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Thread: First Cycle while i Cutting tips/advices!!!

  1. #1
    plivos's Avatar
    plivos is offline New Member
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    First Cycle while i Cutting tips/advices!!!

    Hiz i decided to go for my 1rst cycle after a lot of thinking and i want to see what is my potential(if i reach it)!
    Cycle will start in 2 weeks

    So i am 28 and i am 1.73cm and 86 kg i workout 6yrs and i am gonna do 1rst cycle with only testo so i can see how my body to 1 roid compound.
    And i want to tell me any tips to do while i am on cycle or post so i can go as lean as i can and retain any gains after cycle.

    Cycle plan:
    Week 1 to 12: Test E 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)
    Week 1 to 12: HCG 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total) (mixed with B12)
    Week 1 to 14: Aromasin 25mg daily splited at 12.5 twice a day

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    NAC 600mg ed
    Vit C 1g ed
    Also i have Ralox on hand cause i fear Gyno a lot.

    My BW came today and are the followings:
    testo:516 ng/dl
    testo free:10.99 ng/dl
    E2:23 pg/ml
    FSH:3 iu/l
    LH:2.9 iul/l
    LDL:141 mg/dl
    Chol:204mg/dl (its high cause i was drinking a protein with really high Cholesterol(75mg p/s) so its ok and i ate some really nasty things before BW for last time )

    So any tips/advices would be nice!

    Thank in advance and Hiiiz!!!

  2. #2
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    All in all looks like a great first cycle bro. I did the same exact one too and had great results. Just eat as clean as possible but eat a lot, no alcohol if you can. The aromasin I would start at 12.5 mg/ED to see how you feel it; it can be crushing if you kill too much of your estrogen and aromasin is strong. I take 25mg/ED but with close to a gram of test a week; at 500mg/week you should be ok at 12.5mg/ED of aromasin. Everyting else looks solid. Good luck bro, enjoy the ride.

  3. #3
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Is your goal to bulk or cut? Because you can not do both. The success of your cycle will depend on your diet. Keep calories high during PCT to keep gains. Cutting cycles are not about making gains, it is about keeping muscle you have while leaning out. Very few are able to gain lean muscle mass during cutting.

  4. #4
    plivos's Avatar
    plivos is offline New Member
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    Ok i will go with 1 dose om 12.5mg and increase it if needed.Tnx

  5. #5
    plivos's Avatar
    plivos is offline New Member
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    The main goal is to cut but if i gain any muscle from increased testo will be nice!

  6. #6
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    plivos is offline New Member
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