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Thread: 4 week Anavar Only Cycle Clomid PCT

  1. #1
    cg2594 is offline New Member
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    4 week Anavar Only Cycle Clomid PCT

    Please God just give me an honest answer. I know most will say dont do a var only cycle or you dont need PCT.

    If you were going to do it what would be the safest doses and how long.

    I was planning on 75mg Var a day at 30 days and I have Clomid for PCT, 100mg day one 50mg for 8 more days.

    I'm 27 6'2 215 14%bf Just looking to cut up. No real mass gains wanted. Been lifting since 7th grade havent really ever stopped but never really got to crazy into it.

    I simply want to shed some fat and just basically stay lean and eat clean for the rest of my life kind of thing.

  2. #2
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Honest answer:

    You're working from a false premise. I, and most others probably, would NOT run a var only cycle. You've obviously seen old threads on the topic bc you already know what most will say. Did you think this time the responses would be different?

    In case you're unaware, shedding fat is more a function of diet than anything else. You're also not that close to your body's limits at those stats so there's no need for any steroids to cut down.
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  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    Honest answer: You're working from a false premise. I, and most others probably, would NOT run a var only cycle. You've obviously seen old threads on the topic bc you already know what most will say. Did you think this time the responses would be different? In case you're unaware, shedding fat is more a function of diet than anything else. You're also not that close to your body's limits at those stats so there's no need for any steroids to cut down.
    ^^^There's your answer. Nicely done Doc!

    Dropping your bf is diet and exercise. Move more, eat less.
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  4. #4
    cg2594 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by cg2594; 04-09-2014 at 03:43 PM.

  5. #5
    cg2594 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate your response... all things considered... I'm going to run the VAR... If you had to give advice to someone who's going to run it anyways... what doses would you suggest?

    I know diet is a main part of losing fat, but im fighting genetics here and my stomach / love handles / chest area are my problem areas for fat. Legs back and arms practically have no fat and are very vascular and lean. So im going to run the var with a low carb moderate to high protein diet consisting mainly of Oats, boiled eggs, turkey meat, chicken breast, vegetables in hopes that this plus the VAR will get rid of the fat in my problem areas.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg2594
    I appreciate your response... all things considered... I'm going to run the VAR... If you had to give advice to someone who's going to run it anyways... what doses would you suggest? I know diet is a main part of losing fat, but im fighting genetics here and my stomach / love handles / chest area are my problem areas for fat. Legs back and arms practically have no fat and are very vascular and lean. So im going to run the var with a low carb moderate to high protein diet consisting mainly of Oats, boiled eggs, turkey meat, chicken breast, vegetables in hopes that this plus the VAR will get rid of the fat in my problem areas.
    You will likely suppress your own testosterone production, albeit for a short period, running anavar alone. In all honesty, the guys here that get the best cuts achieve it through unbridled commitment to diet. Stubborn fat has less to do with genetics and more to do with diet. The guys who complain about love handles and the inability to achieve a lean six pack are not eating properly. Take all the anavar you want. If your daily caloric intake is at or above your TDEE, 30 days from now you'll be wondering why the anavar didn't work. One of the hardest things for people to understand is that your nutrition plan drives results, not a pill or a syringe. I've run 100-150mg per day for 6 weeks and the outcome is always predicated by my caloric intake, not the dose of anavar.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 04-09-2014 at 03:52 PM.
    ghettoboyd and cg2594 like this.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    your kidding yourself if you think anavar is going to get you the results your hoping for especially in 4 weeks...listen to the peeps abouve there both md's....

  8. #8
    cg2594 is offline New Member
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    thanks! I'm not an idiot.. I understand the risks and i def understand the importance of a strict diet. But i've just been eating like damn rabbit for so long and have not seen the results. By no means was this a shortcut, just adding arsenal to the fight. I've in the gym at least 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week. I eat clean. Maybe cheat once a week. I have a solid split of the main muscle groups... back legs chest... but most of my work outs are circuits... tire flips, wall balls, rowing machine, kettle bell swings, and up downs.

    Still cant see the abs....

  9. #9
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg2594 View Post
    I appreciate your response... all things considered... I'm going to run the VAR... If you had to give advice to someone who's going to run it anyways... what doses would you suggest?
    Nicely put, I wouldn't. Period.

    Why would I advise someone who just admitted he's disregarding my original advice?

    I know diet is a main part of losing fat, but im fighting genetics here and my stomach / love handles / chest area are my problem areas for fat. Legs back and arms practically have no fat and are very vascular and lean. So im going to run the var with a low carb moderate to high protein diet consisting mainly of Oats, boiled eggs, turkey meat, chicken breast, vegetables in hopes that this plus the VAR will get rid of the fat in my problem areas.
    EVERYONE has those trouble areas. You're genetics in that department are common with probably a few billion people. As you drop BF the last spots to come down are love handles, hips, etc. That's biology and physiology probably to some degree. Yes the var can help target those areas but so does getting leaner...the fat just come from somewhere to lose it.

    The names of your foods have little to do with anything. No food must be added and no foods must be prohibited (except possibly artificial transfats). You don't mention TDEE/BMR, proposed calorie intake and macro breakdown, you don't propose a sample diet, etc. How about you head over to the nutrition forum and we can help with the most important parts before you make decision which may prove costly in the future

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg2594
    thanks! I'm not an idiot.. I understand the risks and i def understand the importance of a strict diet. But i've just been eating like damn rabbit for so long and have not seen the results. By no means was this a shortcut, just adding arsenal to the fight. I've in the gym at least 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week. I eat clean. Maybe cheat once a week. I have a solid split of the main muscle groups... back legs chest... but most of my work outs are circuits... tire flips, wall balls, rowing machine, kettle bell swings, and up downs. Still cant see the abs....
    No one's called you an idiot.....yet.

    So, what's the daily caloric intake on this rabbit food diet? What's the marginal difference between your intake and TDEE?

    How much cardio are you doing in addition to your strength conditioning? 45 mins daily? 60 mins daily? 90 mins daily????

    What %bf are you working with presently? If you want chiseled abs, you're going to need to be at or below 10% bf to see any real definition. If you're above 15% bf now, you can't expect a miracle physique in 30 days.
    cg2594 likes this.

  11. #11
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    your kidding yourself if you think anavar is going to get you the results your hoping for especially in 4 weeks...listen to the peeps abouve there both md's....
    I'm not a doctor unless you count Doogie. Howser's stunt double as a doctor...

  12. #12
    cg2594 is offline New Member
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    well I was just advised by a friend of mine who is a real doctor at MD anderson in houston and who's brother is a pharmacologist. He said as far as liver toxicity no real effects... no real need for PCT... said the only real side effects are depression anxiety fatigue... dependency only occurs after years of usage.... he did finish with "you're already plenty big, just stick to your diet.. may take longer but not worth doing it..."

    with this being said and y'alls comments im going to to stick to the diet... feel free to post a link to the nutrition thread. Thanks y'all.

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cg2594
    well I was just advised by a friend of mine who is a real doctor at MD anderson in houston and who's brother is a pharmacologist. He said as far as liver toxicity no real effects... no real need for PCT... said the only real side effects are depression anxiety fatigue... dependency only occurs after years of usage.... he did finish with "you're already plenty big, just stick to your diet.. may take longer but not worth doing it..." with this being said and y'alls comments im going to to stick to the diet... feel free to post a link to the nutrition thread. Thanks y'all.
    He's mainly correct, but I assure you, there's a gap in knowledge between those who read about steroids and those who use them.

    For the record, I am a PhD/MD practicing for 18 years and have safely cycled anabolics more than once.

    .....and to clarify, your expected benefit from anavar was to reduce your bf and not get bigger, so his comment suggests he may not fully appreciate the intended use of anavar....but I digress.

    Perhaps someone can post the nutritional link. I'm remotely accessing the forum in Germany at the moment and it's much harder to cut and paste a link.

    Take a look at your TDEE and determine where your daily caloric intake is at. Making adjustments around that and your aerobic conditioning will work wonders in shredding the unwanted fat.

    Good luck and train like a beast!

  14. #14
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I'm not a doctor unless you count Doogie. Howser's stunt double as a doctor...
    oops my bad its hard to tell with the knowledge you posses and your writing...always well thought out imho...sorry....

  15. #15
    jiujitsumuscle is offline New Member
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    I ran 50mg/100mg alternating days of Anavar only for three weeks and I want to come off (admittedly made a mistake choosing not to run it with test but don't have access to it right now), so would 50mg clomid for 10 days and 20mg Nolva for 15 days (what I currently have on hand) straighten me out?

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