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  1. #1
    teab is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014

    Does tren affect bloodwork in specific ways?

    I've been cruising on tren as part of my TRT. I'm getting a blood test soon and am wondering if my tren usage might show up. Particularly, I've heard reports of artificially elevated estrogen levels from tren. Is that true? My doctor's a smart guy, so I'm sure he'd pick up on something like that. I'm not so worried about liver or lipid values since those don't automatically point to tren and would be good to know anyway.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Are you also running Test with it? I would hope so and it can elevate your estrogen and prolactin, possibly liver enzyme also, I know it does mine.

    From a write up by Austinite.
    Prolactin in Men: Explanation and Purpose

    First thing... there is no such thing as "prolactin-induced" gynecomastia . I've heard this one too many times and later in this segment you will understand why. Now, prolactin is another sex hormone and is secreted by the pituitary gland in your brain. Although it's found in both males and females, it's main purpose is for milk production for females. The fact is, males have no use for prolactin that we know of today. Why, God, why?? Anyway, while low levels are not harmful, high levels certainly are. So let's take a look at the concerns with higher than normal prolactin levels in men...

    Effects of High Prolactin Levels in Men:

    - Adverse Testicular Interference
    - Lowers natural testosterone
    - Lower sperm count (to infertility levels)
    - long term elevation can cause erectile dysfunction (sometimes short term)
    - Low Libido
    - Breast tenderness
    - Male lactation
    - Low ejaculate volume

    19-Nortestosterone steroid such as nandrolone and Trenbolone can cause prolactin levels to become elevated MAINLY with the presence of excess estrogen. They are NOT a direct cause of high prolactin. While using prolactin inhibiting drugs will resolve issues, your first line of defense is controlling estrogen, as elevated estrogen can boost the effect of prolactin increase. It's not uncommon to prevent prolactin increase with the use of an AI. But the doses of 19-Nor steroids today, may prove that is somewhat ineffective. Leading to the necessity of having a secondary (and direct) compound to combat the effects.

    The way it works is entirely complicated and I couldn't even think of a way to put it in laymans terms. But in short, 19-Nor interaction with the estrogen receptors will boost prolactin secretion. This is why it's important to control estrogen first, and prolactin second. Also why I recommend that you have a secondary combat drug "on hand" and in some cases, used on cycle. You might wonder why I say "on hand", since I earlier said that low prolactin is not harmful. Well, these drugs have some fairly heavy side effects and if not used properly can really affect your progress on cycle. So it's OK to wait until needed for the sake of sanity. But I want to emphasize this again... if you have high prolactin and/or lactating, it's a near 100% confirmation that you failed to control your estrogen levels.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    It'll also increase hematocrit and blood pressure. This could lead your doc to suspect that the test dose is too high and cut it back.

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