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  1. #1
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Question Sust Real or not???

    Hey guys, I just recently went to TJ to get some sust and I ended up finding it but I think it might be a fake. The sust I got is made by C oeffler and is in a 10cc vile. It does not say sustanon anywhere on it but does have all the correct ingredients on the box, such as propinate, deconate, and so on.

    BUT I also recently bought the new anabolics 2000 book and it said that if any sust comes in something other than a 1cc ampule than it is a fake, and mine is a 10cc, so whats gives????? So I tried the frezzer test like the book suggests and nothing happened. I kept it in the frezzer for about a minute, so not sure if I gave it enought time, just don't want to ruin the stuff you know?

    Thanks a bunch guys!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    892 you got the book a while ago, and it told you before hand that if it came in anything other than 1ml amps....then it was fake and you STILL BOUGHT the 10 ml bottle?
    if thats the case..thats your fault if its not sure if its fake, some one else is gonna have to tell you tthat one.
    but i think you ahsould have used some common sence here...

  3. #3
    cpitt398 is offline Junior Member
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    Not sure either, but there is real sustonon generics in other than 1mL. Orgonon Sostonon only comes in 1 mL preloads and ampules and in Tj it only comes in preloads.

    The only other generics that I know for sure come in 5mL bottles.
    One is teston 250 by Ttkkoyo and the other is another vet test mixture that starts with a D but I can't remember the name.

    Haven't been in awhile so don't know for sure about what you bought. How much did you pay for it, honestly, it might help me help you.

    Once again, i reiderate, know what you are going to buy before you go. Do this through proper research. The tools are available. Don't let the salesmen type pharmacists talk you into buying something you've never heard of.

    Actually it might be better for some of us that you guys keep buying bad fakes. If not the companies that make them would try harder in making fakes of real products that look like the original and would burn us experienced cats. And that wouldn't be cool.

  4. #4
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Originally posted by cpitt398
    The only other generics that I know for sure come in 5mL bottles. One is teston 250 by Ttkkoyo and the other is another vet test mixture that starts with a D but I can't remember the name.
    That would be Durateston that begins with a D.

    As for you devistate, I've never known any Sus product to come in more than a 1 mL ampule / rediject besides the Ttokkyo Testanon, which comes in a 5 mL bottle. I'd say you're screwed.

    Of course, maybe he sold you some stuff and you thought it was Sus. Does it say Sustanon on the bottle? Type out everything the bottle says, or post a pic if you have the ability.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    I have a feeling it is a brown vial with a yellow label with animals on it for vet use BUT the same formula as any other I right?

    If so this stuff is real. It's probably not the BEST sus out there but it works. (I returned your PM on this BTW)

  6. #6
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    Try it if you dont grow you will know its fake.

  7. #7
    devistate is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2001
    Thanks Mike! Yes you are correct about the brown bottle and the animials on the yellow label. I appreciate the quick response.

    And, can anyone explain how long a product should sit in the freezer for the freezer test?

    BTW, I paid 45$ for each 10ml vile.

    And, no I did not have the book at the time. But the place I bought it from had it. And the guys I buy from seem to be totaly legit and they sell to nearly all of san diego's yougsters, so if they would have sold me a fake I would have been vey supprised. But then again it is Mexico and it is hard to really trust people down there.

    So once again thanks, Mike

  8. #8
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001
    Mike pulls through once again for us. Smart mofo. What would we do w/o him? I had never heard of Sus in a 10 mL bottle. Keep me updated on the results and the effects (pain from shot, flu, etc). Also, if you get a chance, take a snapshot of that. I'd like to see what it looks like.

  9. #9
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    Mike pulls through once again for us. Smart mofo. What would we do w/o him?
    thus the name.... god LMAO

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