Hey guy im about a week away from being done with my Test Prop Cycle, i got all my info on how to run this cycle from My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle (btw awesome article, thank you Austinite) but in the article it doesn't state when to do your last HCG injection and when to stop ur AI.

Cycle outline:
May 14: HCG, Test, Ai
May 15:
May 16: Test, Ai
May 17: HCG
May 18:Test, Ai
May 19:
May 20: HCG, Test, Ai (should this be my last day for HCG and/or Ai??)
May 21:
May 22: Test, Ai (Last injection)(Should i still take my Ai on this day)
May 25: PCT (3 days after last injection)

Need some help.. thanks guys