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Thread: Test tren win

  1. #1
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    Test tren win

    Hello all,

    Stats: 225 lbs, 35 years old, 15% bf

    Current cycle:

    Week 1 to week 14:
    100 mg tren eod
    100 mg test prop eod
    .25 arimidex eod
    250 iu pregnyl twice a week

    Win comes in from week 6 to week 14 at 50 mg ed.

    My questions are:

    A) does it make a difference weather win ends with both other compounds or not ? I was thinking of doing from week 6 to week 12 and keep going 2 more weeks on tren and test only. Or is it better to end them all together ? Any advise on that plz?

    B) should I increase HCG to 500 iu twice a week instead of 250 iu twice a week for the last 3 weeks ?

    PCT starts 3 days after last shot:
    Novaldex: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 100/50/50/50

    Thanks for ur time
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  2. #2
    testoristo is offline Junior Member
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    6 weeks is a long time on Winnie IMO

    If you aren't trying to peak for a show it doesn't really matter when you stop it

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    This is a long time to be on tren .I am assuming its tren ace.Now if this is the case I would stop cycle at 8 week

  4. #4
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    It's tren enathate

  5. #5
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    Im at my fifth week ... If u say 8 weeks max from trenbolone then can I continue 100 mg ed instead of eod ? Or 100 mg eod is just fine ?

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Then you really need to stop your tren at least 2 weeks before the end of your test.

    Why do you want to run winny?

    No sure why you would want to up your HCG dose?

  7. #7
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    One question for knowledge sakes ... why would I need to stop tren 2 weeks earlier ?

    Concerning HCG I have read in steroid .com forums to shoot 500 iu twice a week on last 4 weeks

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    You dont want tren in your system longer than the test due to the side effects especially ED so this is one way to help make sure it does not happen

  9. #9
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks

    One more question. I will stop tren 2 to 4 weeks before test ends. PCT must still start 3 days after last shot ?

    And please could I have some answer concerning HCG ... like I said I'm already running 250 iu throughout cycle ... should I increase last four weeks or not ?

  10. #10
    BIGTOY79's Avatar
    BIGTOY79 is offline Associate Member
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    Also I must admit that I ****ed up in a slight detail. U guys can tell me how bad that is.

    I'm 6 weeks through the cycle and I've been shooting 0.75 mg tren enathate eod.

    I messed up and mistaken with the acetate or course.

    Now what's the procedure ? Keep it that way at .75 eod or switch to 100 mg twice a week ?!

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    ON the tren , either one, not much difference. I would probably do the 100mg 2x a week just to save the extra shot if nothing else.

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