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Thread: Some advice for a cycle

  1. #1
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Some advice for a cycle

    Whats up gents! I have about 17 years of knowledge of weight lifting and about 7 years of knowledge of bodybuilding. I played college football for several years so I know a thing or two about weight lifting and diet. What I do not know much about is steroid use . I have tried some (about 4) oral only cycles in the past and I had some real good success with them all. I am trying injectable steroids for the first time and I am requesting some cycle advice. I will let you know what I have below and if someone could let me know the dosage I should take and the amount of time I should take it I would greatly appreciate it. By the way, I am 69 inches tall and I am 210 pounds with 9% BF.

    Sust 250mg 10x1ml amps
    Test enanthate /Deca 400mg (200 each) per 1ml (I have 20ml total)
    Anavar 50mg (I have 100 tabs)
    Clomid 50mg (I have 70 tabs)

    One of my good buddies gave me all of this for free so I guess I got lucky. Any help on how I should take this would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Is that a recent picture of you, Mr. T?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Is that a recent picture of you, Mr. T?
    I already know where you're going with this

  4. #4
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
    Mr. TB305 is offline New Member
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    Yes it is. Just joined this site yesterday. Is that a recent picture of you young lady?

  5. #5
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. TB305 View Post
    Yes it is. Just joined this site yesterday. Is that a recent picture of you young lady?
    Mmmmm....good luck bro

  6. #6
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Mmmmm....good luck bro
    I'm new to this, but I feel like I'm missing something here???

  7. #7
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. TB305 View Post
    Whats up gents! I have about 17 years of knowledge of weight lifting and about 7 years of knowledge of bodybuilding. I played college football for several years so I know a thing or two about weight lifting and diet. What I do not know much about is steroid use . I have tried some (about 4) oral only cycles in the past and I had some real good success with them all. I am trying injectable steroids for the first time and I am requesting some cycle advice. I will let you know what I have below and if someone could let me know the dosage I should take and the amount of time I should take it I would greatly appreciate it. By the way, I am 69 inches tall and I am 210 pounds with 9% BF.

    Sust 250mg 10x1ml amps
    Test enanthate /Deca 400mg (200 each) per 1ml (I have 20ml total)
    Anavar 50mg (I have 100 tabs)
    Clomid 50mg (I have 70 tabs)

    One of my good buddies gave me all of this for free so I guess I got lucky. Any help on how I should take this would be appreciated.
    Since this is ur first REAL cycle u want to run it like this..
    1-12 Test E 250x 2wk (Mon & Thur)
    1-12 HCG 250ui x 2wk ( Mon & Thur)
    1-12 AI .25mg Eod

    Start pct two weeks after last injection
    Clomid@ 75,50,50.50
    Novadex @ 40,20,20,2

    U don't need any of that other stuff.. No deca, anavar or sust.

    Btw if that is u in the picture u not 9% bf more like 14-15 IMO. good luck bro

  8. #8
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Definitely me my man. Only about 4 weeks ago. I have tripled my track workouts and tailored my diet since then. In that pic I was about 15 pounds heavier and don't know about BF. But now I'm 210 and 9% BF. I'm off the field now so i don't need that extra weight, just kept that to hit people with less pain to myself. I'm not looking to buy anything new. I want to use what I got mainly cause it was free. I like opinions that are backed by reasoning. So if I should not be taking this stuff, why not? If you have some good reasons why I shouldn't take what I got I'm all ears

  9. #9
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Tice's advice is solid. He called it your "real" first cycle since most orals are generally considered garbage, unhealthy, and less effective due to bioavailability issues.

    The reasoning behind it is as follows, you haven't any experience with any of those substances. Some are stronger than others so they will raise your estrogen more than others. Some are also derived from different sources so they can be very different than regular old test. Deca Durabolin for example is a 19-nor, Norandrostenedione derived.

    The point I am trying to make here is that you do not know how your body will react to these compounds. Let's say you take those compounds like you suggested in your OP, what if your estrogen levels go through the roof? Or if you get the symptoms of early gyno? Many many things can go wrong, even when using the substances as safely as possible. If you introduce just one compound at a time to your body then not only will you be able to pinpoint the pros and cons, you will also allow yourself the time and ability to learn how to use those compounds as effective as possible.

    If that isn't enough consider this, you haven't touched potent steroids before. So a few hundred milligrams of test is going to show you some good results. A good rule of thumb with steroids is to use the minimum amount that you can to still reach your goals. If staying generally healthy is a goal for you that is.
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  10. #10
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Tice's advice is solid. He called it your "real" first cycle since most orals are generally considered garbage, unhealthy, and less effective due to bioavailability issues.

    The reasoning behind it is as follows, you haven't any experience with any of those substances. Some are stronger than others so they will raise your estrogen more than others. Some are also derived from different sources so they can be very different than regular old test. Deca Durabolin for example is a 19-nor, Norandrostenedione derived.

    The point I am trying to make here is that you do not know how your body will react to these compounds. Let's say you take those compounds like you suggested in your OP, what if your estrogen levels go through the roof? Or if you get the symptoms of early gyno? Many many things can go wrong, even when using the substances as safely as possible. If you introduce just one compound at a time to your body then not only will you be able to pinpoint the pros and cons, you will also allow yourself the time and ability to learn how to use those compounds as effective as possible.

    If that isn't enough consider this, you haven't touched potent steroids before. So a few hundred milligrams of test is going to show you some good results. A good rule of thumb with steroids is to use the minimum amount that you can to still reach your goals. If staying generally healthy is a goal for you that is.
    Thanks for the well thought out answer to the suggestion the other guy gave me. I really don't want to be buying anything. I was just seeing if I could/should use the stuff I was given. I have done great things without gear all my life but I understand the boost they can provide. Would taking just one of these be good since you said less is better? Or should I just scrap it all and just keep it natural? Thanks again

  11. #11
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Well as long as you are in good health and a fairly low body fat range of roughly 15-16% or less then I see no immediate issue with starting a cycle.

    With as much lifting experience as you have and from the looks of your pics I believe you have what people on here consider a "solid base," which is just a metaphor for having strengthened and conditioned your tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

    I would just recommend a basic test cycle of 500mg/week along with an AI, HCG , Nolva for PCT and the Clomid you already have. The way you worded your supplies makes me wonder if the test and deca has been combined, I have never seen that personally. If they have indeed been mixed then I would recommend waiting until at least a second cycle, they keep well at room temp for a long time.

    This basic cycle might not seem like much when you look at some of the logs these guys post but as long as your diet is plentiful and hearty then you will gain plenty of weight from it. Austinite has posted a good article about first cycles for guys and it is definitely worth the read.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  12. #12
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    I am going to read the article as soon as I am done replying here. I have some questions though. What is HCG ? And what role does it play? Also, for the PCT, would I need to take both Nova and Clmid or would just Clmid suffice? If both, why? And the test and deca is in a 10ml vial that is unopened if that helps. I really appreciate the help with all this. By the way, I had to misspell the PCT in order to post for some weird reason

  13. #13
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Wow! Just read the article. That answered a lot of questions I had about steroids in general and how you go about putting a cycle together the safe way. I could have done without all of the diet lecture since I knew everything that was stated. But! Overall a very good read. After reading that I am going to just go ahead and stay clean and get rid of the stuff I got. Like I said earlier in a post, I am not looking to go and buy anything. I was just trying to see if I was able to take what I already have. Obviously I would need other things in order to do it the right way. No big deal though, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing the last 17 years. Maybe when I get in my 40's I will revisit this again. But for now, I'll roll the way I have been. Again I really appreciate the advice and the article. By the way, I saw your in NC, I am as well.
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  14. #14
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    I'm in Burke County if that means anything to you. I work elsewhere so I'm not too concerned about telling people on here where I live. I'm glad you decided to wait, that's never a bad decision. Your maturity shows by not jumping in head first with a know-it-all attitude a lot of people get. While you are waiting I'd visit the other stickies here so when you do start you'll have no hiccups.
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  15. #15
    Mr. TB305's Avatar
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    Solid information brother. I'm glad I got on here to get the info. I had to look Burke up to see where it's at, I've only lived in NC for 3 years now. I live near Wilmington so if your ever this way hit me up.
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