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  1. #1
    noserave is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Finished dbol ph cycle!

    So a few months back I started my first cycle, and it went awesome. I started out at about 160-165lbs and shot up to 200. I did 3 weeks of dbol (not sure of the dose just 2 capsules of pink powder a day,) then went onto 4 weeks of this ph I picked up called MassX that is supposed to convert to 2.5 mgs of superdrol in your system. I had all the sups, pct, and serm and am just about finished with the last of my pct. I felt amazing. I was working out twice a day to failure and not even getting soar! I'm now bouncing from 195-200 with about 15% bf. I want to do another cycle but my buddy at the gym moved to Portland so there goes my connect on AS. Meh told me that dbol was the good old school stuff, because I was a bit afraid of starting with a testE injectable. So I began researching into hgh and a websight that sells AS but the AS websights seem to be a load of BS. I did find a solid websight for hgh and serm/pct. I was also looking into this websight called olympiclabs that sells ph. My questions are;
    Are the Olympic labs stacks any good? I checked out their spawn stack and it's supposed to be a pretty strong ph stack that comes with everything besides a proper serm.
    Do you recommend stacking any ph/AS with hgh? I've heard good things about hgh boosting AS and greatly cutting fat.

  2. #2
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bro you are going to F***K yourself up, just stop..
    PH are horrible, one word "garbage".
    How old are you?
    Your afraid to inject test... then you have not business cycling anything because you are going to screw your test levels up..
    Plus you do know that HGH is an injectable? And the HGH is probably fake.

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