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  1. #1
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    Tren Ace Tingles and Hot Flashes?

    Ive been running Tren A at 700per week, occasionally i randomly get hot flash, and tingles and prickles all over chest shoulders and back. Last about a minute, and it usually happens within few minutes of eating first meal of day. Something carb related maybe? Feels exactly like what a gnc PreWorkout product used to do to me, sharp tingling and heat. To a T.
    Ive ran tren a before, from different supplier and never had it happen, but this stuff is far more potent. Stinks up whole room when i switch drawing needle with shooting needle, taste it after every inject, feel more "On".

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds about right at that dose. I ran Tren A at a much lower dose but I did get a mild version of those sides. I am getting them now on Tren E also. I get hot flashes occasionally but not too often and they aren't severe, just noticeable. I also get the tingling but usually when I am working out and getting sweaty.

  3. #3
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    So what age did you exactly start using steroids ?

  4. #4
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I didn't catch that til you said something Dante. Regardless of age I think 700mg is high.

  5. #5
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Sorry for the delay, ive had a shitty day. Was picking up 5 miles of pileline, then it started raining, and i dislocated finger, hahaha its pointing sideways right now creeping me out, guess ima set it back after i finish typing this...
    Anyways Thanks for the replies guys, glad to hear its not unheard of. Just because im curious, any clue of what could cause it?
    Man i started testosterone about a year and a half ago, i wrote up a very long explaination on my last post from two days ago about all that, and my thoughts on it. PM me if you want to know anything about it.

    Yea 700mg is up there. Last cycle i sloped up from 325, until stopping at 700mg. Caber HCG and sleep medicine make it bearable. But i just shot and backed down to 75mg vs usually 100mg ed, since this is alot more potent than the last stuff, and dropping test to 150mg a week.

  6. #6
    Matt007's Avatar
    Matt007 is offline Associate Member
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    Whats your goals on this cycle of tren

  7. #7
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am telling you right now after reading some of your other posts about arguing with pharmacists, getting wasted on three shots of liquor, hooking up with random women, taking AAS at your age, and taking them in unnecessary doses is only going to get you in trouble in more ways than just endocrine disruption. I would stop now and PCT.

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    So what age did you exactly start using steroids?
    In the womb.

  9. #9
    Rothrock's Avatar
    Rothrock is offline New Member
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    700 is high...the sides at that dose was unbearable to me.. best gains I ever made though.. how old are you? I may have missed it if you said..

  10. #10
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rothrock View Post
    700 is high...the sides at that dose was unbearable to me.. best gains I ever made though.. how old are you? I may have missed it if you said..
    Oh he's 19

  11. #11
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Yea, im hardheaded, i understand. Hey juice got me off cocaine, and outta a bad rut, gave me structure and purpose, now i am actually a contributing member of society, good job, and the narcotics division no longer bothering me (small town pd gets bored and chases small fish) Guys ima roll out for awhile, go back to lurking, Never meant to troll or start such a trail of upset negativity by any means. I apologize
    Last edited by RiceGhost7.62; 04-07-2014 at 08:24 PM.

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