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  1. #1
    Volx is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    New member, Opinion on my First cycle

    Hey everyone, just joined up and thought I'd share my plan for my first cycle.

    I'm 22, been training for 3 years

    I've pretty much decided to go with just sus250 for 10 weeks, injecting 250mgs every Mon and Thurs.

    I have letro as an AI but I have heard it is very strong so I'm going to see if I can get Arimidex instead. In regards to AI though do you use it after 3 weeks of the cycle or straight away?

    and PCT will start 20 days after last injection - Nolva 20mg ED for 6 weeks.

    If anyone has any tweaks or anything I should add please share, main concerns are is Nolva enough for PCT or should I add clomid aswell and also do I need to run HCG at all during the cycle?

    I pretty much want to go through with this the safest and most effective way, Thanks everyone

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
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    Your still to young for steriods . Read this The young and Steroids and I see you didnt even read this. My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

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