Im fixing to start my 1st cycle, but ive ran into a problem. My workout partner is starting his 2nd with me and we are going to run a 10 wk. spread. The problem is he will be giving me my shots and he's leaving Texas for school at the 1st of Aug so ill still have 6-10 shots left to take on my own. I dont want to tell anyone close b/c none of them juice, and my roomates would flip, so what do you guys suggest i do to learn to give my own? Or just not worry and stick and hope it works out? And should i even think about giving it anywhere but my ass since this is my first time around?

Oh, give me some feed back on my cycle also: Im a solid 6'0'' 189pounds, 20yrs old.

wk 1-10 dekka
wk 1-10 sus
and proviron every other day during, and one a day for 10 days after.