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Thread: My body %

  1. #1
    DiverMike is offline New Member
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    My body %

    Seems like a good thing to know, i don't know the first thing about it.. i just know any time i go into the offices im told Morbid obese

    So i have never been ashamed of myself and know i can only get better.. and yes i am large but getting better courious what people would think im around?

    currently im 5'10 and 280ish pounds

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  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Here's a guide we use.

    Props to you for making the decision to get fit!!!

  3. #3
    DiverMike is offline New Member
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    Thanks Ink.. Looking at that i would have to say im 55+.. Lots of work ahead of me.. day by day oz by oz.. 10 year plan is to be between 15-20.. i think that should be obtainable!

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiverMike
    Thanks Ink.. Looking at that i would have to say im 55+.. Lots of work ahead of me.. day by day oz by oz.. 10 year plan is to be between 15-20.. i think that should be obtainable!
    Cardio and nutrition, brother! Sounds like you are moving in the right direction. Our nutrition subsection would be a great resource for you. Keeping your daily calories below your TDEE will bring the weight down. Cardio/aerobic training is a must. It doesn't have to be intense. Even walking on a moderate incline for 30-45 minutes 5-6 times a day will help. Swimming is a great low impact choice as well.

  5. #5
    DiverMike is offline New Member
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    Thanks Ink, i did post there as i am on a medicated supervised 1500 calorie per day diet.. which is helping with the weight loss down 140 pounds in 18 months however its not helping my GET FIT needs these days.. clearly its not enought food to eat and still work out like i try.. ( gym 3-4 times a week , MTB 2-3 times a week ) So hopefully i will get some assistance there as the dietitian supervising my weight loss has pretty much told me not to do more than 10 mins of exercise daily.. and i don't want to crash all this weight off.. and not get fit and change the life style while im at it and pack it all back on again when done..

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiverMike
    Thanks Ink, i did post there as i am on a medicated supervised 1500 calorie per day diet.. which is helping with the weight loss down 140 pounds in 18 months however its not helping my GET FIT needs these days.. clearly its not enought food to eat and still work out like i try.. ( gym 3-4 times a week , MTB 2-3 times a week ) So hopefully i will get some assistance there as the dietitian supervising my weight loss has pretty much told me not to do more than 10 mins of exercise daily.. and i don't want to crash all this weight off.. and not get fit and change the life style while im at it and pack it all back on again when done..
    Yes, saw that in your other thread. The caloric restriction will help. Not sure about limiting exercise to 10 mins daily - although I don't know your entire health history. Low to moderate intensity cardio should be fine depending on your current health. As always, any light headedness or shortness of breath would be signs to ease up on intensity of a workout.

    It'll happen. As we say, fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. It's hard waiting for results but it's worth it.

  7. #7
    DiverMike is offline New Member
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    Alot has changed in the last year... A typical week for me would be 3 rides on the MTB on assorted trails and range from 7-10Km rides over about an hour. Like any MTB trail there are some climbs that i get to the top and just totally wore out but typically recover in less than a minute and can get going again heart rate will hit around 160ish.. then will drop back down to around 130 and get going again.. Then i hit the gym 4-5 times I tend to do mix up the days one day doing upper body no much weight im not strong but enough weight to do three sets of 15 and my last set the last 5 reps become a real struggle.. I typically will work out the upper body and wake up super stiff and sore nothing that a morning stretch does not clear up but i do feel it through out the day.. then i do the same for the legs i do use the machines as im not very stable for free weights. But again the gym work outs tend to be around 45 mins and when i leave.. everyone can see i worked it!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10259908_10154028112380274_4364703130214983186_n.jpg 
Views:	128 
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ID:	150075
    This is last nights work out.

    My biggest accomplishment sounds dumb i know is i can actually use the chinup and Dip assist machines.. a few months ago even doing the max weight of i believe 200 pounds i could not do any dips or chinups.. now i can and have the weight reduced to 180 pounds and can do a set of 5..

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiverMike
    Alot has changed in the last year... A typical week for me would be 3 rides on the MTB on assorted trails and range from 7-10Km rides over about an hour. Like any MTB trail there are some climbs that i get to the top and just totally wore out but typically recover in less than a minute and can get going again heart rate will hit around 160ish.. then will drop back down to around 130 and get going again.. Then i hit the gym 4-5 times I tend to do mix up the days one day doing upper body no much weight im not strong but enough weight to do three sets of 15 and my last set the last 5 reps become a real struggle.. I typically will work out the upper body and wake up super stiff and sore nothing that a morning stretch does not clear up but i do feel it through out the day.. then i do the same for the legs i do use the machines as im not very stable for free weights. But again the gym work outs tend to be around 45 mins and when i leave.. everyone can see i worked it! <img src=""/> This is last nights work out. My biggest accomplishment sounds dumb i know is i can actually use the chinup and Dip assist machines.. a few months ago even doing the max weight of i believe 200 pounds i could not do any dips or chinups.. now i can and have the weight reduced to 180 pounds and can do a set of 5..
    Those are all great achievements! Never worry much about the "numbers". Too many guys IMO care too much about how much they can bench or dead lift, etc. they post their 1RM like its a world record. The only person you need to compete with is yourself. What matters more is that YOU see improvements in your appearance and strength. In time, you'll lift more. Everyone starts from somewhere and you've already done a great job dropping the weight. Keep it going!!!!

  9. #9
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiverMike
    Alot has changed in the last year... A typical week for me would be 3 rides on the MTB on assorted trails and range from 7-10Km rides over about an hour. Like any MTB trail there are some climbs that i get to the top and just totally wore out but typically recover in less than a minute and can get going again heart rate will hit around 160ish.. then will drop back down to around 130 and get going again.. Then i hit the gym 4-5 times I tend to do mix up the days one day doing upper body no much weight im not strong but enough weight to do three sets of 15 and my last set the last 5 reps become a real struggle.. I typically will work out the upper body and wake up super stiff and sore nothing that a morning stretch does not clear up but i do feel it through out the day.. then i do the same for the legs i do use the machines as im not very stable for free weights. But again the gym work outs tend to be around 45 mins and when i leave.. everyone can see i worked it! <img src=""/> This is last nights work out. My biggest accomplishment sounds dumb i know is i can actually use the chinup and Dip assist machines.. a few months ago even doing the max weight of i believe 200 pounds i could not do any dips or chinups.. now i can and have the weight reduced to 180 pounds and can do a set of 5..
    DiverMike, you are the spitting image of my good friend Gangster Mark. This makes me back you even more, brother.

    We're a tight knit community, stick around and be a part of it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  10. #10
    DiverMike is offline New Member
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    Thanks Victoria,

    I have lots to learn and lots to work towards so no plans to go anywhere any time soon

    If anything today i did a 8km road ride and instead of coming home and crashing on the couch for the rest of the day/night like last summer i am now waiting for the kids to go to bed so i can go do a light work out at the gym

  11. #11
    spin_doctor is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome. Stay on it. Its good to see you taking command of your future and your body.

  12. #12
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    Mike stick with it man. When i first started back in the gym about 7years ago i was 328lbs. At my leanest i got to 210 at 10% bf. Never give up, fight for what you want. When i finally hit 210 at 10% i had an epiphany. I realize i could build my body to look like whatever i wanted if i was willing to put in the work! An so can you!
    Last edited by michael30; 04-21-2014 at 06:46 PM.

  13. #13
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    awesome job divermike keep up the hard work!
    Good to have you on the forum we are all here to help and support each other.

  14. #14
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can do it man!!

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