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Thread: 19-Nor compounds - progesterone's receptors feedback

  1. #1
    Slacker78's Avatar
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    19-Nor compounds - progesterone's receptors feedback

    Hello bro,

    As most of you already know, 19-Nor compounds ( Nandrolone - Deca ) have a consistent affinity with progesterone's receptors. Due this, it might leads to great estrogens buildup. We assume this without concerning about what is the underlying mechanism through this activity happen. We know that about Test, we have aromatise which convert it in estrogens; but what is that lead to an estrogens buildup, through an antagonism of the progesterone's receptor ?

    I hope someone may have a good level of knowledge to cover this detail

    Thank you

  2. #2
    SRL_HEC is offline Junior Member
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    Austinite had a great up about it. I'm new so can't post thread links. From my understanding it all starts by contolling estrogen from the begining. Search for austinite thread titled Estrogen,Prolactin, progesterone management + Gynecomastia Prevention & Reversal.That will give you a better understanding.Hope this helps!
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  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    There is no practical method to manage progesterone and if Nandrolone is a true progesterone mimetic (which btw is up for debate, it is not etched in stone) it would increase estrogens effect, not cause a build up of estrogen.
    Even thought the above is the case you primary and most practical method of defense against sides is estrogen management. The fact is when it comes to progesterone, prolactin it really doesnt matter, first and foremost the management of estrogen needs to be your top priority in controlling the associated sides..
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  4. #4
    Slacker78's Avatar
    Slacker78 is offline Member
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    Thank you friends. But i just have some doubts:

    Austinite wrote:

    Progesterone increases because too many receptors are activated by progestins. Progestins are compounds that act on these receptors, such as Trenbolone and nandrolone or any 19-nor steroid. This is what causes progesterone to increase and why you see the increase when these steroids are introduced.

    So, 19-Nor compounds bind to receptors ( antagonizing them ) causing an up-regulation of them making natural progesterone activating more, or the effect is just directly on this receptors when 19-Nor compounds, bind to them ?

    Especially in the breasts as it acts to promote breast tissue alongside estrogen by increasing 1GF-1 in the breast. Also, progesterone directly stimulates estrogenic activity at the mammary tissues.

    Just in breasts area or also in the Whole body ?

    Further... through what mechanism it increases estrogens strength ?

    It would be Austinite could reply to this questions not necessarily explaning all the complex underlying mechanism, but giving some brief but exaustive tips.

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