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  1. #1
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Var + eQ + test + HGH stack opinions/experiences

    4th cycle
    Last cycle was over 24 weeks ago.

    Professional Athlete won't say what sport.

    Age 25
    Height 5'10
    B/w 215
    Bf 10%

    Proposed cycle

    Var - 50mg a day. Gonna work up to 80mg. Thinking of adding in last 6 weeks of test and EQ.
    Test - 250mg per week for 12 weeks
    Eq - 600mg per week 12 weeks

    Considering waiting until I've been on HGH 2 months before starting cycle.

    HGH has been on for about 3 weeks now. Up to 3 iu a day, have enough for the next 6 months even up to 5iu a day.

    Arimidex and hcg and pct already on the side.

    Nolva and clomid for pct.

    Hcg during

    Arimidex during.

    Thoughts? Need to harden up and Add a little strength.

    Diet is on point. Have nutritionist doing it all for me. Just want opinions and experiences please.
    Last edited by ZaLkeN; 06-17-2014 at 08:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    a couple of questions first:

    1- is this your first cycle?
    2- what kind of hgh are you using. I hope its pharma grade (i.e. real stuff bought from a pharmacy or similar) otherwise its total crap.

    My comments:

    running GH for a couple of months pre cycle seems to be a good thing.
    regarding your cycle, drop ALL components. stick to Test E. thats all you need.

    another thing: GH at your age is an overkill. you dont need it at 25. save the $$ and wait till you are above 40.

    test E and a solid diet should get you where you want.

  3. #3
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    It's my 4th cycle as stated above. Explain why hgh isn't needed for a contact sport. I'm not bodybuilding. Also here's the thing about HGH. It's either HGH or it's not. There's no such thing as pharmacy grade HGH.
    Last edited by ZaLkeN; 06-18-2014 at 03:41 AM.

  4. #4
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Also the EQ raises by RBC a lot more than test does. Also just test especially at higher doses gives bad pumps for running. Anavar hardens and so does equipose from what I've read. Also anavar gains are much leaner than test. The test is just to bump up strength a little to add to the anavar strength.

    Also anyone contend with adding anavar last 6 weeks instead of first 6?
    Last edited by ZaLkeN; 06-18-2014 at 05:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    Hgh is not needed not because of the activity you carry out but because of age. below 40 yrs your body produces enough not to warrant an exogenous input plus with the situation of most gh on the market and the high risk of it being fake, it would be pointless to take such a risk.

    also from my experience, even for a 4th cycle, test E can be effective. its all about nutrition. adding multiple products to the mix might sound cool but not worth the risk and effort as long as i can achieve the end result with one product plus id rather invest the money into better more solid food and other supplements instead. look at it this way: most of what you buy from the black market has a high risk of being counterfeit or at best case underdosed. so the more the products the higher the risk.

    mind you this is from my perspective. im 45, live outside the US, have access to gh and test E from pharmacy in a legal this might be good for me...but in general, and from all the stuff ive tried and read, the less the components of a cycle and the more focused you are on your diet, the better the results.

    ive been on gh since may 2013. thats 13 months now. many previous cycles and all the shitty and good combos you can imagine from oral only to 4 or 5 products combined etc. on gh i have done two cycles. test E alone. and the results are fantabulous. but i respect the rules: enough time from PCT to new cycle. solid PCT and diet, serious workout...these combine to let you retain most of the gains.

  6. #6
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    They are all from a pharmacy. The point if the EQ and var is they have little side effects. I just still don't see your scientific reasoning for not doing var and eq. Is it a poor stack? It seems like the var would be great for fat loss and combined with the high RBC stuff that eq does it would be great for my sport.

  7. #7
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    I understand less is more but it's not like those are high doses.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What make is your hgh?

    eq will do nothing at all and is useless in this stack, its the most weakness compound out there with zero benefit,

    The cycle is very poor and I cant see you doing much from the var because the test dose isn't going to be doing much either,

  9. #9
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    The EQ is for hemoglobin and hematocrit increase and the var is for accelerated fat loss. I'm not trying to get huge.

  10. #10
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Also genotropin

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    You will not get much advice on the compounds as this is 98% bodybuilding forum, so raising hematocrit is considered a bad thing as endurance is not the aim. Most people actually want to lower the hematocrit and donate blood because of it.

    So all the threads asking advice for endurance sports (and most with EQ) will not get the advice they wanted. I cant help as I never actually use EQ, sorry.

  12. #12
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Roger that. I already have a doc that advises me on all this was just curios if anyone had experience with the compounds

  13. #13
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZaLkeN View Post
    Roger that. I already have a doc that advises me on all this was just curios if anyone had experience with the compounds
    Lets us know how it goes! Maybe even a thread in the members results. I would love to read about endurance gains on EQ, and you would help many others that seek same advice.

  14. #14
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZaLkeN View Post
    They are all from a pharmacy. The point if the EQ and var is they have little side effects. I just still don't see your scientific reasoning for not doing var and eq. Is it a poor stack? It seems like the var would be great for fat loss and combined with the high RBC stuff that eq does it would be great for my sport.
    hi Zalken

    as stated I'm coming from a point of view where cycling is for BBng and not endurance or any other kind of sports....hence the recommendation to stick to Test as why introduce other components when you can achieve same if not more results from Test alone and GH assuming it is real. GH with T4 will give you great fat loss especially if you are already at 10% BF, assuming your diet is spot on.

    For me and from my perspective, less is better than more. Also as I am introducing new stuff to my body i like to be able to do an impact analysis by focusing on each drugs impact first before combining.

    I shun away from most orals because of their potential hepatoxicity. I know var is deemed to be less hepatoxic than other stuff but still...

    As for Eq, I am not aware that it can be obtained from pharmacy and lately I have no trust in black market stuff in the country i live in.

    hope i was able to clarify my point of view.

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