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Thread: Review my first cycle please?

  1. #1
    qaiszero is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    Review my first cycle please?

    Hi, about to start my first cycle soon.

    Height: 5 ft 8
    Weight: 170lb 20%BF

    Week 1-12 500mg Test Enanthate (split 2x a week, though i'd prefer 1x a week pinning)
    Week 2-12 250iu HCG 2x a week
    Week 1-12 0.5mg Arimidex EOD

    Week 14-18 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Diet: 3100 cals, 266 carbs, 110 fats, 241g protein. All clean food already planned/sorted and been on diet for a while, no junk.
    Also daily multi vitamin, krill oil, green tea extracts.

    Hows it looking? Anything I would benefit from adding, dosings okay? Still unsure about the AI during cycle since some people say it's pointless or too strong, I don't want to see anything close to gyno and have minimal bloating. And PCT, sufficient? Should recover okay since I'll have HCG on cycle right?

    I've been in and out of gym for 2-3 years now, got depressed/sick last year and didn't lift until january just now again. I'm determined to change my life and my physique and get the best shape of my life now, nothing else matters more to me.

    I want to put on as much lean mass as possible on this cycle, but without going overboard and making fat gains.

    I also thought about adding dbol because of this, but people say to keep the first cycle simple and you will grow like crazy anyway, but still thinking of maybe adding tbol as kickstart since it has low side effects.

  2. #2
    qaiszero is offline New Member
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    I've been told on another forum that my PCT is horrible, is it because the guy wants to recommend me his affiliate products or it's genuinely bad?
    "Your PCT is horrid. You will not recover with only a SERM in PCT. You need much more than that. Here is what I recommend
    Liquid Clomid 50/50/25/25 (-link-)
    Liquid Aromasin (-link-)
    Test Stack 17 (-link-)
    Ostarine 25mg per day (-link-)
    And also told me this regarding HCG
    "HCG should never be used for the duration of a cycle. It should only be used as a kickstart to PCT, otherwise it will become counterproductive when ran too long. Start it after last injection and run it for two weeks up until PCT starts (2 weeks after last pin of test)"

    Any opinions?

  3. #3
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    In the cage!
    Your too young. You may not have fully developed your HPTA system. Cycling now may cause permanent damage...

    Your BF% is too high. You want to be at least 15% or lower to avoid higher risk of sides.

    HCG throughout! To prevent Testicle shrinkage and keep LH production going. This will aid in recovery post cycle.

    Add clomid with nolva. Drop the rest of the stuff.

    Get blood work before starting! If your natural test is already in the high range keep training hard natty while your young. No need for test yet. Hit up the nutrition section.

    Sounds like your doing some research. Smart move. Don't rush into this. Best of luck to you!
    devil-1986 likes this.

  4. #4
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    If you can't put on lean body mass at 22, steroids won't help you.

    Also, being "in and out of the gym for the last 2-3 years" plus the high body fat suggests you are looking for a quick solution due to lack of dedication.
    Last edited by AsEpSiS; 04-06-2014 at 12:37 PM.

  5. #5
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by probuild42 View Post
    Your too young. You may not have fully developed your HPTA system. Cycling now may cause permanent damage...

    Your BF% is too high. You want to be at least 15% or lower to avoid higher risk of sides.

    HCG throughout! To prevent Testicle shrinkage and keep LH production going. This will aid in recovery post cycle.

    Add clomid with nolva. Drop the rest of the stuff.

    Get blood work before starting! If your natural test is already in the high range keep training hard natty while your young. No need for test yet. Hit up the nutrition section.

    Sounds like your doing some research. Smart move. Don't rush into this. Best of luck to you!
    ^^^^^ This is good advice!!

  6. #6
    qaiszero is offline New Member
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    I know what you are saying, I'm sure many people are not ready and decide to go on juice despite what anyone tells them and mess themselves up.

    I'm continuing to cut for this month until I'm a lower BF % and I already have my stuff, I will definitely use it and it's the choice I've made at this point in time. I know I am not near my natural potential at all, but I want to change my life and doing so through changing my body is what I want to do.

    I want results and yes, I want to use to speed up that process, but I am not going to just sit around and not train/eat properly, if I do then I'm wasting my money and my time, and maybe damaging myself. I am sure I will do this right.

    That being said I want to make sure I have fully researched and done my homework beforehand. So any advice is really appreciated.

  7. #7
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    In the cage!

  8. #8
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Pro and Asepsis are right on the advice they are giving you. You still have plenty of room to grow and I imagine, if done correctly, you could gain a lot of muscle fairly quickly with your stats, without juice. I wouldn't rush into this. You already have the stuff and that is fine, but it keeps well for awhile. At the very least it will keep long enough for you to prepare your body a little better.

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