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  1. #1
    Wintermaul's Avatar
    Wintermaul is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2013

    Deca to combat some winny sides?


    Ive tried both deca and winny earlier and with good gains and not to hard side-effects.
    I'm going to start a new cycle this fall with low-test, deca and a kicker such as winny.
    I've also tried dbol as a kicker and that was great, but put on some waterweight and needed to up the adex some more. This time i was wondering if i should use winny as a kicker instead. Ive used it as a "finisher" earlier and got a harder look. Didnt get to hash sides but felt like my joints, specially the knee was a little dry and was making some noise when i used to squat, so im thinking better safe than sorry and want to include deca with winny this time.
    With winny combined with deca, will such side-effects as dry joints etc go away or be less of a problem?
    Anyone with experience with this combo able to chime in on something?

    I feel like winny is a bit stronger than dbol, and i can get winny cheaper than dbol atm also.
    Proposed cycle will be like:
    Test E 250mg/week
    Deca 400mg/week
    Winny 50mg/ED

  2. #2
    pottie is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Hope you've got some good liver protection for winny is harsh on liver, but yes all studies indicate that deca would make your joints smile so it would counter the winny side at that note. "Studies" only not my own experience. Perhaps some more experienced members would be of asistance ?

  3. #3
    Wintermaul's Avatar
    Wintermaul is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pottie
    Hope you've got some good liver protection for winny is harsh on liver, but yes all studies indicate that deca would make your joints smile so it would counter the winny side at that note. "Studies" only not my own experience. Perhaps some more experienced members would be of asistance ?
    thank you for responding. Ive got 1500mg NAC a day, and kicker will only be for like 4-5 weeks. Someone else have any thoughts about subject?

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