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Thread: 1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please

  1. #1
    MikeShlort is offline Associate Member
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    1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please


    I am a 27 year old white male, 180lbs.

    I plan on doing a 12 wk cycle of test enanthate in the near future. 500mg/wk

    That part seems fairly straight forward but I'd like some advice on the PCT.

    The source (who also uses himself) recommended only nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I asked about HCG (to run during cycle to protect my nuts) but he didn't advise it.

    Is it okay to just do the standard PCT cycle 2 wks after my last injection, only taking clomid or nolva during cycle if I notice any onset of gyno? Or should I be running something during the cycle stages as well?

    Obviously my main concern is recovering 100% ability to produce natural testosterone after the cycle. So what do you guys think? Is this a pretty conservative cycle that just needs straight forward PCT or should I run HCG during/after?

    Also, the beginner cycle advice on this website.. The PCT doses, are they pretty universal? Or does weight play a role?


  2. #2
    miller1085's Avatar
    miller1085 is offline New Member
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    You should run Adex .25 EOD and HCG 500iu a week.

  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.
    hCG is for on cycle and it impacts your ability to recover (positively). As stated 500iu a week. Can and is used for PCT. Doses vary.

    Gyno. When only on test you are looking at estrogen control. Estrogen control is via AI. Your AI is ??? (adex etc) If you see gyno onset the common approach is to increase the dosage or frequency of AI dosage.

    Nolva and Clomid are SERMs. They prevent estrogen binding and is why you need them during PCT until your natural test starts up again. It is ok to take an AI during PCT and most do. Depending on the AI will determine when to taper off of it.

    The general consensus answer on weight....unless you are under 15% you should not be cycling. Higher bf can cause (in some people) higher levels of estrogen conversion. Many do cycle when higher bf but it is a road to failure if you do not educate yourself first. Also the stress on your body is increased and the weight just amplifies that stress.

    The over all answer is you should not be cycling if you do not understand AI and SERMs and PCT. It is good that you ask and you are at the right place. Just need to read up and understand more.

    I would also caution you that no matter if you get the mechanics of the cycle right you will see reduced results if your diet is not spot on.

    Good Luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeShlort View Post

    I am a 27 year old white male, 180lbs.

    I plan on doing a 12 wk cycle of test enanthate in the near future. 500mg/wk

    That part seems fairly straight forward but I'd like some advice on the PCT.

    The source (who also uses himself) recommended only nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I asked about HCG (to run during cycle to protect my nuts) but he didn't advise it.

    Is it okay to just do the standard PCT cycle 2 wks after my last injection, only taking clomid or nolva during cycle if I notice any onset of gyno? Or should I be running something during the cycle stages as well?

    Obviously my main concern is recovering 100% ability to produce natural testosterone after the cycle. So what do you guys think? Is this a pretty conservative cycle that just needs straight forward PCT or should I run HCG during/after?

    Also, the beginner cycle advice on this website.. The PCT doses, are they pretty universal? Or does weight play a role?

    Last edited by Chicagotarsier; 05-24-2014 at 10:19 AM.
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  4. #4
    MikeShlort is offline Associate Member
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    The connect, who has done cycles before, recommended against using HCG . Why would he advise against it? Also, how many cycles have you guys done and did you recover fully after each?

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeShlort View Post
    The connect, who has done cycles before, recommended against using HCG . Why would he advise against it?
    Because he is not educated enough to understand the importance. Did you ask him why he does not recommend hCG? And if so, what was his response?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    Jesusbrah's Avatar
    Jesusbrah is offline Associate Member
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    If youre gonna run a test e cycle, this is what i think you should do:

    Week 1-2
    Test E - 250 mg mon/thursday
    Arimidex (If needed) - 0.25 mg ed

    Test E - 250 mg mon/thursday
    Arimidex - 0.25/0.5 mg ed
    Hcg - 250 iu mon/thursday

    Week 12-14
    Arimidex - 0.25/0.5 ed
    Hcg - 250 iu eod

    Week 15-16
    Nolva - 40 mg ed
    Clomid - 100 mg ed

    Week 17-18
    Nolva - 20 mg ed
    Clomid - 50 mg ed

    Hope it helps!

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    - Arimidex is in fact needed. Should be used from day 1.
    - .25 to .5 arimidex daily is outrageous.
    - hCG is best from the start.
    - No need to frontload Nolvadex for 2 weeks.
    - No need to frontload Clomiphene for 2 weeks.
    - 100 mg of clomid is excessive.

    Be sure to understand and research these products so the advice is worthwhile.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    Jesusbrah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post

    - Arimidex is in fact needed. Should be used from day 1.
    - .25 to .5 arimidex daily is outrageous.
    - hCG is best from the start.
    - No need to frontload Nolvadex for 2 weeks.
    - No need to frontload Clomiphene for 2 weeks.
    - 100 mg of clomid is excessive.

    Be sure to understand and research these products so the advice is worthwhile.
    1. Why is arimidex needed from day 1? Test e doesnt kick in immediantly...

    2. What is outrageous about .25 to 0.5 mg daily?

    3. There is no "frontloading". Running nolva/clomid for 4 weeks is standard stuff.

    4. 100 mg of clomid is not excessive, normal dose.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Read the sticky threads and educate yourself. When you're running double the dose for 2 weeks, that's frontloading.

    I don't think you know what "Kick In" means, and there are more benefits to taking an AI from the start. Again, I'll refer you to the sticky threads instead of being repetitive.

    There's never a need to take Arimidex daily, ever. You might be referring to aromasin . The compounding effect in your body with a daily dose will be problematic, no doubt about that.

    100 mg is certainly excessive, again, please find out what these compounds do exactly prior to advising folks poorly.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    Jesusbrah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Read the sticky threads and educate yourself. When you're running double the dose for 2 weeks, that's frontloading.

    I don't think you know what "Kick In" means, and there are more benefits to taking an AI from the start. Again, I'll refer you to the sticky threads instead of being repetitive.

    There's never a need to take Arimidex daily, ever. You might be referring to aromasin . The compounding effect in your body with a daily dose will be problematic, no doubt about that.

    100 mg is certainly excessive, again, please find out what these compounds do exactly prior to advising folks poorly.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusbrah View Post
    Since obviously you dont want to listen and learn then please feel free to leave and not return. If that is not good enough I'm sure you will give us reason to cancel your membership soon enough. Dont let the door hit you on the way out, just get out.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Since obviously you dont want to listen and learn then please feel free to leave and not return. If that is not good enough I'm sure you will give us reason to cancel your membership soon enough. Dont let the door hit you on the way out, just get out.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusbrah View Post
    Not at all, if I was you would be sure to know it. You must enjoy rejection a lot and being banned from forums with your poor attitude though? Maybe find a forum more suited for your needs such as looser anonymous.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Not at all, if I was you would be sure to know it. You must enjoy rejection a lot and being banned from forums with your poor attitude though? Maybe find a forum more suited for your needs such as looser anonymous.
    Cant do anything but laugh. You cant take things so personal. And to say i have a poor attitude and that im a looser? Because i disagree with you? Youre the one with the poor attitude.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusbrah View Post
    Cant do anything but laugh. You cant take things so personal. And to say i have a poor attitude and that im a looser? Because i disagree with you? Youre the one with the poor attitude.
    Personal? Take my advice? You are confusing me with someone who cares. You are calling people (Austinite) a looser after he is giving you good solid advice. Obviously you have an issue with someone telling you what you are doing wrong even after asking for advice, this shows immaturity.

    I'm simply making an observation and prediction that you wont be around for much longer due to your attitude and it's rare I'm wrong.

    Continue laughing but it's us who will be laughing when you come back asking how to fix your ed and wonder why you have been crying like a little b*tch being all emotional. lol

  16. #16
    Jesusbrah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Personal? Take my advice? You are confusing me with someone who cares. You are calling people (Austinite) a looser after he is giving you good solid advice. Obviously you have an issue with someone telling you what you are doing wrong even after asking for advice, this shows immaturity.

    I'm simply making an observation and prediction that you wont be around for much longer due to your attitude and it's rare I'm wrong.

    Continue laughing but it's us who will be laughing when you come back asking how to fix your ed and wonder why you have been crying like a little b*tch being all emotional. lol
    1. If you dont care, then i dont understand why youre being such a dick.

    2. Havent called anyone a looser, simply did this

    3. Youre not simply making observations, you just called a random stranger (me) a looser because i dont care for your advice.

    Grow the **** up!

  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Listen, next time you post here have a change of attitude.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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