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Thread: cruise dose, low tren

  1. #1
    Matt007's Avatar
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    cruise dose, low tren

    run tren 3 times at 500 to 700mg per weekI have been cruizing for 2 months now and my previous blast was 250mg test, 600mg tren a per week
    My cruise dose is 200mg/week, was thinking of adding in low tren at 50mg eod, for the next 4 to 5 weeksI am currently on a cut, 8 weeks as we speak, tdee is 2672,bmr is 1827
    My diet isset up this week at 275pro, 150g carb, 50g fat 2170 cals but I might ligthen it abit more, dependig on what u guys thinkMy question is will the tren help on a low dose at 150mg/week?
    Was plannig on runing this low for 3 to 4 weeks to get my bf even lpwer then ramp it up
    Reason why I am running tren low right now cause I want to wait till my bf is even lower to blasttren at a higher dose as tren doesnt effect me side wise, feel great on tren
    I am currently loosing 1/2" on my waist line per week on 200mg/week test e, will the tren further this cut being at a low dose?

    Here is a pic of where I stand now
    Wanna get my bf down to 14% before I ramp up the tren, your thoughts on this, thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cruise dose, low tren-20140401_165645-1.jpg  
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-06-2014 at 07:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Dud, get off the tren . It's not a compound to "cruise" on. I ran a long cycle (nearly 6+ months) and my lipids were a fkn wreck for months. I was a mess!!!

  3. #3
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    run tren 3 times at 500 to 700mg per weekI have been cruizing for 2 months now and my previous blast was 250mg test, 600mg tren a per week
    My cruise dose is 200mg/week, was thinking of adding in low tren at 50mg eod, for the next 4 to 5 weeksI am currently on a cut, 8 weeks as we speak, tdee is 2672,bmr is 1827
    My diet isset up this week at 275pro, 150g carb, 50g fat 2170 cals but I might ligthen it abit more, dependig on what u guys thinkMy question is will the tren help on a low dose at 150mg/week?
    Was plannig on runing this low for 3 to 4 weeks to get my bf even lpwer then ramp it up
    Reason why I am running tren low right now cause I want to wait till my bf is even lower to blasttren at a higher dose as tren doesnt effect me side wise, feel great on tren
    I am currently loosing 1/2" on my waist line per week on 200mg/week test e, will the tren further this cut being at a low dose?

    Here is a pic of where I stand now
    Wanna get my bf down to 14% before I ramp up the tren, your thoughts on this, thanks

    Matt, how many times do you need to be told, even on another "steroid " forum you fail to listen.

    You have run gear after gear after gear and you still no offence look like you have barely ever gone to a gym in your life.
    you need to get off everything, re evaluate your diet, re evaluate how you train and go from there. Your base is that of a young guy who looks like they have been lifting for at least 6 months if that.

    Im sorry if im coming off harsh, but your doing more harm than good. Now your talking about cruising on tren. Mate 200mg of test per week should be more than enough to cut on.

    You have barely any muscle mass from the looks of it, so when you cut down very low you will most likely just end up looking like an average guy with abs on the beach.

    Im sorry if this has offended you but some people really need a wake up call. Get off your stupid cycles run a PCT and train natural for a while. Fix your diet up and perferct your training. After running 700mg of tren per week I would expect you to have some muscle mass.

    Pull your head in mate. You have been told on another forum aswell. Your going to end up hurting youself in the long run. You should not need that much gear to cut either. A small dose of testosterone should be more than enough.

  4. #4
    DAAS's Avatar
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    I was just going to say you look a little small for being on that much gear.

  5. #5
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    I was just going to say you look a little small for being on that much gear.

  6. #6
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Matt, how many times do you need to be told, even on another "steroid " forum you fail to listen.

    You have run gear after gear after gear and you still no offence look like you have barely ever gone to a gym in your life.
    you need to get off everything, re evaluate your diet, re evaluate how you train and go from there. Your base is that of a young guy who looks like they have been lifting for at least 6 months if that.

    Im sorry if im coming off harsh, but your doing more harm than good. Now your talking about cruising on tren . Mate 200mg of test per week should be more than enough to cut on.

    You have barely any muscle mass from the looks of it, so when you cut down very low you will most likely just end up looking like an average guy with abs on the beach.

    Im sorry if this has offended you but some people really need a wake up call. Get off your stupid cycles run a PCT and train natural for a while. Fix your diet up and perferct your training. After running 700mg of tren per week I would expect you to have some muscle mass.

    Pull your head in mate. You have been told on another forum aswell. Your going to end up hurting youself in the long run. You should not need that much gear to cut either. A small dose of testosterone should be more than enough.
    Bro not listening to idiots specially the ones from ology, why the site is there for meatheads like yourself, go back there and argue bro or knock someones physique down, seems to be the typical trend over there, I started at 209lbs, ofcourse when u cut u are obviously leaning out and gonna loose abitof size in the meantime, bro its been 2 years inhave been lifting, who cares if I choose to cruise or not, my choice not yours, I was asking adding in a low dose of tren for 4 weeks then ramping my tren up to 500 to 600mg/week as I am doing another blast not cruising on tren man

  7. #7
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Seems to be he typical thing over at ology, knock someone down meanwhile they dont have a pic of themselves to back up what they are saying, like there some muscle bounded no everything about dieting and training, lol, and to say it looks like I dont even lift, get a grip bro, typical ology bullshit

  8. #8
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    So you are currently on test right now?

  9. #9
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Yes 200mg/week

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I do agree Matt. Criticism of your plan could have been givin without all of the personal attacks on your appearance. I am not sure I understand your OP 100%. Can you clarify what you are doing now and what you are considering doing. Please check your spelling before hitting enter.

  11. #11
    Matt007's Avatar
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    I started off my cut at 209lbs, after a 4 month bulk, got myself pretty high in bf in the stages of bulking like 21 to 23% bf, but been chopping away the last 8 weeks on cal deficit of 500 cals below matainance on 200mg/week test e, been off compounds other then test for 2 months and was plan on adding in tren low at 150mg/ week along side 200mg test e for 4-5 week till I get down to 15 or 14% bf then going to bump my tren up to 500 to 600mg/week and bump my test from 200 to 300mg/week, and continue on my cut till I reach 12 to 10% bf
    I am currently sitting around 17% bf right now
    My diet right now is 275p, 150c, 50f total 2170 cals, carbs are set for breakfest, pre/post workout
    I can also post my diet plan I am currently on for last week, debating if I should lower my cals even more now that I amon a low dose of tren

  12. #12
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    Pic on the left was me at 209lbs when bulking 4 months ago, pic on the right is current on my cut
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  13. #13
    Matt007's Avatar
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    My current diet plan

    2170 cals

    Meal 3/4 are pre/post w/o

    I cancelled out the natty pb in meal 4 post workout, dropping me down to 50g fat from 60g
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cruise dose, low tren-20140324_082540-1-1.jpg  
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-06-2014 at 09:45 PM.

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You said you plan to run the test and tren "till you reach 12-10%" how long do you expect to be using tren TOTAL?

    Why are you using 200mg of test?

  15. #15
    Matt007's Avatar
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    I cruise with 200mg/week to give my body a break
    Long story but I'll try to make it as simple as I can
    Was diagnosed with low test a few years ago, but couldnt afford what they wanted through the doc, no benifits as I live in canada, so I went ugl, so I blast for a few months then cruise for a few to give my body a break, butlike running my test lower and tren higher, test at 250-300mg/week, tren 500 to 600mg/week, no bad sides other then the aggression lol
    12 weeks total bro

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    I cruise with 200mg/week to give my body a break
    Long story but I'll try to make it as simple as I can
    Was diagnosed with low test a few years ago, but couldnt afford what they wanted through the doc, no benifits as I live in canada, so I went ugl, so I blast for a few months then cruise for a few to give my body a break, butlike running my test lower and tren higher, test at 250-300mg/week, tren 500 to 600mg/week, no bad sides other then the aggression lol
    12 weeks total bro

    Sooo, you were diagnosed with low test and are self treating with 200mg.
    If you are hell bent on doing this then there is no real reason to start with the a low dose. Just pick a reasonable dose and run it for a 12 week cycle
    Stosh_112 likes this.

  17. #17
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Sooo, you were diagnosed with low test and are self treating with 200mg.
    If you are hell bent on doing this then there is no real reason to start with the a low dose. Just pick a reasonable dose and run it for a 12 week cycle
    Yes, u think I should deplete the carbs to 100g, 50g pre/post, dieting now with tren in the mix, right now my training involves "hit" dorian yates blood and guts, been using this method for 6 to 7 weeks with good results with min to no cardio
    If cutting out my breakfest carbs that would roughly take me down to 2000 cals per day

  18. #18
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    How do u think my physique looks right now on my 8 week cut so far?

  19. #19
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Just to clarify a few things with that post above, this is my 2 year progress lifting, me before with low test ect ect to now, what do u guys think?
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  20. #20
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Any thoughts on my progress bro's, as I do feel small right now, going from 209lbs down to 181lbs as of right now, but people in the gym keep commenting on how bigger I look, but in my mind I feel small, was going to drop the carbs out in the morning, bring me down to 2040 cals per day, my macros will look like this 275p, 100c, 50f total cals 2040, any thoughts on my physique and cutting out more carbs, thanks

  21. #21
    AD's Avatar
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    good results from the pics. well done.

    if you're into some serious HIT, take a look at this giant thread:**.html

  22. #22
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    good results from the pics. well done.

    if you're into some serious HIT, take a look at this giant thread:**.html
    Thanks bro, I just hate the fact I will be at 175 to 170lbs by the time I reach 10% bf lol, never hit 10% bf before how do u think I will look bro?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    Thanks bro, I just hate the fact I will be at 175 to 170lbs by the time I reach 10% bf lol, never hit 10% bf before how do u think I will look bro?
    i've got no idea bro. i've never gotten below 15% myself.

    but one think i learn is, looks are very subjective. you're doing this for you, so if you like how you look, that's all you need. no one else's opinion matters. unless you're on stage, in front of real judges

  24. #24
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    Also too, have u run tren on that much of a restriction in cals?, like I said I am loosing rougly 1/2" off waist line per week, roughly 1% bf per week, will the tren further this progress? Reason why I want to run a low dose for the next 4 weeks I want to experiment with low tren and a cruise dose, with the current diet plan I am on, how much I can loose bf wise on a low dose of tren then jack up my tren dose after week 4 and run another 8 to 10 weeks
    Yes my coach plans on getting me into comps in a few years, so why I am learning how to properly diet and get lean for the future
    Thus, I told my future coach I will not go to him until I am down to 15% bf, then will hire him as I want to get around 10% bf, myself I have always stayed over 200lbs lol, first time in along ass time weihing 180lbs, lol cant remember the last time I weighed this haha
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-07-2014 at 06:44 AM.

  25. #25
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    Another pic of me about 5 months ago, was 230 in that pic lol
    So droped quite abit of weight in the meantime
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cruise dose, low tren-20131204_171958-1.jpg  

  26. #26
    Unrealone is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    I was just going to say you look a little small for being on that much gear.
    sure he is on a cut, but he isnt eating enough either... needs to eat more and do more cardio... it looks like he has little to no idea how the compounds, he is using, actually work
    evander87 likes this.

  27. #27
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    So your telling me. You have only been working out in the gym for 2 years?

    And in that 2 years, you have prescribed yourself 200mg of test per week. Used upwards of 700mg of tren per week. Done blasts after blasts of some of the strongest anabolics around. And you no offence, still look mediocre at best?

    Sorry if im coming off harsh mate. But wake up to yourself. You have posted numerous pictures and there have been BARELY any changes to your body at all. Something isn't adding up, either your diet isn't what your writing down, and a lot of people have a habit of doing this ive realized, they work out the perfect macros to look good on the net, but in reality there not following it. Or you are just not training very well. Which one is it mate?

    Id suggest fully coming off your cycles and trying a PCT. Everyone blames low test on not making any gains, that's such stupidity. Mate even if you did have low test you should have and could have built a lot better base than you have now. I had testicular cancer which led to my TRT and during that time I attracted my missus because of my build, well part of it . And I had the test levels that low, that the doctor was so confused.

    Get my point mate. You didn't listen to the fellas on ology, and now you come on here just wanting to hear what you wanna hear. Really mate, wake up to yourself.

  28. #28
    Matt007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    So your telling me. You have only been working out in the gym for 2 years?

    And in that 2 years, you have prescribed yourself 200mg of test per week. Used upwards of 700mg of tren per week. Done blasts after blasts of some of the strongest anabolics around. And you no offence, still look mediocre at best?

    Sorry if im coming off harsh mate. But wake up to yourself. You have posted numerous pictures and there have been BARELY any changes to your body at all. Something isn't adding up, either your diet isn't what your writing down, and a lot of people have a habit of doing this ive realized, they work out the perfect macros to look good on the net, but in reality there not following it. Or you are just not training very well. Which one is it mate?

    Id suggest fully coming off your cycles and trying a PCT. Everyone blames low test on not making any gains, that's such stupidity. Mate even if you did have low test you should have and could have built a lot better base than you have now. I had testicular cancer which led to my TRT and during that time I attracted my missus because of my build, well part of it . And I had the test levels that low, that the doctor was so confused.

    Get my point mate. You didn't listen to the fellas on ology, and now you come on here just wanting to hear what you wanna hear. Really mate, wake up to yourself.
    Not comig off gear, end of story, post a pic of your physique then bro, like I said its typical ology bs where u came from, like I said end of story bro

  29. #29
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Could you please limit the use of the word "bro" to once per thread. Thank you.
    I think you should be careful about cutting cals too much and counting on anabolics for size. When you do finally stop blasting tren (and you will believe me) you will lose most of what you have achieved.
    evander87 likes this.

  30. #30
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    Not comig off gear, end of story, post a pic of your physique then bro, like I said its typical ology bs where u came from, like I said end of story bro
    Such an immature mentality. Mate, im not comparing against you by all means, I just really believe at the end of the day your going to end up doing more harm then good, and you will eventually end up progressing backwards rather than forwards.

    Why do you refuse to come off gear? How is it typical ology BS? Please elaborate.

    Why do you look so mediocre for the amounts of gear you run?

  31. #31
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Interesting thread. A few thoughts...

    1. You have made good progress. Keep it up. Training and nutrition are everything, not AAS.
    2. Body weight doesn't matter so don't focus on it.
    3. You don't need that much tren . You should grow into your dose. More is not better.
    4. You seriously need occasional blood work. Value your health.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  32. #32
    2iron's Avatar
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    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    Just to clarify a few things with that post above, this is my 2 year progress lifting, me before with low test ect ect to now, what do u guys think?
    Congrats on progress. You look 10x better in pic. bw might paint a different pic though. I struggle with what I want to do vs what u should do too. I try to keep it 50 50 lol. Good luck

  33. #33
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    sure he is on a cut, but he isnt eating enough either... needs to eat more and do more cardio... it looks like he has little to no idea how the compounds, he is using, actually work
    Why would you recommend someone eat more and then in the same sentence recommend more cardio? More cardio means more calories burned means you just expended the extra calories you ate.

  34. #34
    jdpeters's Avatar
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    Yes, sounds counter productive. However there are some experienced guys on here that swear by this. Eat tons of clean food and if you want to decrease bf% than do more cardio. Let's be clear, the cardio should be aerobic, steady state cardio. This will use fat as a fuel source. As opposed to anaerobic which will not only just use food in your belly as fuel but also can eat muscle.

    Just my two mls

  35. #35
    Unrealone is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^ because i was quoting a guy who commented on how he doesnt look like he puts in much work at the gym... he said he isnt doing any cardio at all and is simply relying on the drop in calories and excessive gear to lose the weight... if you think thats a good idea, give it a try...fwiw, its not a good idea

  36. #36
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdpeters View Post
    Yes, sounds counter productive. However there are some experienced guys on here that swear by this. Eat tons of clean food and if you want to decrease bf% than do more cardio. Let's be clear, the cardio should be aerobic, steady state cardio. This will use fat as a fuel source. As opposed to anaerobic which will not only just use food in your belly as fuel but also can eat muscle.

    Just my two mls
    The cleanliness of your food has almost nothing to do with your body composition. Experienced guys can swear all they want but unfortunately they cannot isolate variables nor can they account for their results with reliable measurements meaning it's all just anecdotal data.

    To be clear, you're only looking at cardio and it's effects in the acute setting but we know fat loss doesn't happen in the acute setting but in chronic setting. You're fixated on only the time you're doing the cardio but what about afterwards? Read this if you'd like to see what the current research and science says:

    Myths Under the Microscope Part 1: The Low Intensity Fat Burning Zone - - Fitness Based on Science & Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    ^^^ because i was quoting a guy who commented on how he doesnt look like he puts in much work at the gym... he said he isnt doing any cardio at all and is simply relying on the drop in calories and excessive gear to lose the weight... if you think thats a good idea, give it a try...fwiw, its not a good idea
    You don't need cardio to lose weight. Cardio adds to calories burned....or you could just eat less. Both work the same for OP.

    I never said for him to rely on excessive gear. In fact, ive tried mentioning to him on 2 forums now that the gear isn't the problem.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    ^^^ because i was quoting a guy who commented on how he doesnt look like he puts in much work at the gym... he said he isnt doing any cardio at all and is simply relying on the drop in calories and excessive gear to lose the weight... if you think thats a good idea, give it a try...fwiw, its not a good idea
    I bust my ass in the gym, I am in a 600 cal deficit, pump iron 5-6 days a week, I had somebody help me out on my diet, learned a lot, was my diet "on" before, "no", its the way we learn dif things, learn from it and move on, each week I make sundays my measurement day and loke I said loosing approx. 1% bf per week and 1/2" off my waist line with absolutely zero cardio for now, relying on my current diet and using the program " hit" dorian yates blood and guts, if u havent tried it its pretty intense, and keeps your strength while keeping the intenity high and chopping bf in the process, never once did I say I relie on gear, I run gear, u run gear, so who cares, not here to argue, and yes I got bloods done 3 weeks ago or so, and donated blood 2 months ago, so I keep up to date with bloods
    Note ever since I have been on this program blood and guts, my strength is the same if not better, each week I am lifting abit more and holding my strength while on a cal deficit
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-07-2014 at 04:13 PM.

  38. #38
    Matt007's Avatar
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    My question was not about making serious gains but tren helping out furthering my current bf loss per week if not more, or should I just keep proceeding runnig my cruise dose at 200mg/week test e and when I reach down to 14 to 13%, do my current blast of running low test and high tren?

  39. #39
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    Recent bloods done 3 weeks ago on 200mg test e
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  40. #40
    jngymrat is offline Associate Member
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    Personally, I think you are a pretty responsible athlete. You seem to get a good deal of advice and then sort it out and give it a try. You look like you have adjusted well with advice as to what works for you and make the proper changes. Good for you.

    As far as the dosages, I can't say much, but I will say that everyone starts with advice and if we are to be honest, who has ever gone and gotten all the blood work, all the dieting advice, what type of training should you do, how much if any, cardio, and everything else someone will weigh in on before they ever touched a weight or drug?? Right. no one I know!

    I will say advice from people that have "been" there is invaluable, but just give the straight scoop and stop all the criticizing and help the man!

    Keep up the hard work and make necessary adjustments, you're doing great.
    Matt007 likes this.

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