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  1. #1
    chaps is offline Associate Member
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    Stronger after PCT on short cycle

    Hey guys, was curious if anyone has ever done/experienced something like this and can explain why. About a month ago I finished a 4 week cycle, mainly for recovery (had a herniated disc and partial tear in my left bicep at the start of the year). The setup was like this:

    500mg test p wk 1-2
    800mg eq wk 1-2
    500mg test e wk 1-4
    400mg eq wk 14

    nolva & clomid for pct, 3 weeks.

    Anyways, whats surprising is around week 2 of my pct I started making great gains. I've now been off pct for over a week and still am noticing improvements in strength and size. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

  2. #2
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    Hey guys, was curious if anyone has ever done/experienced something like this and can explain why. About a month ago I finished a 4 week cycle, mainly for recovery (had a herniated disc and partial tear in my left bicep at the start of the year). The setup was like this:

    500mg test p wk 1-2
    800mg eq wk 1-2
    500mg test e wk 1-4
    400mg eq wk 14

    nolva & clomid for pct, 3 weeks.

    Anyways, whats surprising is around week 2 of my pct I started making great gains. I've now been off pct for over a week and still am noticing improvements in strength and size. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
    so let me try & understand...
    weeks 1-2 1000mg test. 500mg of prop and 500mg test E with 1200mg EQ
    weeks 2-4 500mg test E with 400mg EQ
    either way at 4 weeks you were probably just starting to see the effects in your system when you stopped.
    Cant say I see the logic in this protocol but maybe others have different opinions

  3. #3
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Its funny that u post this cuz im into my 4th week of my pct and im seeing some really good gains during this pct.seems really weird.
    Last edited by tice1212; 06-14-2014 at 06:41 PM.

  4. #4
    chaps is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Its funny that u post this cuz im into my 4th week of my pct and im seeing some really good gains during this pct.seems really weird.
    Yea that's what I'm saying, seems really odd. And @sicko, the test p and double eq dose is a preload, that isn't an uncommon way to jumpstart a cycle. Test E and EQ are long esters if you want effect faster you have to preload.

  5. #5
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    Yea that's what I'm saying, seems really odd. And @sicko, the test p and double eq dose is a preload, that isn't an uncommon way to jumpstart a cycle. Test E and EQ are long esters if you want effect faster you have to preload.
    Yes I know.
    That kind of was the basis of my comment. Being that they are both are long esters do you feel that you benefited by running them only 4 weeks? I get the frontloading with the prop but am curious what you were able to accomplish with long ester compounds in 4 weeks.
    I have heard of cycles like these but have not heard of any real positive/solid outcome of a 4week cycle of this nature.
    can you elaborate on your results?

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