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Thread: really need help please!

  1. #1
    camarssslp is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    really need help please!

    need help please!I have a 12 week cycle of deca /tren mix with test e
    this is my first cycle and nervoua dont want to mess anything up
    ive been trying to find nolvadex for pct and hcg during my cycle
    also arimidex for during cycle for estrogen blocker
    I dont even no where to get a syringe I have 3 was thinking just going to cvs
    I was given 1in I believe for ass cheek

    6'3 190 22 years old

    Should I do 1cc of the deca/tren and 1cc or test every 5 days?
    or run more test? For 12 weeks

    start pct on week 14 or immediately and should that be for 4 weeks?
    Not sure how to take the hcg or estogen blocker?

    Ive had this for a few months and summers prime to take it
    I greatly appreciate any advise thanks

  2. #2
    SRL_HEC is offline Junior Member
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    May 2014
    First off you really need to go to the educational stickies and dig in. Your going to try using one of the strongest compounds on you first cycle?? Not a good idea! Not to mention that those are both 19 nor compunds. Estrogen blocker? You mean AI(Aromatase Inhibitor)? Many of the vets and other members are going tp blow this thread up not to be a dick but bc your lack of knowledge on AAS and lack of common sense to go read stickies are placing yourself in a position for a lot of side effects that frankly your not ready for and could be extremely dangerous. This cycle is CRAP for a first cycle. SO many red flags, age, comounds, knowledge, never mentioned BW...Do your body a favor and rethink this cycle. Now a first cycle should consist of some form of Test BUTthats it for a first cycle. You need to know how your body reacts to these compuds and if you start your first cycle off with a bunch on compunds you dont know what will happen or how to know which compound are causing you issues/side effects. Your AI for 19nor compunds is Exemstane...Also with those you may need PDE5 inhibitor, prolactin antagonizer...Im going to go out on a guess that you dont understand what those are or their function in the endocrine system..Like I mentioned before i would STRONGLY suggest you reconsider this cycle and do your body a favor, trash the idea of that cycle. Dig into the stickies and comeback with a better one that we can give you advice on. Hope this helps.
    RigPig and UnknownVirus like this.

  3. #3
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you are still a bit to young for steroids . Read this and think about it. The young and Steroids
    And when you read that read this one. Explanation of HPTA / Endocrine System & How Steroids Affect You

    Then you can make more of an informed choice. But either way you can find what you are looking for online depending on where you live. If in US use AR-R for your AI and PCT items. Here is where you find out about what they are. Ancillary Reference Guide

  5. #5
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Man, its the same thing day in & day out. 20 year olds sign up, post the same thing with the same stack cycle and get told the same thing...over and over and over again...... I take my hat of to all the Vets / Mods / Admins ect.., you guys sure are a patient bunch...

    camarssslp - read man, save everyone from adressing your question. Everything you need to know has been addressed time & time again. Letting people spoon feed you information is the reason you are here in the first place with a cycle that you arent ready for. Read the stickies, profiles of the compounds and everything else you can. You need to educate yourself.....good luck.
    DontTaseMeBro likes this.

  6. #6
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    Man, its the same thing day in & day out. 20 year olds sign up, post the same thing with the same stack cycle and get told the same thing...over and over and over again...... I take my hat of to all the Vets / Mods / Admins ect.., you guys sure are a patient bunch...

    camarssslp - read man, save everyone from adressing your question. Everything you need to know has been addressed time & time again. Letting people spoon feed you information is the reason you are here in the first place with a cycle that you arent ready for. Read the stickies, profiles of the compounds and everything else you can. You need to educate yourself.....good luck.

    I wonder about this too. When I join a new site, I spend some time reading and learning so that I am not taking advantage of the goodwill of others by asking things that are answered in obvious places. Sometimes it seems like people see the heading, sign up, and just post stuff with literally not bothering to do a thing for themselves. What's the story with that? 18 year olds today still have their parents wiping their bums at home?
    RigPig likes this.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Hey you know what they say, more is better right? I mean if one compound is good then 4 must work 4x as good.

    It's like no one ever heard of growing into things? Hell I'm going to go buy a new Honda and put 120 octane gas into it and take it to the race track. Yeah I might have burned holes in the top of my pistons and melted the valves but it was so much fun for that 15 minutes....

    OK without the sarcasm. You say you dont want to do it wrong. Your doing it wrong. Even if you were not to young do to your hpta not being developed yet and you are going to prematurely fuse your growth plates (NO you are not done growing) you would still be doing it all wrong.

    Read the links provided to you above.
    Capebuffalo likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I'm 16 y/o my hpta is already good to go. I just weaned off of breast milk. wut do u guys think of test/DECA /dbol with slin and GH cuz I wanna be like Arnold but 8x Mr Olympia instead!!

  9. #9
    SRL_HEC is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzenegger View Post
    i'm 16 y/o my hpta is already good to go. I just weaned off of breast milk. Wut do u guys think of test/deca/dbol with slin and gh cuz i wanna be like arnold but 8x mr olympia instead!!
    ^ lol

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