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  1. #1
    newbie777 is offline New Member
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    Another first cycle post, any input will be greatly appreciated

    Hello all I would like some input on the cycle I'm planning, this would be the first time I will run a cycle and I'm still new to the forum so if I made a mistake in the way I made the post please forgive me

    My stats:

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4" (I'm a guy, just short)
    Weight: 155 lbs
    Body fat %: Between 15 and 20 % judging from the picture as a reference chart that austinite put up on the sticky
    Years lifting: I started when I was 18 and weighed 118 lbs back then, I was on and off for a while except for the last two years where I was consistent with the gym and with the food
    Cycle experience: None
    Medical, Injuries: None that I know of, oh I get the runs when I drink too many protein shakes not sure if that counts, could be the lactose

    My goals are to gain 7 inches in height and to be able to bench 1200 lbs setting the new world record

    Haha, honestly speaking I'm not entirely sure what to expect, some of the threads I read said to expect 5 lbs of solid muscle after all the water and fat is out and if thats what I'm gonna get then that's what I'll get

    I read a few of the stickies and know that majority (if not all) the members would advise to run test enanthate 500 mg a week pinning twice a week with an a.i every other day and then use nolva and clomid as a pct two weeks after the last injection

    However, (try not to groan too loud lols) what I have on hand is 10 ml of sustanon 350, 10 ml of testosterone cypionate 300, enough arimedex for the cycle, and nolvadex for pct

    My proposed cycle is as follows:

    Weeks 1-5: 700 mg of Sustanon 350 (pinning 175 mg every other day)
    Weeks 6-10: 600 mg of Testosterone Cypionate (pinning 300 mg twice a week)
    Weeks 1-10:.25 mg of Arimedex every other day

    Other supplements I'll take are a multi vitamin, fish oils, and something for liver support

    PCT: 2 weeks after my last injection I'll start my PCT with nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    Here's my reasoning for my cycle and this is where I could use the most help

    Because the sustanon has short and long esters, the short ester test can get in my system quicker than the longer esters and therefore I would see results earlier on without using something like dbol to kick start the cycle. I'd pin every other day to have stable blood levels. By the time I start the test cyp at week six I'll already have the longer esters in my system and can continue seeing gains.

    Am I wrong in my reasoning?
    Is 700 mg of sustanon too much for a beginner?
    If so, how much sustanon 350 should I take?
    Am I using enough arimidex ?
    Is my PCT good?

    The reason I chose 700 mg, and honestly this sounds foolish to me too (which is why I'm asking for advise) is because 2 cc's of sustanon 350 is 700 mg so just because it fits nicely into a 5 week cycle I chose 700 mg. If it is however safe then that would be easier for me

    Once again thank you for taking the time to read this post, I apologize if it was too long

    - newbie

  2. #2
    newbie777 is offline New Member
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    No comments?

  3. #3
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Where is hcg or clomid.
    Why cant you just stick to one Ester of test?
    I understand you want to just start your cycle but let's play the first cycle safe no reason to get fancy.
    Your gains are going to be great if everything is in place.
    700mg is to high.
    12 weeks is good time frame for cycle.
    Can't do anything for height issue sorry.
    And you are aware of pip with sus350 ?

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    To be honest there is so much wrong with this cycle that if I covered every aspect my response would be well over 500 words. I'm going to make this as brief as possible and try to answer your questions. I don't understand why after reading the stickies you want to blaze your own trail. First 15-20% BF is a huge range, so should have your BF tested. Do yourself a favor and get another 20-30 ml of test c 300 and run a 12 week cycle at 600mg/week. You should have pre, mid, and post cycle BW. Your AI dosage is fine but might need to be adjusted when you have mid cycle labs. You should use hCG while on cycle. You need both clomid and nolva for a correct PCT.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    To be honest there is so much wrong with this cycle that if I covered every aspect my response would be well over 500 words. I'm going to make this as brief as possible and try to answer your questions. I don't understand why after reading the stickies you want to blaze your own trail. First 15-20% BF is a huge range, so should have your BF tested. Do yourself a favor and get another 20-30 ml of test c 300 and run a 12 week cycle at 600mg/week. You should have pre, mid, and post cycle BW. Your AI dosage is fine but might need to be adjusted when you have mid cycle labs. You should use hCG while on cycle. You need both clomid and nolva for a correct PCT.

    agree. I don't have the energy/time right now to go through it point by point.

    more time in the gym
    don't mix AAS mid cycle for beginners
    how's the diet

  6. #6
    Anxnymous's Avatar
    Anxnymous is offline Associate Member
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    I hate pooping on you right now, because I know you put time in writing this, but no. You've been lifting since 18-19 yo. But still 155 15-20% bf? First cycle needs to be one ester, typically a short lifed testosterone in case you have a bad reaction and it will be out of your system quick but you also need to make sure you have a good diet. You don't want to buy this stuff, pin it for 12 weeks then get no results because you weren't eating enough.

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