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  1. #1
    Ninja is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001

    what should I do whit this??

    I have 20 sus250 16 parabolan and now insted of anavar i have thai dbols plus some hcg clomid and novaldex

    My frind says i should do the cycle for 3mdr what do your guys think i have postet this before but now it is some what diffriend please help thanks for all the help....

    ps. it my first cycl

    my stats been training for 5years
    Last edited by Ninja; 12-10-2001 at 03:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Rukkus's Avatar
    Rukkus is offline Junior Member
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    i would run the sus at 500mg a week one on moday one on friday. i would also take the parabolan on monday wedensday and friday. stick with 35-40 mgs of d-bol a day for 4-6 weeks.

    Wait a second what are your stats?

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    How much "parabolan " do you suggest he takes Rukkus?

  4. #4
    Rukkus's Avatar
    Rukkus is offline Junior Member
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    300mg a week? why am i wrong. i have always taken it eod

  5. #5
    BigJw is offline New Member
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    Because it is your first cycle your receptors are fresh as a new born babys ass. So take it slow, keep your mgs low. There is no reason to flood your receptors full of gear, you have the rest of your life to grow. If I were you I would do this;

    8 wks
    wk 1:500 mg sust every 7 days 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 2:500 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 3:250 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 3:250 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 4:250 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 5:250 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 6:250 mg sust 30 mg d-bol E/D
    wk 7:250 mg sust
    wk 8:250 mg sust start your clomid 50 mgE/D
    15 days of 50 mg E/D works for me
    Sust stays ative for three weeks after your last shot, you probably want to stay away from novaldex until your next cycle, noveldex tends to prohibit groth because it fills the receptors up and dosen't allow the steriod molocules to get in them. As far as the hcg is concerned it is the same as the clomid, they both help kick on the natural test. You shouold get some good groth from this cycle, good luck and keep me posted.

  6. #6
    Rukkus's Avatar
    Rukkus is offline Junior Member
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    i agree with you i forgot that it was his first cycle but i still think we should see some stats b4 we make any decisions.

  7. #7
    Freakboy is offline New Member
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    Your moms bedroom
    In all honesty, its your first cycle so you can hit the sus at 500mg for 10wks and you will pack on 15+ fo show. Providing that your diet and trainning is in order.


  8. #8
    Ninja is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    yeah i will keep you postet thanks alot!

  9. #9
    Ninja is offline New Member
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    what about the parabolan ??

  10. #10
    BigJw is offline New Member
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    Don't worry about the primo save it until you are ready to lean up. It is not good for bulking only for cuttin and strength. In my opinion.

  11. #11
    Ninja is offline New Member
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    its is not primo it is parabolan 76mg

  12. #12
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Rukkus...Mike asked about the parabolan for 2 reasons. First of all it is 76mg/ml so 3 shots per week = 228mg. For novices, two shots per week is adequate because it is a strong androgenic but it also has a high anabolic effect. However, the single biggest problem with parabolan is finding it. The odds of you getting your hands on REAL parabolan are about 5%!! So's your call but it may not be the real deal so IMO stick to a basic sust/dbol stack for now.

  13. #13
    Ninja is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    yeah i know but he says its the real deal but then again ho dosen't guess i will give it a chance please let it be the real thing!! thanks bro...

  14. #14
    CYCLEON Guest
    *sigh* it is either GAC parabolan or it is Tren Acetate not Tren with the longer ester - just means that it must be injected frequently - but if its in amps - that changes things since the GAC man doesnt make them that way.

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