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Thread: Winstrol

  1. #1
    twalkaflocka is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014


    I am 25 years old, 6ft, 216 pounds, roughly 15% bf and am currently on week 8 of a 15 week sustanon cycle (nolva clomid for pct). My focus of the cycle originally was to gain mass and I have gained roughly 16 pounds so far. I am now panning on cutting back down for the remainder of my cycle. I have picked up some winstrol which I plan on running for 6 weeks at 50mg per day. My question is that will I still be gaining muscle from winstrol even during a calorie deficit, the reason I'm asking is because I've read threads where people have gained muscle while cutting on winstrol. I'm also wondering how much I should be cutting my calories while on winstrol, or if I should treat it like a normal cut.

  2. #2
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Feb 2014
    You should keep bulking up... Im pretty sure that 16lbs is only 5-6lbs muscle and the rest is bloat... Are u taking an AI? Also if u go into a calorie deficient its going to be harder for u to put on not saying that it cant pull on size its just not going to be the same. I wouldn't sacrifice the potential gains u would get for a little more cut... U can cut after ur pct... Because remember u are going to have to eat as many calories on pct as if u were still on cycle so u don't waste away the muscle... So u are going to gain a little more body fat on pct..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Bulking is pretty basic. If you're taking in 3000 cals and you're burning 3000 cals, you're not going to bulk. The cutting has more to do with diet then with Winstrol . Winstrol will help but it's not a magic cutting compound. My personal philosophy is to bulk lean. In other words, eat as clean as you can while you bulk and you don't have to cut. You won't gain too much fat but have water retention due to the ester. When you PCT you'll lose the water and keep most of the muscles. That's my bulk/cut philosophy.

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