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Thread: Results from 1st cycle test prop only from AML (andromed labs)

  1. #1
    nate10's Avatar
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    Results from 1st cycle test prop only from AML (andromed labs)

    Hello bros!
    So im 22 5'10 175 at around 10%bf.
    Eat 6 meals a day 300g protein , around 2,500 calls to 3000 calls a day , and about 150 carbs.
    Work out mon-fri differente muslce groups everyday ( i go satrudays sometimes when i feel like i didnt hit a muscle good during the week, like a touchup)
    I had left shoulder problems since i was like 14 and was introduced to lifting first time , stoped lifing back then , then started again like year ago , shoulder still felt weird after so many years , and did therapy and had mri , xray and nothing showed up , then u noticed really bad muscle imbalance on my left side( shoulder higher then right , tilted forward , tight upper left pec made it worse , week lower trap also made it worse.
    ANYWAYS , i got really frustrated with all of this therapy and doctor not helping and working on muscle imabalance for 6 months and no changes still really bad imbalance was going on. So i didnt months and months of talking and researching forums and real people and did my first cycle like this.

    All products from AML (andromed labs)
    Test prop 125mg eod 1-8 weeks
    aromasin 12,5mg ed 1-8
    hcg 250iu 2x week 1-8

    3 days after last pin PCT
    clomid 50/50/50/50
    nolva 20/20/20/20

    noticed gains after about 2 weeks and slight strenght gain not to much like some people hiped.
    after 4 weeks i was up about 15lbs and id say 25% stronger maybe, nothing to crazy like people said it would be.
    libido was crazy i was hard 24/7 , piip was terrible for the first 2 weeks was almost cripple. then it seems ur body gets used to it.
    test flu hit me couple times after 2 weeks.
    other then like 3-4 pimples on my shoulder area no sides.
    Finished the cycle of with about 20-22 lbs put on and body fat stayed same.
    currenlty on week 1 of pct and no sides and libido is normal.

    I was expecting a little more for my first cycle , so much talk about the feeling of being on m i didnt get much of that, my shoulder seems to not hurt at all anymore witch is good . i know it was a simple first cycle and i wasnt lifting crazy heavy because of my shoulder, but i was expecting more/
    Now that im on pct i hear that AML (andromed labs) is known for under dosing and having bad orals. so i think one of the reasons is that. but i cant say its bunk because i did put on over 20lbs and had test flus ,sex crazed, had piip and had some pumps and notice shirts tighter and etc...i just feel that it was probly under dosed reason why i didnt realy get the on feeling and stuff!

    Now im planning my next cycle already to start in about 3 months and after i get some bloodwork after pct.
    First im searching for new lab since im a little hesitente to try AML again.
    I did the prop for summer , and now that winter is geting here i want a lean bulk cycle for winter.
    Like this:

    test E 1-12 weeks 500wk
    deca 1-10 weeks 300wk
    dbol kickstart 1-4 wk 40mg or 50mgs
    aromasin 1-8 wk 12,5mg ed
    hcg 250ius 2x wk 1-8 wk
    n2guard 1-8 wks
    and all vitamins and milk tistle and etc everyday , the usual.

    maybe go up calls to 3500g and carbs to 300g and keep same 300gp protein day in 6 meals.

    Alrighty guys if you have any questions about how my cycle was and stuff ask me .
    If i could get some feedback on this next cycle i would apreciate it.
    Maybe some suggestions on a new Lab since im scared to try AML again?
    Like i heard of hulkbody being good, or sciroxx or

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you get blood work?

  3. #3
    Men in Black's Avatar
    Men in Black is offline Junior Member
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    In be4 a bunch of guys saying "you'll be back in a few months asking us on how to recover" lol, Good job bro,

    Anyways about the Virgin Muscle
    How bad does it feel, Just explain please lol :s

  4. #4
    Lee_1978's Avatar
    Lee_1978 is offline Member
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    Interesting report; I'm going to be running an almost identical cycle to you.

    What exactly was the 'test flu' like? Symptoms?

    I think you could have crammed in loads more clean calories to pack on more size, but 22 lbs is almost 10 kg and that's really impressive in my book.

  5. #5
    2iron's Avatar
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    out there
    Its probably underdosed but I will know for sure around Wednesday just did mid cycle bw on sat. sust 300 3x/wk aml. Got the bw for actual test number alomg with everything else.
    Docd187123 had good thread for mid bw got option 5 should look it up

  6. #6
    Muscleduke's Avatar
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    Do your research in the labs before you buy the gear man, If you buy cheap shit you'll get cheap shit for sure! Either way decent gains...

    Hopefully you'll be able to maintain after you've finished your PCT!

  7. #7
    Cuz's Avatar
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    150 carbs? Thats nothing. Cant beleive you gained that much.

  8. #8
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2iron View Post
    Its probably underdosed but I will know for sure around Wednesday just did mid cycle bw on sat. sust 300 3x/wk aml. Got the bw for actual test number alomg with everything else.
    Docd187123 had good thread for mid bw got option 5 should look it up
    As stated early and iron knows without blood work it's a guessing game. You should make blood work a part of every cycle.

  9. #9
    nate10's Avatar
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    Derek , as i posted on there im getting bw after done with pct , still got 3 more weeks.
    and Lee1978 , test flu feels like u got a fever comin in, ur week , u feel every joint in ur body and kinda tired lazy, so u rlly gotta take some pre workout and man up and go lift, as same is for the really bad piip i got the first 2 weeks, i totally couldnt even bend my knees , i rotated with glutes and tighs , tighs kill!!! i would go to the gym on leg day barely walking stright and do 1 heavy squat and stay down for like 30 seconds then up then once more down, after that the pain and stiffnes was gone! but after about 3 weeks theres not much piip!

  10. #10
    nate10's Avatar
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    and 2iron , please keep me informed on how ur bw comes back! thanks.
    Muscleduke they aernt actualy that cheap, check them out, they just lowerd there prices on everything , but still isnt very cheap

  11. #11
    2iron's Avatar
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    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by nate10 View Post
    Derek , as i posted on there im getting bw after done with pct , still got 3 more weeks.
    and Lee1978 , test flu feels like u got a fever comin in, ur week , u feel every joint in ur body and kinda tired lazy, so u rlly gotta take some pre workout and man up and go lift, as same is for the really bad piip i got the first 2 weeks, i totally couldnt even bend my knees , i rotated with glutes and tighs , tighs kill!!! i would go to the gym on leg day barely walking stright and do 1 heavy squat and stay down for like 30 seconds then up then once more down, after that the pain and stiffnes was gone! but after about 3 weeks theres not much piip!
    Yeah the pip on the sus has not let up. Its not unbearable but more discomfort than I want to deal with again. Starts right about 24 hr mark and last about 5 days.

  12. #12
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Perfect example of not eating to grow, still gaining quite well, and crying bunk gear. Your lucky you gained what you did. Get your macro split in order to grow asap or you will be crying this for a long time.
    Sorry, just shooting it straight my friend. The fact you gained what yu did with no gain in body fat what so ever should be telling you something. Id be f-ing thrilled with 20+ pounds and zero bodyafat gain on a recomp which is exactly what you did even if you intended to bulk. You need to learn to eat properly on cycle for you- and this time you didnt.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 08-04-2014 at 08:15 AM.

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post
    In be4 a bunch of guys saying "you'll be back in a few months asking us on how to recover" lol, Good job bro,

    Anyways about the Virgin Muscle
    How bad does it feel, Just explain please lol :s
    LOL at everyone who thinks all sides are instantanious or the fact he finished the cycle with gains it means everything is g2g. We will see, only time and blood work will tell for sure.

  14. #14
    nate10's Avatar
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    jimmyinkedup thanks for the advice! I need help with the micros thing i just cant seem to get that thing right on the site it pisses me off =/ , and as far as eating for a cycle i know i messed up a little , i had that thought of im on cycle so i can eat on low calorie diet, still gain muscle and look lean this summer , but i had alot pple tell me i wasnt eating enaugh for being on cycle , LOL at me for doing 150 carbs a day =/ . Should been at least 300. Anyways can anyone maybe help me how do figure out my micros? and what site to use? thanks!!!

  15. #15
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nate10 View Post
    jimmyinkedup thanks for the advice! I need help with the micros thing i just cant seem to get that thing right on the site it pisses me off =/ , and as far as eating for a cycle i know i messed up a little , i had that thought of im on cycle so i can eat on low calorie diet, still gain muscle and look lean this summer , but i had alot pple tell me i wasnt eating enaugh for being on cycle , LOL at me for doing 150 carbs a day =/ . Should been at least 300. Anyways can anyone maybe help me how do figure out my micros? and what site to use? thanks!!!
    Time to head over to nutrition forum..

  16. #16
    nate10's Avatar
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    quick question , can i pin deca and test on same glute on mondays and thursdays on other glute? i mean like 2 different injections a little farther from the other? i dnt rlly like delt injects , thighs not so bad but i hate how you always hit something like everyother time! and i dont wana mix both , being that i always end up having bubbles then need to inject back in the vial the back out until i got a full 1cc or wtever without having anything in there.

  17. #17
    swolehead's Avatar
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    little bubbles are fine bro I forget were I read it but wen u open your syringe it comes with something like 1/8 ml of air I checked on a doctor forum they actualy use that to make sure all the medication is administered.

  18. #18
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    You can do them together in one shot.

  19. #19
    nate10's Avatar
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    Yes but , its like this, i get a 23g needle pin the test e vial and pull out 1ml (250mg) then do i pull back until the needle fills a little with air then pin the deca vial? what if a little test e goes into the deca? or vice versa? and how will i know i got the right amount of deca? because usualy i will fill fill the needle with test then i look see its there i stop or if it overdoses i push some in, how iam gonna do that with 2 mixes in 1 shot? and do i switch needles to pin test then deca? thanks and sorry for so much questions!

  20. #20
    nate10's Avatar
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    Back on this after almost 3 months since pct , finished pct with around 176-178 lbs gained a little bit fat on pct because i started eating a little more then i should.
    anyways its now about 3 months after pct and im still holding at around 172lbs not bad at all! starting next cycle soon! will be trying AML again and see what happns.
    this will be a lean bulk for winter test e +deca + dbol kickstarter.

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