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  1. #1
    bassmaster123 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    unsure on some things for first cycle

    hey im new to the forum, and had a couple questions. I am considering running a cycle of testosterone -enanthate this summer. I have been doing research and will continue doing research until this summer so please don't shoot me down I got time to figure things out. but my question is coming from the sticky thread "The Young and Steroids " it talks about how a cycle can interfere with your growth and endocrine system. The growth I am not so much worried about, I am 6'3 and have weight trained for 7 years mainly football lifts, so the way I see it, im not getting any taller. my question is more along the endocrine system. It was my understanding that the PCT was in place to stop all the affects or greatly reduce the risk of the effects on your natural systems? I am 19 but will be close to 20 when/ if I do the cycle. any suggestions will be helpful and please spell out abbreviations atleast once so I can follow what your saying. thanks.

  2. #2
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2013
    Your HTPA (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Testicular Axis) is what helps your body maintain a healthy "normal" hormonal system. While you are young your HTPA is still developing. It is a very delicate system that does not take kindly to being messed around. When you use steroids it upsets the balance of the HTPA very dramatically and can take a lot of coaxing to start functioning again. So it is recommended that people under the age of about 26 should not take steroids as the still developing HTPA can be permanently altered/damaged. Your body needs a balance of hormones to function correctly, if you upset this balance.... put simply.... you will feel shit, you'll likely have erection problems, possible gyno (male breasts) and a whole host of other serious problems (look up low testosterone and testosterone replacement therapy).

  3. #3
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    May 2013
    In the cage!
    At your age their is no guarantee of a full recovery of the HPTA as you may not be fully developed. For that matter at any age their is no gaurantee of a full recovery. Odds however do increase once your body systems are fully developed for most is around age 25.

    See this link for more details on the HPTA system:

    Explanation of HPTA / Endocrine System & How Steroids Affect You

    I would wait a few more years and keep training natural. Stick around and hit up the nutritional section and lifting sections. The gents around here can help you continue building your physique further with out putting your health at risk! Take advantage of being 19 and train hard!

    Best of luck to you!

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