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  1. #1
    C-hansen is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle advice

    Hey, i previously ran test c at 500mg/wk for 12wks ..
    Loading up for my second cycle in september..
    need some advice,
    6'1. 210
    12% bf

    I was leaning towards this,
    Test c 500mg/wk for weeks 1-12
    Winstrol 50mg/eod wks 7-12
    Maybe eq 300mg wks 1-10
    Is the eq overkill?

    Pct was nolva 40/20/20/20

    Thanks open to suggestions.

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    how was the results from your first cycle?
    What are your goals bulking ??
    No hcg ??
    No ai?

  3. #3
    C-hansen is offline New Member
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    I got good results,
    Goals are to bulk with less water retention as possible,
    Never used hcg ,

    Nolva was going to be my ai, i also have letro
    Thanks man

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Letro is strong stuff and hard on liver and is incase of emergency gyno
    Nolva is best as pct or agian if gyno flares up instead of letro
    I would suggest arimidex as a ai start .25 eod you are pretty lean and side should be minimal and you could if need increase to .5 eod
    Hcg will help your testi maintance size help get in recovery read austinite write up in his educational data dase

  5. #5
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    its only overkill depending on your goals lol. If you want to be a house why not.

  6. #6
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    its only overkill depending on your goals lol. If you want to be a house why not.
    Best to keep 2nd cycle simple no reason to run numerous compounds and orals when you had good results with first cycle (eq not a big deal though)

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nolva is not an AI it is a serm. Letro is only for emergencies, get some adex. Eq is a waste of time as well, it would literally do nothing at that dose and duration hell even double the dose and duration it still does almost nothing.

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would lose the winny and EQ. EQ is pretty much worthless and u need to run it for a real ling time to see any results as well as a higher dose. Good idea to look into hcg while on cycle. Pct looks ok. No one wants to add bad weight when they bulk or added water weight but it's somewhat inevitable. If you don't eat enough and train hard then you simply won't grow.

  9. #9
    hooligans luck is offline Junior Member
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    I prefer stane for ai. Looks like this would lean you up if you don't eat right. I know a guy that run just test and Eq he likes it cause he stays lean. He runs 20wk. Cycles of it though.

  10. #10
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    [QUOTE="hooligans luck"]I prefer stane for ai. Looks like this would lean you up if you don't eat right. I know a guy that run just test and Eq he likes it cause he stays lean. He runs 20wk. Cycles of it though.[/QUOTE

    I prefer running my cycles shorter and getting the results I want while trying to keep the sides to a minimum. I would prefer an 8 week tes/tren run then 20 week tes/EQ. But that's just me.

  11. #11
    davesah1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    Best to keep 2nd cycle simple no reason to run numerous compounds and orals when you had good results with first cycle (eq not a big deal though)
    Yes true, but like you said its EQ. Minimal sides.

  12. #12
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    EQ....needs to be ran for 12 weeks and the general consensus is 600 mg/wk for good results. 400 will give results but 600 is the point where any more does not much more. It is not a major mass builder when compared to a Dbol but it is a solid mass builder and if your diet is spot on there will be little to no need for a cut after (use test prop as your test to accent this fact) EQ aromatizes at 50% of what testosterone does so at a 600 dose it would be like adding 300mg to your 500 mg of test. You would not run 800 test without an ai, period Extremestain is my choice. It is cheap and available via peptide sites for cheap.

    So in EQ overkill? My logic 800 test a week overkill for a second cycle? No. It is fine and accepted.

    Winstrol at the end of a cycle with EQ and test Prop might be overkill in my opinion. As a second cycle and at your bf% I would say not a huge need for it. If you are 12% not on cycle and your diet is just "that damn good" winstrol is not going to bring much to the table unless you use the longer ester test c to avoid pinning so much. Cyp will make you bloat and in that case Winstrol might be a value add.

  13. #13
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier
    EQ....needs to be ran for 12 weeks and the general consensus is 600 mg/wk for good results. 400 will give results but 600 is the point where any more does not much more. It is not a major mass builder when compared to a Dbol but it is a solid mass builder and if your diet is spot on there will be little to no need for a cut after (use test prop as your test to accent this fact) EQ aromatizes at 50% of what testosterone does so at a 600 dose it would be like adding 300mg to your 500 mg of test. You would not run 800 test without an ai, period Extremestain is my choice. It is cheap and available via peptide sites for cheap. So in EQ overkill? My logic 800 test a week overkill for a second cycle? No. It is fine and accepted. Winstrol at the end of a cycle with EQ and test Prop might be overkill in my opinion. As a second cycle and at your bf% I would say not a huge need for it. If you are 12% not on cycle and your diet is just "that damn good" winstrol is not going to bring much to the table unless you use the longer ester test c to avoid pinning so much. Cyp will make you bloat and in that case Winstrol might be a value add.
    A second cycle of tes at 800gs! That type of dosage is going to def cause huge sides and not a good idea.

  14. #14
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    I was talking from an aromatization point of view. Most of the posted second cycles I see on the boards is 500-750 mg a week test for second cycle.

    He is 6'1 210 with 12% bf. That is friggin buff.

    But just my opinion from researching posted cycles. Anyone not running hCG and AI on cycle of test 500 mg/week or > is a nut job imho. Cheap stuff and helps prevent a huge number of the sides and issues. With that said if you have never used EQ before you have no idea how your body will respond to might be the one AA that makes you have issues like a mofo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    A second cycle of test at 800gs! That type of dosage is going to def cause huge sides and not a good idea.

  15. #15
    davesah1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    A second cycle of tes at 800gs! That type of dosage is going to def cause huge sides and not a good idea.
    Really how so? I was considereding on my next cycle not adding in another compound but just doubling the test to a gram a week. Test sides seem very maintainable with an AI. Thanks for the feedback I'm curious. What sides come from test besides high E? I mean test is recommended as a starter cycle hmm. Hair loss from DHT?

  16. #16
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    Really how so? I was considereding on my next cycle not adding in another compound but just doubling the test to a gram a week. Test sides seem very maintainable with an AI. Thanks for the feedback I'm curious. What sides come from test besides high E? I mean test is recommended as a starter cycle hmm. Hair loss from DHT?
    You have run two cycles and you think jumping up to 1000 mgs of tes a week is a good idea? The idea is to grow into your dosages and use as little gear as possible to get the desired results. Using a second compound at a reasonable dose lessens the chances of sides. Are you 18 or 21 because your profile says both? More is not always better and just because you can doesnt mean you should. The more you use you exponentially increase your chances of sides creeping up faster.

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-hansen View Post
    Hey, i previously ran test c at 500mg/wk for 12wks ..
    Loading up for my second cycle in september..
    need some advice,
    6'1. 210
    12% bf

    I was leaning towards this,
    Test c 500mg/wk for weeks 1-12
    Winstrol 50mg/eod wks 7-12
    Maybe eq 300mg wks 1-10
    Is the eq overkill?

    Pct was nolva 40/20/20/20

    Thanks open to suggestions.
    Winnie twice a day, not every other day
    Winstrol (Stanozolol) - Steroid .com

    only one untried compound at a time, you have two. make a decision and drop one.

    this cycle suggests you want to cut?

    everything else looks good

    maybe suggest HCG if concerns about having kids in the future, as an added precaution

  18. #18
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    21, yes but its test, what sides are they're if E is left in check? DHT? I understand upping doseages adds sides, esp with drugs like tren and deca , but test is a mild substance, no? My thinking if he is gonna do tren ace thats a kick start in itself so why add an oral (another kickstart for the first four weeks) when you could up the test and get more growth for the last 8 weeks or add another longer estered steroid . Rather have two drugs working for the last 8 weeks then the first four. In the scheme of things upping test to a gram is adding 500mgs more a week to to my third cycle, if I was to add say EQ I would be adding even more mgs of AAS. Also a gram of test is not very much in the bodybuilding world. @Buster Brown.

    Also isn't they're something about how the more cycles you run the less you get out of them, so why not hit it hard earlier on if you got shit on lock. Or is that just mere bro science. This goes back to people recommending first timers to take like say three drugs at once bc they will grow the most on the first cycle bc the receptors are "virgins." sounds like bro science tho and very risky.
    Last edited by davesah1; 05-16-2014 at 06:06 PM.

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