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  1. #1
    aspenedelen is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    Back in the day, 19Norandordione and diol

    I am 36 and back in my college years and a few years beyond I was taking powdered 19Norandrostenediol and diol and I saw what I thought were amazing results. I was a competitive runner and somewhat of a lifter but the results I achieved really shocked me. I read a article here that was a great introduction to the 19Nor group.

    Is there anything today that is close to what 19norandione and diol provided to me when I was using it back 12 or so years ago? I have the genetics for male pattern baldness and ED comes very easily with my high stress business.

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    A diol is a broad term referring to any compound containing two hydroxal groups. 19Norandrostenediol is metabolized into nandrolone in the human body. Nandrolone is sold commercially as Deca Durabolin .

    A lot of runners like decca because of the effect is has on their joints. Decca shouldn't be run without test though. Using test you won't have ED issues and there are products to prevent hair loss.

  3. #3
    aspenedelen is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    Thank you Numbere for that great info. I seriously appreciate it! You made my evening.

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aspenedelen View Post
    I am 36 and back in my college years and a few years beyond I was taking powdered 19Norandrostenediol and diol and I saw what I thought were amazing results. I was a competitive runner and somewhat of a lifter but the results I achieved really shocked me. I read a article here that was a great introduction to the 19Nor group.

    Is there anything today that is close to what 19norandione and diol provided to me when I was using it back 12 or so years ago? I have the genetics for male pattern baldness and ED comes very easily with my high stress business.
    Trestolone is something newer to some and exciting.

  5. #5
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Trestolone is something newer to some and exciting.
    ALIN do you have any experience with MENT(trestolone) i started a thread awhile back about it. Supposedly a source i know has it. Even though im curious if its just NPP.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    19Nor is a secondary substance. It will turn into Nandrolone IF the body needs it. There's no hard fact, that I could find, about the conversion rate in the body. Both Nandrolone and Dbol will increase red blood cell and theoretically increase your ability use oxygen in the body. It doesn't hurt that your muscles are filing with nitrogen either. I don't have any studies I can cite. I think the results from 19Nor is situation based. A primary substance like Nandrolone taken endogenous is a sure way of getting the compound into the body.

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