine, there is no need to rush into treatment. just take your time to get to the right diagnosis.

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    First off the general rule is time on plus pct equals time off. After just finishing pct no you are not ok to cycle again you haven't recovered from your last cycle yet. Your other labs or no good either if you didn't do them in a fasted state they are just not going to be accurate. You need to give yourself another 4-6 weeks and then run your labs to see we're you are at and fast before running your lipid panel

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    How long did you PCT? I would normally suggest 6 weeks from PCT before bloods. You are likely still recovering.
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  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Get a full thyroid panel. Hypothyroidism can/will cause hypogonadism.
    Be sure to get LH & FSH levels next time.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I see the numbers but I'm not convinced that these numbers are steady state. You just got off of PCT. IMO, it takes a body longer than the PCT period to get back to normal. It may take 6 months after PCT to be back to "normal". I think you should follow your doc's recommendation and get another blood test in 8 weeks and see where you're at. I wouldn't do anything with AAS until that time.
    RangerDanger830 likes this.

  9. #9
    Battleplan's Avatar
    Battleplan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I see the numbers but I'm not convinced that these numbers are steady state. You just got off of PCT. IMO, it takes a body longer than the PCT period to get back to normal. It may take 6 months after PCT to be back to "normal". I think you should follow your doc's recommendation and get another blood test in 8 weeks and see where you're at. I wouldn't do anything with AAS until that time.
    I am going to follow the docs advice, and wait until after my next blood test before I cycle again. I had a 8 week trip to thailand planned soon, but that will have to be pushed back. Better to be safe tha sorry

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