Alright guys so here's the deal. I will post pics for you guys to look at before and after, I'm currently taking 20mg dbol + 10mg MHN+500mg test and after my dbol cycle is up in 3 weeks I will continue my MHN at 20mg till it's dry, and then add proviron at 25mg for the rest of my cycle t3 75mg last two weeks. Nolva, proviron pct. Don't bs me about hgh already done it before didn't care for it it did not restore nor keep my junk from atrophy just kept me feeling good till my test came back to normal levels.

All my products are GZ <- not actual name but you know.
I currently weigh about 180. Down from 195 car broke down ate like crap, divorce, stress. The whole nine. Don't judge me.

I'm not in the best shape but not looking to be hulk either just incredibly awesome, but! I'm going to answer the age old question. Is my gear bunk?! No, the other question. Stacking 17aa's, I'm choosing mild/lame dosages for this experiment. I was on 4 days of 750mcg of oral tren a day, felt literally nothing.
So now I'm moving on to this because my excriments are normal color=no liver taxing. And I'm still peeing white. I spent good money on taking a plethera of liver care products fearing oral trens toxicity. Oh well guess I'll just be healthy.

Been lifting for over 10 years. Been body building seriously for 1. I'm going for a fitness model look. Anyway. I will post pics and keep you guys updated.

For those of you still here, MHN, yes, it is like a light energy drink at 10 mg and a nice awake alert feeling at 20mg. I assume this means at least one ingredient in that pill is working let my muscles decide the rest.

And I'm willing to take advice about anything, as long as it's advice and not a pissing contest of some kind.

Thanks guys